
Chapter 23

Upon seeing her, Blue inquires looking at August, " Was that Eevee with him since the test or did she appear after it?"

August isn't aware what so special about it but still replied, " yes, she hasn't left Alex side, for as long as I can remember meeting Alex. She has always tagged along Alex. "

After hearing it, Blue didn't say anything but nodded upon hearing it.

Daisy wished to rush for Alex but fearing her actions may anger the Mew, he held her back.

He looks at Daisy said, " Princess, stay here. Let me go and see how Alex's condition is. After that you can meet him all you want. "

Daisy looks at her father and nods. Then he looks at others, " You all should stay here too. I will see how his situation is. Alakazam follow me." He nods towards Green and alakazam.

When he took a couple of steps towards Alex, Eevee ears perks and she rise her head from her position on Alex's chest to look at new arrival.

She was confused who the young man in front of her was and yipped.

Then Gengar arrives from the shadow and looks at Gary.

He looks at Gary curiously why this strong human was here.

Gary saw the confusion and said,"Alex suddenly fainted so my father sent me to look at his condition. Daisy and my family joined me in this. " He points towards his family.

Gengar saw them and wanted at Daisy who waved back while the baby Gary looked at Gengar curiously.

He nods at Eevee and then floats towards Daisy and Gary to play with them.

He made funny faces to entertain the kids and this helped calm the kids down who were worried about Alex.

Gary continued forward and when he was at the bedside, he asks Eevee's (Mew) permission.

"Can I check his mental health and see if he experienced any trauma from the test?" He points to the two Alakazam by his side.

Eevee looks at the two psychic Pokemon. When their eyes locked, the two Alakazam felt a powerful presence entering their head.

Before they could do anything to stop this invasion, massive information regarding Alex's situation was transmitted.

For the two Alakazam it was like hours have passed but it was only a moment that passed.

After relaying it to the two, she jumped off Alex's chest and went towards the two young children and play with them along with Gengar.

Daisy on seeing the cute Eevee squealed and picked her up in her hands. She runs her face against get soft fur and said decisively, " I will have an Eevee as cute as you. Can I mom, can I?"

She asks her mom excited while still hugging the girl. Mew on the other hand enjoyed her embrace and her kind heart nature.

" Of course, dear. But, isn't it better to catch one yourself when you officially become a Pokemon trainer." Green said which made Daisy feel it was better.

Gengar on the other hand created different things with his shadow powers and revolved them around Gary.

He edges forward to catch them and on contact they burst into small harmless blasts which are like fireworks in the sky.

This excited him even more and trued to jump up and down in his mother's hands.

The other people who followed the Oak family looks at the smiling face on the kids and smiled happily. For the first time since Alex's fainting they can be a bit carefree.

With Gary and Alakazam,

Gary noticed that his Alakazam was a bit dazed just now, so he asked him, " is everything alright?"

Alakazam replied in his mind, " Mew sent me all the details regarding what really happened. It seems not only us but even Mew sees something in him which made her become so involved in Alex. "

Gary understood that what really happened to Alex have nothing to do with togekiss and his test, but has Mew hands. So he is even more curious, " So what really happened?"

Alakazam started explain it to him, "When Togekiss trapped their mental psych in the illusionary world to test them, Mew took control of the world forcefully and managed the world according to her idea." On hearing it, Gary eyes were widened in shock but he continued to listen as he felt things may be much bigger than this.

Alakazam saw his trainer's shock but he knows there are more shocks to come. " The original idea of Togekiss was to test Alex at the peripheral areas where although the attack frequency is more, there is hope to be safe and unharmed after the couple of early attacks.

But, Mew thrust him into.the fire stone mine owned by Magmar and Infernape. He has to fight them, live through the holes and spaces between the territory and deal with the Pokemons before they can summon their entire clan to help and exterminate him.

He managed to use a wooden staff as his weapon and survive that threat. Unlike others who have Pokemons he was alone, without any companion for over two years.

Mentally, Alex is already 15 now. His mentality has been completely stablished and now he can grow without any repurtions in the future." Alakazam gave a small story about the adventure of Alex.

" So how dangerous was this adventure?" Blue asked curiously.

" Like the one where you and Red faced an entire tribe of nidoking, nidoqueen and clefable while making sure that the kids are alright. " alakazam said with a shudder.

Blue too shuddered on hearing it.

"We originally thought after the time in the Badlands he can have another rest to deal with the psychology shadow he experienced there, but now due to Mew he is good and will be even better.

At least when he goes therein the future he won't be doing any rookie mistakes which put the lives of his pokemons in danger. " Samuel's Alakazam said who stood there patiently while running his scans through Alex mind.

Those words made Blue act sheepish.

"I wasn't that bad "

Alakazam looks over Alex's body and said, " You and Red are too much like Samuel in the past, just a bit less ruthless than him. Do don't try to act innocent especially in front of us."

Blue just looks down from the harsh talks of his father's Alakazam.

Daisy seeing her father act so down walks with Eevee still in her hand and asked, " Dad, Is Alex ok?"

She thought her father was worried because Alex's condition isn't so good.

He bent on his knees while placing his hands over her hand and said, " Alex is recovering, so he is asleep. He will wake up soon." He nods towards Alakazam.

Alakazam places his hands over Alex's head and sent a psychic wave into his head. The wave returns and Alex jerks up from his sleeping posture and his eyes widened.

He frantically looks around until he saw the familiar people who looks at him in shock.

" Hey guys." He waves his hands at the group awkwardly.

He was greeted by a small body smashing into his stomach while another baby gurgles directed at him

Alex looks down to see it was Daisy.

He pulled her in his lap and greeted, " Hello Daisy. It seems like Eevee likes you. You have been working hard I the time we haven't met each other. "

Daisy puffed her chest and said proudly though it was mostly cute. " Of course. Who do you think I am?"

Alakazam, Green and Alex gave Blue the look, which made act sheepish, for these looks said, ' you made her act so proud and arrogant. You influence her too much. '

Before they can continue to chat, a loud grumbling voice came.

Everyone there becomes vigilant but Alex next words made them amused, " It seems not eating for days can make one hungry."

Everyone started to laugh together at Alex's embarrassment.

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