
The last obstacle

Alex and our other heroes now dashed away from the room amidst the shouts of the shadows. They were using hit and run tactics on the way.

They used Haunter and Lance's Kadabra psychic to scout the area and finding the right timing they took down the grunts there.

Till now they were able to take on a dozen grunts and if we calculate the number of pokemons Alex confiscated it would be around a hundred in number.

Till now they mostly faced poison, dark or rock type ( and steel type too though now there is no categorisation of steel, poison and fairy type). These attributes have not been classified till now.

The Pokemon they faced till now were

poison type: Muk, Arbok , Weezing, Nido family, Golbat

Ground type : Sandslash, Graveller, Rhyhorn, Donphan

Dark type: Houndoom, Mightyena, Sneasel, Crawdaunt

They mostly faced evolved form of Pokemon along the way which showed how strong these grunts were as they did not have any primary form in them. They were able to take them on with some problems as a team.

But the downside was the Pokemon were tired. the only usable pokemons not dead tired were:

in Alex team: Haunter , Charmeleon , Swinub

in Lance team : Dratini , Kadabra

in Lorelei : Lapras

Now they had only six Pokemon all together left who could battle the shadows which brought about their current predicament.

The trainers they defeated earlier had started to wake up and sounded the alarm and revealed the details about them. This made their secret attacks less and less effective over time.

Normally, Alex and Lance would have ended the life of some of them, but Lorelei stopped them and asked them to let them go so that the league could punish them. though Alex was against leaving them , In order not to create differences between themselves he let it go.

So because of the information the shadows got their battle got tougher and even though they took them down in the end some of the Pokemon were hurt and are unconscious or are so tired they could hardly launch an attack.

And because of that they now use a completely different tactic, they now no longer used Pokemon to battle their Pokemon they use the psychic powers to evade them, destroy whatever they thought was important for the shadows in the base and destroyed the lights of the base.

The darkness was a good cover for Haunter to act stealthily and for them to evade being surrounded.

Now our heroes came across the power station of the base. As they eyed the door of the station from the corner of the corridor they began discussing the next course of plan.

Alex started," That is the main Target of our plan If we take it out we could have an opportunity to escape from here. And most of their traps will probably be disabled too."

Lance though said," We should be prepared though in that place there will probably be many shadows waiting for us. After all from the way we acted they probably guessed we are trying to sabotage the base and if we destroy the station we will cause even more problems for them."

Lorelei hearing this, fingered her pokeball and said," Didn't you find it odd that we only saw those grunts and not the two elite officers that were at the base."

Alex said after some thought," one is probably at the entrance of the base and other could be at the command center. So we are pretty safe as long as we stay away from these areas.."

Lance confidently added," So what if we face them we could take them down if not then we will take them down together."

This made Lorelei smile and made her less afraid of them, but Alex next words once again sobered them up," We barely took all these Grunts down and also lost half of our combat effectiveness. if we face them we will only hurt our Pokemons more and even then our chance of victory is not much."

he continued to say,"Lance what level these grunts were at?"

He replied ," at peak of the beginner to mid intermediate at most." though confused about the question.

"Yes but what if we were to face a peak intermediate or a senior level do you think we could take them on with our weakened Pokemon?"

This clarified Lance confusion and all turned quiet. Lorelei tried to ease the situation by saying,"So we will not find the elite officers in the power station room. We should think about how to initiate the attack."

Lance bluntly siaid," Let's just storm the place."

Hearing this Lorelei harshly roared at Lance ," What are you , an idiot or what? We are trying to act as discreet as possible and if we storm it we will be surrounded by them and probably get caught."

Lance hearing this apologies to Lorelei.

While Alex said," I agree."

" What" they softly said in unison surprised by the it.

"They will know it anyway and this is our last destination before trying to escape so it doesn't matter how we do it."

hearing this they too agreed and Lance looked at Lorelei smugly.

Then they passes the empty corridor , this brought a feeling of unease in Alex but their success till now drowned this suspicion and then in front of the door, Lance released his Dratini and said,"destroy the door."

Dratini destroyed the door with a heavy slam of it's tail and the door fell with a loud rang. and with it's impact a cloud of dust fell obscuring their vision. They then released their all Pokemon and get ready for combat.

Just when their Pokemon was released, a voice rang in the room ," Finally the little rats are caught."

When they followed the voice there stood a middle aged blue haired handsome man dressed in the a black tight shirt and deep black pants. if one would notice his right ears was half cut. then coming in front of them he introduced himself, with a smile in his face" hello. I am Fang, elite officers of the shadows."

The one person they didn't want to face was in front of them. Now how will they face this last obstacle standing in front of their freedom ?

to be continued...

sorry took time to recharge the net pack.

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