

Next day when she went to school, she did not expect Kevin to be present, she thought he must be having some rest. Looking at him something in her chest clenched but she avoids that feeling. Now all the eyes were on her as she had recently made a great victory. Kevin had already quit from the team so she boldly went upto him and asked "How are you feeling."

"I am good."

She nodded and then said with a plain face "I told you not to quit!"

"But I am a man of my words, I lost so I had to quit."

She banged his table and said "Why don't you get it, the team needs you so you can't quit."

He stared blankly at her so she said again irritated "Alright, let me change the punishment then it would be fair enough."

He nodded then said in slow and mesmerizing voice "So what is the punishment."

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