
Chapter 32

As soon as Alex thought of making them pay the iron price, a sharpedo jumps out of the water with an intent to bite Alex to bits and pieces.

But, electabuzz has noticed his sudden arrival in front of them and sends a powerful thunderbolt at the shark Pokemon.

It groans in pain on impact and fell on the icy floor. Alex has pulled up his aura staff and stabbed through the rough skin of sharpedo, and nailed through his heart. The sharpedo does in his hands.

The group hasn't got many chances for after that more and more water and flying Pokemons living in the ocean or around the shore jumps out of the water with an intent to deal with their prey.

Electabuzz was dealing with a Lapras and a feraligatr which seem to be leading this group. Alex could feel something was making the normally calm Pokemon a bit too much agitated, so he asked electabuzz to deal with him with care and make sure leave it alive if he can.

If not then there is no need to our his life in needless violence. Of course, Alex forgets the nature of electabuzz. This objective that Alex gave him was treated as a way of challenging his limits. In this case, He decided to deal with the two powerful pseudo king pokemons and injure the Lapras enough for Alex to catch it later.

The second Psuedo king Pokemon of Alex, Slowking had jumped into the water directly to deal with his opponent, which happens to be another sharpedo.

Fortunately, they aren't dealing with a Wailord and there are only a few wailmer around or else, Alex would have to go all out. A single Wailord possessing no matter what level strength can destroy the entire cruise ship just with its size and body weight.

Snorlax was dealing with three walrein who have jumped from water into the icy floor. Among them, the biggest one was a pseudo king capable of causing mass damage.

Of course, Snorlax was uncharacteristically active and dealt with one walrein with a thunder punch and hyper beam combination early on, so there isn't any problem for Snorlax to deal with the two.

Unlike walrein who cannot move around the ice fast enough, he can roll around and dodge their attack.

Espeon, Pikachu, kirlia, Gallade and Swablu were around Alex and dealt with Pokemon which dared to attack Alex. Espeon, Gallade and kirlia also made sure that the pokemon do not sneak from beneath the ice and attack them.

They were more vigilant than their companions who are fighting the battle with a complete disparity in number.

Gyarados band poliwrath have dived into. the ocean and are wreaking havoc in the ocean. The attacks of Gyarados in the ocean and the maneuvering with the serpentine body if possessed has been very helpful in dealing with the underwater Pokemons.

Although water type attacks aren't of much use underwater the iron tail, dragon tail as well as long-range nonwater types attack like dragon rage and dragon pulse still held much power behind their strikes.

With these attacks under his belt, Gyarados acted like what its nickname implied, the Leviathan of the sea.

Poliwhirl, on the other hand, seems to be using his strong body and muscles to knock down the Pokemons underwater. His water absorb ability is a lethal threat to these pokemon.

When Blue said that the weakness he showed in the Solar town made the old coots doubt his strength. They feel he is too weak. Then he might as well use this opportunity to increase his strength drastically.

Through the mew, he told all his pokemon before the battle began to catch the Pokemons they fight. Every Pokemon of his has about three pokeballs on them, which cannot affect their battle efficiency.

He told them that if they encounter pokemon which are strong-willed and someone whom they respect, they can use it to catch them.

After the battle is over, he will try to get them to join them. He even thought of using Mew to help them calm down.

There are two reasons he wishes to catch them.

Firstly, they will increase the strength of his team drastically making everyone in the league who oppose him shut down.

Secondly, these pokemon aren't as aggressive as the ones he fought in the last Pokemon tide. It seemed like they are in some kind of control or unstable state of aggression.

After being knocked down they stay unconscious and later run away after regaining conscience.

This meant they aren't fighting hard enough to cause a problem for them. The only device known which can control the Pokemon to a certain extent is in the hands of the Shadow.

It also meant that the two has made some kind of deal which made Shadow give a weak controlling device to the Rouge organization targeting them.

It seems that only he has discovered this anomaly among the fighters.

With Mew's help, his past strength will skyrocket.

But this is a thing of the future, he still has to face off the water pokemon. After discovering this anomaly, the killing intent in Alex's strike reduced a lot.

With others,

Cynthia was using her Gabite, Glaceon, Lucario, Rosalia, Staraptor, Gastradon and Empoleon.

Her Gabite was facing against a pelliper who has recently become a pseudo king. Their battle area was close, so often the stray attacks will hit either the wild pokemon or Cynthia's pokemon.

This has been draining for her pokemon because they have never fought a long battle. Their normal battle composed of defeating their foes faster and crush them with superior strength.

But the seize battle was a long battle. In this, one has to save energy for future battle as well as deal with the opponent using the least amount of energy.

Her situation seems like she can only sustain the battle for about an hour at most before her Pokemons start dropping.

Elsa, on the other hand, was using her Alolan Ninetails, Piloswine, Weavile, Blazikan, fearow, Jynx and Medicham.

Her Alolan ninetails, Piloswine, weavile, and Jynx make full use of the ice battlefield and trap their Pokemon in ice.

They use the ice shards made from the icy floor to knock their Pokemon down.

Her blazikan, fearow and medicham moves around to deal with their opponents.

But their way of battle was too taxing on their stamina. They cannot fight for long. The situation they face was similar to Cynthia. If this battle is dragged for long they cannot stop the Pokemon from reaching the cruise ship.

Lucian and Julius themselves face a similar situation. Alex in his hindsight forgets to them that this battle will be a long and taxing one. They have to preserve their energy and drag this battle as long as possible instead of using greater force to destroy their opponent.

Except for Alex, the sailors and the captain Bark everyone is using absolute strength to destroy their opponent. This has brought great crisis for the people hiding in the cruise ship.

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