
Game Three: University Preparatory H.S. (2)

Bottom of the first inning, James stepped on the mound, and we took our respective positions. James pitching style was interesting in an unusual way. He throws, what Noah calls, junk. Noah said before that he compensated his slow fastball by learning to throw a slider, curve, splitter, and a sinker. None of those stood out by itself, but he was proficient in throwing each and could switch among them to confuse the batter.

I knew the basics of what each pitch should look like from the help of the internet, but since James threw so many different types of pitches, it was hard to to tell which was actually thrown. Especially compared to someone who only had a curve and a fastball. If a pitcher only had two different types of pitches, I wouldn't even worry. If I faced someone like James, I might struggle even with such good vision and timing. I probably should look up more ways to tell the difference between the different kinds of pitches.


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