After lunch we went back to the hotel to shower, pack up and load everything in the car. Mrs. Atkins thought about some places they could stop by on the way home to show me, but in the end, they decided to save it for another weekend when we had more time. It was still a long drive home, plus there was homework to worry about.
By the time we arrived at their house, it was late afternoon. Mrs. Atkins went to the kitchen to start dinner. Mr. Atkins went to his office to return some calls for their work. The boys and I went to our rooms to put away our dirty clothes and to prepare for school tomorrow.
Noah and I did our homework together with the exception of math. He was still doing Algebra, while I had breezed through my pre-calculus. We finished in time for dinner and headed down to the kitchen to see if food was on the table.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: