
Chapter 41 The Eon pokemons

At the deck,

The two are looking at the storm raging in front of them.

Elsa has her nine tails by her side while Cynthia has her Glaceon.

Elsa said, " He is monster " the ice type a loan version of ninetails sat by her leg.

Cynthia just caressing her Glaceon body and spoke out in awe," He is already this strong to affect weather of a place. "

Elsa nods while feeling even more down. " He is angry at us. Or else he will not disappear like he did just now."

Cynthia spoke out her thoughts, " If I was in his position I will be more than just angry. I would have already burst at all of you as soon as we started to discredit his efforts or his lack of reaction at that time."

Elsa also agrees with her. If she was in that situation, all of them would have been frozen and sealed in icicles.

A loud moan came which brought them out of their depressing thoughts.

One of the person hung on the pole is shaking in pain and leading, "Please, .... Please kill me... I cannot endure this pain... Any longer... Please. Show me... some mercy and end.. my life."

He pleaded to Cynthia and Elsa to end his sufferings.

If they don't know what this bastard has done, they may be merciful. But after hearing it they don't have even a shred of mercy.

To them, this method of death is too merciful for him. It isn't enough to calm the raging emotions and anger of the people whose friends and relatives suffered under him.

They ignored his cry for mercy and walked away with their Pokemon following behind her.

" Do you have any idea where he can be?" Cynthia asked her as they head for the bridge.

Elsa thought and her eyes fall on the radio tower, " I may have some idea where he might be."

Cynthia eyes sparked on hearing this. To think they have no idea where he really was and then a ray of hope came when Elsa said this.

Cynthia is a very talented pokemon trainer. Even though she is beautiful and very skilled, this unparallel strength makes it difficult for her to have many friends.

The number of people around her age who can keep up with her can barely reach two digit figure. Elsa being one and Alex being another. Both of them are her precious friends who can stay by her side without losing to her.

She has known them for only a few days yet she regards them as one of her best friends. She was very ashamed for her actions back then and has no viable reason to defend herself.

She can only hope that he can forgive her for her past actions and they can go back to being good friends again. " Where?" She asked excited.

" the radar tower. " she replied and started to finger her pokeball and released her fearow.

" Rowwwe" fearow cawed after being released from the pokeball.

" The radar tower?" she asked confused. What will Alex do near the radar?

Elsa saw the confused look on Cynthia's face and explained, " He always goes there. That's his special thinking spot. It is a deserted place which no one goes unless especially needed.

There is another reason he will be there." Elsa said with complete confidence.

" What other reason do Alex have to go there?" Cynthia asked.

Elsa explains the relationship between. Psychic powers and radar to her blonde friend Cynthia, " My mother once told me this that the radiation from the radar places can give one severe headache after prolong exposure. But it is also very useful for psychic pokemons. They can spread their powers and use wide ranged attacks with a powerful antenna." She said happily.

Cynthia caught onto what she meant and said with wide eyes, " So Alex may be using this tower to create this storm."

Elsa nods at that and continued, "No matter how powerful Alex is, he still isn't powerful enough to create a storm do big. He has psuedo king Pokemon not king level psychic pokemons.

Only they have the power to create something this big. There is a reason one king Pokemon is enough to destroy an entire city and it can do it as easily as waving it's limbs or any part of the body."

Cynthia nods. Earlier she thought Slowking can pull this level of trick with the help of it's other companions but if Alex had a trick of this level before, they may not even have to participate in the battle and he can take care of it on their own.

There must be some preparation and other special conditions required for this level of move. Otherwise with his current ability it is too far away.

And she is right. For this attack Alex has used the innate potential of Dratini as well as Gyarados to start a small storm, which is later powered by the psychic powers of Alex and finally amplified by the radar tower.

" let's get him. " Cynthia said after she rode the staraptor she released just now.

Elsa nods and flew towards the radar tower on her flying Pokemon.

Their sudden arrival on their Pokemon attracts the attention of all the none busy people and Pokemon by the radar tower.

Latios and latias weren't paying attention to their surrounding so they weren't able to find their appearance in time and were seen by Cynthia and Elsa.

When they arrived there, they are greeted with the sight of Alex and two bird like blue and red pokemons by his side.

" What is going on, Alex?" Cynthia asked in shock after seeing the two legendary pokemons in front of her.

Alex before the arrival of Cynthia and Elsa,

Alex looks at the hazy form of the two won Pokemon. As Alex looks towards them intently the two young legendary pokemons talked among themselves.

When the two eon Pokemon, Latios and Latias saw that Alex is looking at their direction intently they felt he may have noticed their presence.

Norman one can say he is just looking there and haven't noticed their opposition, but " Big brother, do you think he can see us "

" I don't think so. We are invisible. Maybe he is looking at this side." Her brother assured her.

Mew stopped guiding the psychic Pokemon group after sometime and played with Pikachu, swablu, tired dratini and horsea near Alex.

When they first arrived, Alex informed him of their arrival when he felt some eyes on himself.

The two Eon pokemons talked with each other through Psychic, so Alex cannon understand them but a veteran Psychic like Mew can easily catch the psychic waves emitting from them during thief conversation.

She can not only eavesdrop but also enter their private communication network like she did now.

" He can really see you, so it is no use to be invisible, young Latios." Mew said in their head startling them.

This surprised them and latios appeared in front of latias to protect her from any and all threats. Latias herself dunked

" you, ... you who are you?" Latios asked worried while looking around frantically for who it was. He is afraid for their safety.

" I am down here, " Mew in her eevee form waved at her and said, " I am Mew. I was there when you both were born."

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