
This Kid...

Two beasts slowly took form, seemingly condensing out of what appeared to be a soft orange light that bore great resemblance to the sunlight of Sunblade Forest.

The creatures stood about 7 feet tall, and had an earthy toned light brown hide covered with thin hair.

Somewhat pig like on appearence, they possessed ears that stood almost upright like a pig, but had small amber hued horns on the top of their heads.

Set next to their mouths, were dangerous looking tusks made up of yellow, orange and gold light. Each had a tail that resembled that of a donkeys, if not for the fact that on the end of their tail they each had what seemingly appeared to be a small sun like fireball.

The people who lived nearby Sunblade Forest knew what these spirit beasts were as soon as they saw those tusks... Suntusk Boar!

Suntusk Boar were some of the most aggressive creatures to inhabit Sunblade Forest.

They had high damage output, and a high defense rating.

When born, Suntusk Boar were rumored to already out of the Starter Rank. If one were to breed them, they would make an absolute fortune.

The two guard already concious guards immediately froze in place, and so did Uncle Zeriff and his nephew.

The only person of their original party who was not scared stiff was Alto.

Dont get it wrong, he wasn't unaffected or super brave, it was more like he just stood there in a stupor of awe.

Henri noticed Alto's ferverant gaze land on her again, and she just gave him a dead inside look and shrugged her shoulders.

"Are these not good enough? I thought they were the least likely to scare the horses, I have a few aquatic deer but their too skiddish with horses nearby." Henri said as she began to make a motion to retract the spirit beasts back into their respective soul gems.

Alto wasn't about to let this happen!

He quickly moved closer not even minding the ferocious looking Suntusk Boar now not even a few meters away from himself and called out to Henri.

"Nonono... it is quite alright. They will make do enough, but what about their size? Will they fit into a horse harness?" Alto inquired toward Henri, who he was now somehow only inches in front of.

A little too close...

Marie fixed her attention on this pansy looking man who somewhat resembled a woman. He was obvoiusly paying to much attention to Henri. This did not sit well with Marie.

Marie squinted her emerald colored doe eyes, in deep contemplation on whether or not she should just gut that flower boy.

Alto had no idea that a certain someone nearby was currently contemplating if they should end his life right then and there.

Henri looked at the rather 'pretty' man who was now stood in front of her.

Should she just say that she could ask Savien cast a magic spell to create a temporary harness made up of magic particles, or would that be to impressive?

While she didnt really plan to live completely lowkey these next few years of her life, it didnt mean she wanted her and her party to be put on a pedastool and scrutinized.

She decided it wouldn't hurt to much, it wasn't that advanced a spell in the perspective of the world view.

"Savien, you go handle that please. I want to leave immediately." Henri shouted out a brisk order to Savien.

Answering Alto's question, but at the same time, ignoring the poor man.

Alto was a little disheartened by the fact that Henri didnt directly speak to him to answer his question, but it wasn't really a snub so he didnt say anything about it.

"Young Master Henri, I would like to ask you to ride in my carriage with me for the duration of our journey to Sunfall city." Alto says, in a light hearted tone of voice.

"Sure." Henri decides she wants to leave now, so there's no point standing around wasting the on being overly polite, or arguements.

"Follow me, right this way." Alto says with a happy bounce in his step as he leads A stoic faced Henro towards the middle carriage of the convoy.

It is seemingly made out of fine mahagony and intricate carvings decorate the outside of the carriage in a somewhat floral and fern motif.

Henri doesn't even wait until Alto can open the door fully before she adeptly leaps into the carriage as if the ground outside were on fire.

Alto frowns a bit at seeing this bizarre action, but then it turns into a small smile as he enters the carriage behind Henri.

He thinks maybe Henri was just too excited to see the inside of his high class carriage.

Little did Alto know, she just did not feel like waiting another minute to sit down.

She hadn't sat down on a comfy cushioned seat like that inside Alto's carriage in almost a year.

As Henri had expected, the inside of the carriage was nice, and decorated in an even more flamboyant manner, here there were no fern engravings but just tulips and petunias.

A very...fruity vibe was what Henri sensed.

Henri glanced over at the now seated Alto, wondering if he was perhaps a bent man.

It was none of her business, but Henri was still a child afterall.

Alto noticed the child across from him gazing intently at him. He doesn't know why but a small pink flush came over his face.

Henri saw this reaction come over Altos face when he noticed her staring, and she mentally noted that he was most definitely bent. And maybe something... even more peculiar , but also sinister.

Her forehead creased abit at this thought.

Alto noticed that the atmosphere turned dark all of a sudden for some reason and tried to clear the air between them abit.

"So Henri, why is your party traveling to Sunfall city?"

"Money, men, and power." Henri curtly replied.

Altos whole face froze at those words.

'Money, men, and power?' Alto thought to himself.

Does this mean this kid is bent?!?

Altos face turned a bit paler.

Henri realized that what she said may be misconstrued in some way. He might think she is a human trafficker or something.

Alto would never have come to that type of over the top conclusion about her because she didnt even look like she was a day over 12 yet. So how could she be a human trafficker?

But Henri didnt know that.

And Alto didnt know what was in her mind either, otherwise if he had and had been drinking something it would surely have been sprayed all over the confines of his posh carriage.

So she once again opened her mouth to clarify what she meant in further detail.

another chappie U w U

I think I'm getting better?

Trying hard not to jump all over the place ;^;

Hoping to get to 10k views soon. When I do get a commission for a new, and proper cover photo.

Since the one I have right now is one I threw together in on photoshop elements 08.

Ahaha, I feel old.

Anyway, comments appreciated.

We shall soon get out of the farm forest I promise.

Or will we?

Huehuehue <____< >____> <____>

Scyntheacreators' thoughts
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