
Vampire of Old

Author: L3wks
Ongoing Β· 139.2K Views
  • 8 Chs
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A vampire hundreds of years old who has been asleep for all of those years wakes up for the first time to find himself in a coffin. He climbs out and finds out that the coffin was the least of his troubles... I will try and upload 3 or 4 chapters a week possibly more possibly less! I am a highschool student so I do not have to much time so sorry if I do not upload a chaoter everyday!

Chapter 1Chapter 1: Kei Wada

What would you expect when you wake up to find yourself to be unable to breath?

Unable to see?

Unable to hear?

All you feel is hunger, unimaginable hunger, one that seems eating you alive?

Well, let me tell you. My name is Kei Wada, or so I think... I don't really remember much. All I can think of is this hunger. I need to eat, I will die if I won't, I'm sure of it. I seem to be in a coffin, possibly underground, but I am not sure of that either. I guess I will try to get out of here staying locked up in here is not helping me much with the hunger I currently feel.

I shuffle around the coffin trying to see if I am able to push it open, I am, the coffin cracks open a bit letting in a small stream of light.

"Agh!" I groan in pain. The sun shines into my eyes and I am blinded from the sudden change in brightness. I grimace in pain for a few minutes, trying to get used to the sudden brightness while trying to look through the crack in the coffin. After a few minutes my eyes finally adjust to the brightness and I open the coffin all the way.

Instantly I smell a very delicious scent and the hunger I had forgotten about for a moment returns again. I looks around myself to see that I am in a cave with rough walls and a stone floor. Seems to be upon a mountain or that is what it looks like through the small crack in the entrance, the entrance to the cave is almost entirely covered by a pile of large and smalls stones probably caused by a landslide.

I put my legs outside of the coffin and jumps onto the cold stone floor. One of my feet lands onto a sharp rock cutting a deep gash at the sole of my foot. Unable to suppress the pain I lose balance and fall onto my back grabbing my foot. I stare at the gash amazed and in fear as I see it slowly closing up in front of my eyes, within a minute the gash on my sole is fully closed and no mark or evidence of a gash ever being there is left.

I slowly put my foot down in amazement wondering how the cut could've of healed itself all on its own so quickly. Sitting there for a minute or two before I finally decide that sitting there wouldn't allow me figure it out. I get up and walk to the collapsed entrance of the cave and start moving the rocks out of the way. I first moves the small ones and then attempt one of the large ones only to find that the rock is very light and takes me no effort to lift and move. Excited by my own strengths I double my efforts and am able to get out of the cave within a short span of 5 minutes.

As I step out of the cave to get a look at where I am for the first time, I look around myself to see a island with a lot of nature a jungle like habitat and a tall tower of glass on the other side of the island.

Gasping in amazement of the island and the beauty I see all around me. The island allows me to forget the painful hunger I feel and I stand there on the peak of the mountain admiring the scenery, but nothing lasts forever the pain comes back again this time worse then before and I once again smell the delicious sent of something towards the direction of the tower and I start moving towards it the hunger doing the thinking for me.

After moving for what seemed as forever to I see a road and vehicles on it moving both in the direction of the tower and away from it. I. move closer to the road only to see all the cars swerve away from me as if they are afraid of me.

One of the drivers of the vehicles rolls down his window and screams at Kei. "Get out of the road you pervert"!

I look at him in confusion for I do not understand why I would be called a pervert for standing on the side of the road, I did not bother the driver so why would he scream at me for minding my own business. Filled with anger at the driver I chase after him only to find myself moving at speeds defying the human logic, within a few seconds I reach the car, open the door and sit beside the angry driver.

Seeing myself appear out of nowhere next to him frightens the driver making him lose control of the vehicle and swerving of the lane. The vehicle hits a tree on the side of the land making both me and the driver lurch forward in our seats hitting the glass and losing consciousness.

I slowly feels my vision going black and hear people screaming all around us, but I cannot do anything, I let my vision fade and go limp in my seat.

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