
chapter 61: Aerial battle

When the trio of Espeon, Slowking and electabuzz teleported away, the shiny pidgeot of Alex was keeping an eye at the arriving flying Pokemons especially the bug pokemon, Beedrill

This time they don't have to hold back and deal with their opponents as soon as possible while keeping himself healthy enough so he doesn't become an easy target.

When the opponent made himself visible, Pidgeot flew away from the town wall and headed for Beedrill ignoring the other Pokemons around him who may attack at him when he isn't paying attention.

The surrounding people attacked pidgeot when he arrived near them but the other Pokemons who flew along with pidgeot stopped them.

And they weren't just Alex's Pokemon like claydol, golbat and vespiqueen but others too. They were golbat, fearow, pidgeotto, pidgeot and other Pokemons who are are Pokemons from the flying columns.

They could help clear Pidgeot's path while he preserved his energy for Beedrill only. The other flying Pokemons weren't strong enough to last more than a couple hits of Beedrill and her stingers.

The fact that she was bigger than average Beedrill only increased the terror of Beedrill and most want to avoid facing that yellow and black stripped pokemon as much as possible.

This is the terror that Beedrill has created in the heart of most of the pokemons. Strong Pokemons don't want to get annoyed facing these buzzing pests while the weaker ones are scared of them and their stings.

The similar trick was used. Claydol increased the gravity effect on the opposing side which slowed their speed and made flying difficult and then the other pokemons used various ranged attacks to deal with take them down and send them plummeting to their death.

Claydol wasn't joining pidgeot in the attack against Beedrill this time. His gravity didn't affect the beedrill and would only increase number and hid body will become an easy target for her. His ability was truly effective against these weaker ones and he could deal with other stronger Pokemons in the Tide.

When the path was cleared, pidgeot sent a twister towards beedrill who easily dodged the attack but the ones behind her weren't that fast enough and met their end against the attack of a peak elite Pokemon.

Beedrill didn't care much about the other members of the tide except her own beedrill colony, being the queen of her colony.

But the forces of other Pokemons are needed to become victorious in the war. So their strength need to be preserved if only to prevent too much loss for her colony.

She began to distance herself from the bulk force and drifted away which was noticed by Pidgeot. He started to fly and follow her but his path was once again blocked.

This time, it was Vespiqueen who came to his aid. She sent hundreds of combee she had on her body who attacked the opposite side meanwhile blocked off other pokemon's passage to prevent them from interferring.

When the beedrill was far enough from the main force that her or her opponent attacks do not cause meaningless loss she came to a halt.

She was about few kilometres away from the battlefield of Nidoking and Electabuzz. Pidgeot too arrived and was prepared for the final one on one round between the two.

Vespiqueen and claydol followed behind. They were their to prevent other pokemons of the Tide to attack behind pidgeot back and to heal him if he was injured badly if the need arises.

The other flying trio of golbat, pidgeotto and butterfree were together dealing the incoming tide with the flying column.

They weren't as strong as the other trio to deal with the so many Pokemons alone and hence required each other's help yo fight.

If pidgeotto and golbat were evolved into pidgeot and Crobat respectively then they too would be at least elite level and could annihilate these pokemons easily or the battle would be much easier compared to their current scenario.

They used poison of golbat, confusion, psychic and stun spore of butterfree and cutting force and speed of pidgeotto to deal the incoming pokemons.

Their teamwork was effective as within a couple of minutes they took down more than ten Pokemons without expending much power.

This way they could last longer and prevent more Pokemons for passing through them.

Vespiqueen and claydol were now attacked by a powerful fearow, Xatu, pidgeot as well as noctowl.

These four made them work hard. The opposite side was faster than them and they could only defend themselves and couldn't dodge due to their lack of speed.

Claydol used his ground power to conjure rocks around him which served as a blocking shield against their attacks and it's broken chunks would attack them when they least expect.

Claydol had used his psychic to combat the psychic of Xatu and noctowl.

The only advantage that Claydol had in this case was that he knew ice beam. But their faster speed made them difficult to deal with.

He had to wait for the most optimistic moment to use this or else his element of surprise would fade and they would be even more vigilant later.

On the other Vespiqueen was using her colony of combee in defence mode to defend against the attack. She also used tailwind to dodge some bigger attack and save herself.

She sent poison sting, sludge bomb and air slash from time to time just to give them an illusion that she was a long range attacker and when they would come close her true ace would come into effect.

When they are close, she would use power gem to momentarily disbalance them as it wouldn't be a one hot ko against the pidgeot and fearow she faced. They couldn't move effectively after the hit.

Then she use toxic on the duo making them poisoned badly.

Alex made sure that every Pokemon of his learned both toxic and venoshock if he could so they could help his Pokemons survive better in the long run.

And Vespiqueen was among those who could learn these two moves and use them effectively too.

After that the two would be fighting a losing battle and her victory was sealed.

Not far from the six powerhouse the real powerhouse battle between peak elite Pidgeot and the Pseudo king Beedrill was going at fast speed.

The pidgeot are known for his speed but the shiny body of his made him stronger than average pidgeot at similar level. Of course a very well trained pidgeot may beat him at similar level but he too was raised properly with care and enough training.

And although the beedrill was bigger than average and aren't known for speed, the pseudo king have a much better physique after their transformation. They are much powerful in terms of body as compared to the previous stage of themselves.

So they were fast enough.

Beedrill was using her stingers to hit at Pidgeot's weak points while pidgeot used wind powered wing attack and steel wings to counter.

Their were shockwaves generated in the sky when they clashed and they were so faster that only their blur form could be seen.

They continued their physical clash because beedrill was stronger physically and most moves are close combat ones.

Meanwhile pidgeot doesn't get enough room to fight back and send long range attack and those long range attacks are stopped by her slash or twineedle or she dodges them all together.

Through their previous collisions, pidgeot cane to a conclusion that he would lose in the long run and he need to hurt beedrill bad to get himself a chance of victory.

The only moves in pidgeot arsenal which could work are sky roar, brave bird as well as giga impact.

For sky roar and moves of similar derivative he needs to enter wind force and it takes time.

While brave bird and giga impact too take time to commence and it seemed like beedrill doesn't want to give any time to prepare for the bigger moves.

So he needs to hold on till he had gotten the opportunity and deal a heavy blow on his foe.

And the opportunity that all three of them awaited for came in the form of Slowking's transformation to Pseudo king stage.

In the sky a grand battle rages. Stay tuned

To be continued…..

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