
Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Website : Qidian China

Rating : 8.7(438)

Chapters : 2700+

Status : Hiatus

Word count : 6.42 million

Author : Lucky Old Cat

author level : Lv 5

No of works : 1

Year started : 2015

Genres : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Sci-fi

Tags : Arrogant Characters, Beautiful Female Lead, Blacksmith, Clever Protagonist, Cunning Protagonist, Determined Protagonist, Dragons, Dungeons, Dwarfs, Elves, Famous Protagonist, Fantasy Creatures, Game, Ranking System, Gamers, Grinding, Guilds, Hard-Working Protagonist, Hiding True Identity, Knights, Level System, Lucky Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Mercenaries, MMORPG, Monsters, Overpowered Protagonist, Past Plays a Big Role, Poor to Rich, Previous Life Talent, Second Chance, Skill Books, Sword And Magic, Tragic Past, Virtual Reality, Wars, Weak to Strong, Wealthy Characters

Official raw link : https://book.qidian.com/info/3471716

Last edited : 21/Mar/2020


Website : Qidian International (webnovel.com)

Views : 99.2 million

Rating : 4.2(6.5k)

Chapters : 2503

Power Rank : 8(current weekly), 4(Male lead All-time), 8(All-time)

Power stones(all time) : 3.8 million

Status : Ongoing

Schedule : 21ch/week

Translator :

Editor :

Premium : Yes

Premium chapter : 130

Coins per chapter : 7-10

Total number of coins : 19120(as of now) + 999(privilege)

Popularity : Very popular

Last edited : 21/Mar/2020


Synopsis :

Starting over once more, he has entered this "living game" again in order to control his own fate.

This time, he will not be controlled by others.

Previously the Level 200 Sword King, he will rise to a higher peak in this life.

Methods to earn money! Dungeon conquering strategies! Legendary Quests! Equipment drop locations! Undiscovered battle techniques!

Even the secrets Beta Testers were unknowledgeable of, he knows of them all.

Massive wars, life advancement, entering Godhood, sword reaching to the peak; a legend of a man becoming a Sword God has begun.



Lots of poor reviews for this series, you'll notice they haven't read much of it. There's a reason for that, the story starts slower and quickly picks up.

The MC is reincarnated to just before the game God's Domain is released, after being betrayed and losing everything. He has tons of prior knowledge to back him up, and 10 years of experience playing the game. He's super strong, but I don't think OP is the right way to describe it.

The MC isn't 'Over Powered', how on earth could you have 10 years of experience playing a game, be the leader of a huge guild, and dedicate your life to learning the game and all it's secrets inside and out and not be strong? The MC is strong because of his hard work, insane effort, and countless failures. The MC gets tons of great and rare drops, but the author very clearly explains it all. The MC does hidden and unique quests, things he knows about from his 10 years of experience, and gets the crazy rewards from them. The MC kills monsters much stronger than himself, and gets the first kill, which nets him great gear. Every advantage the MC has stems from his hard work, effort, and the countless hours he spent researching the game in his past life. Nothing he gets is unearned or random.

I promise you, if you keep reading, all the points any negative review I've read have brought up will be resolved. You don't like how quiet and reserved he is at the beginning? Keep reading, that changes in a mighty way. I cannot stress enough how awesome the series is, and how much I recommend it. Keep in mind, though, that in the beginning the MC hasn't done much, and he comes from 10 years in the future, so he knows a LOT and appears super powerful, things don't always go as planned though. As the story goes on, things get further from what the MC remembers, so no need to worry about it being boring.

TLDR; I can't recommend the story enough, just keep reading if you run into things you don't like they'll clear themselves up quickly. The author has a clear and well thought out road for the story and because of that everything fits together like an intricate puzzle. The only problem I have with the series is how many hours of sleep I've lost because I couldn't stop reading!





1. MC keeps getting rare drops left and right despite the very small chance of 10000 to 1 of dropping them.

2. Zhao Yueru

3. The author has something against women. Every other chapter there will be some random girls who want to sell their bodies to the MC or some other guys so they can be carried. This is a freaking game ffs! Also literally every woman in this novel wants to warm the MC's bed.

4. Too many lucky encounters. Every single one of them could make the MC OP to be famous for 10 years.

5. Despite being way too OP, he still almost died to a lower level assassin with much much worse gears, and only managed to win due to yet another heaven defying item of his.

6. Too many random ass skills. Every single one of them is "omg I can't believe some fool is selling this super extremely rare skill!1!".

7. Zhao Yueru.

8. Everybody has no life and plays VR 24/7 including top CEOs, real assassins, etc. The game runs twice as fast as real life time, which means people with actual jobs will be severely disadvantaged due to only having their sleep time as play time (16 hours in game time compared to 48 hours a day for dedicated players) yet for some reason the top players are always some big names in real life.

9. The MC has no goal. He doesn't want to get too much attention to stay safe, yet everything he does is the opposite.

10. Heaven defying mask that is literally a cheat.

11. A sword with the ability to make a shadow clone with 50% of the original's power. Like, what? Oh and he can switch place with his clone, which means he will never be in real danger. 12. Did I mention this ridiculous character surnamed Zhao?

-Gorgeously Large Panda(NU)


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