
Third Prince Elmer Fan-fiction

Author: kohakughost
Ongoing · 102.9K Views
  • 10 Chs
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A third year high school boy lost his life due to a disease. When he opened his eyes again, he had turned into a baby. The Third Prince, whose existence was hidden, can neither talk nor laugh, and considered a failure. Add in an overprotective servant and a dragon who does things out of his own convenience. Continuing on living even with repeated misunderstandings. Heartwarming, alternate world life. ***** I really like this novel but regrettably the author has been AWOL since 2013. So I'm going to try to continue with the story from the beginning. Warning: Some parts of the story will be change or added to match my writing style. So don't kill me if the story turned weird after the remake. This is my first time writing a novel so hope u like it.

Chapter 1Death and Wishful Thinking




The sound of machines keeps beeping in the quiet room.

A young boy was seen sleeping peacefully on the bed. Black hair with pale white gaunt skin indicating the boy's long stay in the hospital. Sickness had accompanied this boy since he was a baby.

"Doctors, is there no other way to help our son?" said his mother full of hope that there will be a cure for her son but alas..

"It's a pity that boy disease is still incurable even after all this time"

"We're truly sorry but there is nothing we can do. The cure is still in the experimentation stage but his body is falling weaker as we speak."

"You should says your farewells while there is still time. We're very sorry."

"No! Not my boy. Why is this happening to our son?" His mother wailed after the doctors gave their final verdict.

"Stop it. Our son will hear you. We need to ease our son on his final journey." His father said while hugging his mother before entering the room.


In the ward.

A young boy keep silent as he hears the conversations between his parents and the doctors. He felt sad remembering the long nights where his parents kept vigil by his bedside when his disease needed him to be rushed into surgery. Or the nurses' hushed conversations as they talks about his disease and his short live when they thought he was asleep.

He was tired.

Tired of all the injections and medicines.

Tired of the sterilized environment of the hospital.

"Mom. Dad." A small voice echoes through the closed door.

"Hey son, how are you today?" His father said while secretly wiping his tear stained face.

"It's okay. I already heard it all. Truthfully I am alive today is already a miracle. I know you have already tried your best to find the cure for my disease but it just wasn't meant to be. So please just let me go okay?"

His parent started to silently cries again hearing their son's voice. Their son was always a well behaved child even as a baby. But to hear he.spoke like this was making their heart aches painfully.

The boy only had one request during his stay in the hospital. He asked that the window of room need to be kept open whenever possible. It as if the boy's aspirations was being taken along by the wind that always sways the curtain gently.

His parents didn't know that the opened window allowed him to see the playground located just beyond his room. The children loud laughter and happy playing eased his tired heart when the disease became too much to bear.

He could imagine himself in their shoes playing and laughing with friends.

His parents didn't allow him outside fearing that the slightest trigger could worsen his disease. He understand their fears but jealousy at others freedom continues growing in the deep recess of his heart. Showing this side of him will only made his parents sadder so he kept it buried.

Today the sun is shining brightly into the room as opposed to the bleak news they just received.

The world continues even as he felt his world is ending.

He wanted... no he wants to go outside.

"If... if there is another life after death, I hope I get a healthy body. I want to explore the world, seeing all the color, hearing all the sound that nature's make and taste all the flavor of the world." said the boy sleepily after some time.

His parent cried harder upon hearing their son softly spoken words.



"Beep ~~~"

Finally, the machines finally stopped beeping.

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