

Lilith went after Adrian, she put out all her strength and pulled him outside the back of the hall he tried to resist but he didn't have the strength because he was tried from all the crying and serving the guests.

The back was quiet and there were not many people. Lilith let go of his arms and tried to make him look at her.

" look here Adrian, I know I am wrong " said Lilith looking straight at his eyes and holding his face not to look away from her .

" I should have been there for you as I said but please let me explain, I wanted to go to the funeral with my dad this morning but he didn't let me because there was exam today, I really wanted to see you so I ran straight home after the bell rang to find my dad but he wasn't there and Mike told me where the memorial service was held and ran here as quickly as I can..... "

While Lilith was explaining Adrian finally noticed that her face was red, full of dirt and tears and her uniform was all wrinkled and dusty, she was breathing rapidly from exhaustion and there were blood on her skirts " she endured pain as she wanted to come here quickly how am I begining to become so selfish blaming her for not being here, why did I forget that there was also an important exam that she needed to complete she is also a student but she also insisted to come here forgetting how important it was to her and I was ignoring and mean to her, I am the worst" thought Adrian staring at her.

"...and you ignored m.. " Adrian suddenly hug her " I am the one who is sorry, I didn't know your situation and only thought of myself while you were thinking about me, I am selfish and I am the biggest bully.... I am sorry Lilith for hurting you .... please forgive me ".

She was shocked by the sudden hug and change but she accepted and hug him back patted and said I forgive you.

" let me look at your knee " said Adrian breaking off the hug, he kneeled down and slowly untied the handkerchief she whimper in pain " does it hurt badly " she nodded.

There was a chair so he brought it to her and made her sit. He brought first aid and water, he slowly wash the blood from the bruise and put a bandage. Lilith patted his head " don't be sad anymore, you have to be strong "

Adrian gently hold both of her hands while kneeling in one knee " I will be strong thank you for being here with me if you are here I won't be sad anymore " and hugged her tightly.

He finally accepted Lilith as his own blood sister that he wants to protect, cherish and make her happy. All of his sadness was vanished for a moment it was like he obtained a new family member and his family was same as always.

To be honest, he felt a little better but he was still saddened about losing his father, he began to hide his sadness and pain from Lilith because he didn't want to see her being hurt for him.

Exam was over and Adrian began to come to school, his personality changed he turned cold to other but always make a smile when he saw Lilith. He was trying to hide his pains from her because he didn't want her to be constantly worrying about him.

She didn't notice his change because now his class was far away from her and the only way she could see him was when he is in the library, he always goes to the library during break to catch up with his studies and she would secretly look at him. He also began to be absent most of the time at school for helping his mom who is ill and still isn't getting over the fact that her husband died, his grades were dropping down slowly.

Lilith began to worry every time he was not at school and she prayed every to make him happy again, she knows that inside he was still trying let go.

" Lilith why are we always going to the cycle shed everyday " asked Carol, Summer and Christina " I am checking if Adrian is coming to school or not " she was going to shed everyday to check if Adrian's bicycle was there or not because he ride his bicycle to school. " So you are worried about him for his grades.... and who are you spying going to the library everyday at lunch break " " well it's not spying I am looking after him and I also love to read at the library " said Lilith scratching her head " there is something suspicious around here " said Summer " so you are always constantly worrying and want to see him hmmmmm.....so you like him " " yeah I like him, his my friend " " no not that kind of like " said Christina " more like roman... "

The bell rang and the conversation was left off hanging.

At class they try to continue the conversation but was always cut off or disturb by someone so they eventually gave up and forget about it. She walked home with Carol as always, she saw a brand new naruto manga at a shop window and remembered Adrian's birthday.

His birthday was in the next week and there was only 8 days left, Lilith was planning to make a surprise birthday to cheer him up because of the exams he had very much low scores in every single subject and he was really depressed about it.

" Carol do you know how to plan a surprise birthday " asked Lilith " I know but who's it for" asked Carol curious " it's for Adrian, his birthday is next week can you help me please" " well ok I will help you ". She went home happily imagining what happy face Adrian will make.

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