
Chapter 5 Wallace vs Alex (Part 2)

Wallace and Alex sent out their pokemons at the same time.

Wallace has chosen the water and ground evolved formed of barboach, Whiscash. It is a dark blue, catfish-like Pokémon with a yellow underbelly. It has a cavernous mouth with light blue lips that have short, thin whiskers growing from the lower lips. Long, yellow barbels grow from its cheeks, and there is a yellow marking on its forehead that resembles a W. The light blue dorsal fin has a pattern of three spots arranged in a triangle, while its horizontal tail fin lacks spots. Its pectoral fins and belly fins match its main body color.

To battle it, Alex has sent his strongest poison Pokemon right after Nidorino, his choice is Tentacruel.

The arrival of the two Pokemon attracted the attention of everyone even those who are discussing something with their friends, for this meant the battle is going to be underway.

And as they have expected the battle started with the command of " water gun" from Wallace.

A powerful shot of water was sent out of whiscash mouth. It rushed towards tentacruel at a very fast speed.

Alex analysed the speed and power of the attack and thought to himself, 'this attack can even pierce through a boulder. Wallace trained his whiscash well. This is the benefits of basics. '

Then he looks at his tentacruel, 'Some of my pokemons aren't that good at basic. It seems the elemental power can be pushed back for now, and I should focus on basics. It will serve me better for the upcoming tournament.'

Tentacruel was ready to act autonomously but Alex has decided to command this battle himself, "Tentacruel, surf. "

An autonomous fight reveals more about the Pokemon as compared to when the trainers command their pokemon. Autonomous battle reveals the character of a Pokemon so it can be used to device a counter strategy. On the other hand, when they are commanded by their trainers, it hides many things about the pokemon and some specific habits can be hidden.

The reason Alex chose this site is not to tease or humiliate Wallace. He was trying to conceal as much information from being public as he can. Intelligence is a vital part of battle.

Tentacruel dropped his initial plan from dealing with the attack and sent a towering wave towards his opponent. He himself rides the wave with the hope of washing away his foe.

The waves was a few metres high and can be difficult for normal trainers to deal with.

The audience,

"Woah, such a big wave. "

" Can a Pokemon cause a tsunami in the lake. He is that strong."

" I thought tentacruel will fall after a single water gun attack, but it seems the other trainer isn't an ordinary trainer. " the spy mumbled and kept tabs of things going on.

Back to battle,

Wallace isn't agitated when his attack was washed away by the surf. His whiscash has many ways to deal with the wave in the land but in water, he can think of only one method. He countered with another command.

" Use ice beam to freeze the wave midway. " A ray of ice was emitted from whiscash mouth. The wave is started to freeze on impact.Alex isn't willing to let his opponent gain some upper hand so he ordered his own counter, "Sludge."

A string of poisonous sludge came from his mouth and hit ice beam.

Slowly it has started to push back the beam. The sludge also spreads around on impact and floats on the surface. The sludge emits something purple and it slowly flows into the water.

Alex smirks a little on seeing this and has a plan of action.

Just as the sludge was about to hit whiscash along with the impeding big waves , Wallace ordered his companion to jump in the air to Ridge from the attack. Although Wallace haven't noticed the discharge of poison into the water from sludge residue, he felt it is very dangerous and not conducive to him if Whiscash is hit.

Without hesitation, he did as directed. In the midair another instruction came.

" Spin around and use ice beam." This odd command puzzled tentacruel and looked at his trainer when his wave crashed on the previous location of whiscash.

Alex has some idea what he wished to do and ordered tentacruel to use "tentacruel use Barrier. Be vigilant about his next trick. Stay on the surface, don't dice underwater to hide. "

An invisible box surrounded tentacruel from all side. The ice beam started to freeze the area around tentacruel and some of his tentacles are also frozen. The barrier prevented Tentacruel from freezing or its body from being covered in frost.

With tentacruel frozen on spot and with no place to hide, Wallace feels the victory belongs to him. He has a confident smile on his face.

With the audience,

" It seems Alex is in a bind." Bill said with worry evident on his face.

" It is his fault not to seize the opportunity when he has the chance. He dragged the battle and always allowed Wallace with the room to counter. He was looking down on Wallace and paid the price. " Steven commented.

Steven noticed how Alex was slack and acted onto to counter against the attack. He never took the initiative to attack. This put him in his recent predicament.

He was going to continue but Elsa interrupted him, " If Alex was so easy to lose then he won't be himself. He is calm from the beginning to the end, without any emotional fluctuations. I feel he still has some tricks in his hand. " she declared that Alex is still in this match.

" How can that be? In the water, Whiscash was at disadvantage and tentacruel has the upper hand. But now that the area around them is frozen, many of his ground attack including earthquake itself can be used. There is absolutely no hope for Alex." Steven directly rejected her idea.

He turns to Cynthia and asked curious what this former strongest has in her mind, " Do you have a different opinion about this match outcome?"

Cynthia stood their quietly looking at the floating sludge. She has a gut feeling that it is very important and may affect the outcome if the battle.

Seeing that she didn't give any reply they turned to look at the Battle.

Back to the battlefield

" Now your tentacruel is trapped. How are you going to win this match now, Alex?" Wallace asked while happy at this early victory.

Alex just shook his head at his words. He gave him a pitiful look and stated, " Unless you have confirmed that there is really no way, you shouldn't make such comments. You may anger your opponent and get a severe beat down from him. Tentacruel skate around the ice, would you. " tentacruel understood his trainer's command and broke the ice with poison jab and freed himself.

Then he started to slide on the ice with his tentacles at a fast speed.

This action started him and before he can even overcome this shock tentacruel acted on Alex's command.

"Poison sting, poison him. "

Large number of poisonous needles are ejected out of tentacruel mouth and head for Whiscash.

Wallace quickly recovered from this sudden change of events and ordered, " Earthquake"

In water except for some seismic waves and ripples nothing would have happened but on land aka ice, things are different.

Under the impact of earthquake, the ice under them began to break apart. The solid ground began to shake and multiple icy shards few around.

Some pelted his body and made him lose his balance.

Since, Wallace decide to help him so much he felt it is better to end the battle without making things too awkward for Wallace.

" End this battle, tentacruel. Use Surf."

This time there is no chance for survival as a wave string enough to lift the icy floor and tear them apart onto pieces fall on the body of whiscash completely submerging them.

When the wave settled down, a fainted form of Whiscash is found.

Tentacruel is proud of his victory as he defeated his foe without using his strong poison and preserved his ace for the next round.

Next chapter