
V2 ch167

Top of the fourth inning started with Kyle, Garret, and myself. We all got our helmets on and grabbed our bats. Brian finished his warmup and Kyle went up. 

"Bet he strikes out again." Bryce announced. 

"Shut up."

"So annoying."

"Are you jealous?"

Bryce shrugged. "What? I'm telling the truth. It's a given that the twins suck at batting. It's crazy how often Coach lets them hit even in clutch situations."

"He'll make contact." I spoke up. 

Bryce grinned and leaned on the fence next to me. "You really think so?"

I nodded. The twins aren't horrible at batting...it's better to say that they don't attach any importance to it. Especially when facing against one another. "I think if they try, they can make contact."

"But not get a hit." Bryce finished. 

James smacked him on the head with his glove. "Dude, you don't even have a hit yourself. You talk a lot for someone with a strikeout and a walk."

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