
An Unexpected Change in Power (II)

Without waiting for the housekeeper to open the door for him, Liang Jian Amal pushed his way into his father's villa.

"Young Master Liang!" The older woman was startled seeing him enter so suddenly without waiting for someone.

"Is my father home at the moment?" Seeing him standing there seething with fury the housekeeper readily answered him yes before retreating.

Without knocking or anything Liang Jian Amal pushed the door in of Liang Ju-Long's study. Inside the man stood by his desk on the phone with a less-than-pleased expression. Seeing Liang Jian Amal burst in so rudely Liang Ju-Long finished his call briefly and looked at home with narrowed eyes.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your unexpected visit Jian Amal?" Liang Ju-Long placed the phone at his desk and gave him a tight smile. .

"You know why I have come, Chairman Liang, let us not waste time mincing our words. I am here because of what you have done to my grandfather, my secretary, and my wife.

"With your assistance to my mother's brothers, you helped to destroy thousands of lives, and a people's peace for something petty.

"You will stay away from my wife from now on. I have made my choice already and will not undo it. Our family has no need for the help from another family through marriage, I am far more than capable enough to make it without that.

"Cease your obsession or you will lose everything."

"You still whine like a child, it is rather unbecoming Jian Amal. You are rather naïve if you truly think we can make it without more power." Liang Ju-Long clasped his hands behind his back as he walked to the back of his chair before sitting and lacing his fingers together in front of him.

"We only rose to where we were from the alliance with the al-Hassan's. Now it is your turn, for the good of our family and it's future, you must marry someone suitable.

"This is a matter of business, as it was for me and my father. As with the recent business in the Republic of Lahat, Mamud al-Hassan made me a very generous offer."

"You are truly a despicable man is it all calculations of gain and loss to you? A life has more value than that, I wish you understood that father.." Liang Jian Amal felt a touch of disappointment looking at the cold unmoved man who sat behind the desk.

"I am not you, I will do things in my own way. I will not divorce Chang Dumont and you truly have no say on that. Not any longer.

"Also never return to the Republic of Lahat, you will never be welcomed there again, if you do you will face your crimes against all those lives.

"Goodbye chairman Liang." Liang Jian Amal turned to walk away.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"To go to my wife and mother-in-law."

"If you take one step out that door to go to her, I will ensure that she will no longer be available for you to do that."

Liang Jian Amal narrowed his eyes and walked closer to the desk.

"Did you just threaten her?"

"I do not make threats, only promises."

'I did not wish for it to go this way but..' Gritting his teeth Liang Jian Amal pulled the weapon that he had hidden under his waistband and turned off the safety.

Liang Ju-Long was first shocked before his face turned red seeing the cold metal muzzle pointed at his forehead.

"How dare you! You not only dare to put it to my face but to bring that into China! You have truly lost your mind over this woman! I should have settled the matter with her long ago, no matter as I will belatedly correct my mistake-!"

He cut off his words as Liang Jian Amal cocked back the hammer on the small pistol and it made a loud 'click' sound, silencing his father.

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