
First Pokemon battle

Alex has now spent nearly a half a month in the forest and something surprising happened a week ago. The pokeegg he got from Blaine ( though he only knew him as a mystery guy) hatched. And the Pokemon which hatched was one of his favorite whose final evolution was a dual flying and fire type , A Charmander.

It was a small, bipedal, dinosaur-like Pokémon. Most of its body is colored orange, while its underbelly is a pale light-yellow color. Charmander, like its evolved forms, has a flame that constantly burns on the end of its tail. And the most interesting part was the hotness of the flame of it's tail. Although not scorching hot but still much more than the average Charmander.

After getting it he thought of how he would make it so strong that it could even dey up an entire lake with it's flame. Although it may seem exaggerated he felt exaggeration is better than mediocrity. Hell he even felt as long as an ice type could freeze a bay like Kuzan froze the sea in one piece than it still not strong enough and much to grow. Hell for fire type he considered former Captain commander of gotei 13 Yamamoto shigekuni as the bar. Since when he released bankai water in seireti evaporated to the point that even throat went dry.

After all his ambition is to combat legendary Pokemon on equal terms and solve the unsolved mysteries and unearthen new discoveries so well it is good to have such grand ambition. As Charmander ( Male) just hatched he didn't let it train but because of it's hotter flame he gave his a glass of water in inflammable cup and asked it to heat it so after practice it could control it's fire.

While on the other hand ghastly has defeated another Ekans and it's poison core upgraded again but not to the extent it did earlier. So Alex came to the conclusion that to upgrade the core he must devour core of more poisonous Pokemon so that his toxicity increase. And during this time it learned the preliminary poison bomb attack as well as initial shadow ball. As for why so called because the success rate of attack of poison bomb is 30% while of shadow ball is 60%.

So according to Alex it would take about a month to get it working. Meaning to be used regularly and effective without fail. Over time Alex noticed that Ghastly has become competent and proud because of it's easier victory over the course of time so he thought of fighting other trainers so that he could Know that world is much greater than it knows. After all if he was just a normal rookie trainer he too would have been proud but he knew about various champion trainers and danger of world as he crossed so he felt a sense of crisis in his heart and wanted to gain strength quickly but he didn't do so because for a taller building foundation is needed and for his pokemon to be stronger he felt they needed to have better control.

After an hour of trekking he met a trainer, named Max and challenged him to a battle as he had only one battle effective Pokemon ( as Charmander is just born and needed at least a month for accommodating training , that's what I think ) so the story starts here.

Max," Well since you only have one Pokemon we could have one on one Pokemon match, if it is find by you."

Alex," Ok. Then let's get started."

Max," I am from Pewter city. go Pidgeotto "

Alex," And I am from Floral city. Go Gastly"

Max," Ghastly, is it your starter?"

Alex," Yes now can we get started."

Max," ok"

What Alex didn't know was Max here had already challenged the gyms and got two 1- star gym badges only one gym badges away from beginner trainer. while intermediate are those who have more than six gym badges or at least three two star badges or one three star badges. These star badges are demarcation of different levels of pokemon battle. For 1- star badges gym leaders use low level Pokemon , for 2- star use almost intermediate level and for 3- star they have at least 4- on- 4 match or 6-on- 6 match with atleast one Pokemon of their main team Pokemons. As for the number of 3- star gyms are only 8 main gyms of Kanto has the authority to give. As for the each gym badge has a point and these points also help in direct entry to Pokemon league matches in contrast to going into preliminary. This help new trainers to not having to face senior trainer and have a chance to at least attend and enter official league matches.

Max," start with gust."

Alex ," Sneak away and harass it with curse."

just before Pidgeotto used gust Ghastly dogdes and uses curse. Pidgeotto grimacing in pain stares angrily at ghastly making it flinched as it had not fought Pokemon of higher grade.

Alex seeing Ghastly flinch smiled then told it to use poison gas. then Max asked Pidgeotto to use gust to blow it away. in the meantime ghastly got behind Pidgeotto according to Alex instructions and used poison bomb and poisoned it. Seeing Pidgeotto get a beating asked it to use " twister".

Then a big twister surrounded Ghastly and hurt it badly. At this time both the Pokemon were tired and breathed heavily and stared unblinking at each other . Both the trainer too looked at each other as they knew next move will be the last one .

" Pidgeotto use hidden power"

" Ghastly use poison bomb full power"

Pidgeotto hidden power was electric type and slammed towards Ghastly . Ghastly in the battle used poison bomb much bigger the last one and threw it to Pidgeotto. After collision dust spread and both trainer anxiously awaiting the results.

When the dust cloud settles we see Pidgeotto fainted on the ground while ghastly just inches above ground with great effort. hence it was concluded that Alex won. Both trainers were shocked. Max as he thought how he lost to a rookie trainer who had only one Pokemon and him after beating two gyms. While Alex as how he barely won and he thought,' I really looked down on people and was just as proud as ghastly earlier to think I just won due to curse . if not it would be I who had lost. it seems I had to up my training. '

Ghastly too thought the same thing as it's trainer and was thinking of increasing it's practice. Now in order to increase the trainer the league had started a system of money payment for every Victory and loss on their trainer ID to keep account of wins ,losses as well as better management of their money.

So their ID matched their data and according to their standing and result transferred funds to the Victor. As Max was higher in the order than Alex so he paid Alex much more than that of same level. If it was same level he would lose about 100 pokecoins but as he was lower so he lost 400 pokecoins.

After that Max bid him farewell. While Alex pondered over the match and said to both Ghastly who fought and Charmander who watched the match that," He was just a rookie like us but still we barely won. we should not be proud and become accustomed to the level . Remember there is always a mountain over a mountain. So Ghastly continue working on your energy control. You saw didn't you that Pidgeotto was evolved while Ghastly wasn't so to fight on equal grounds his control was essential. Also Gastly in the future we may fight many Pokemon so you should also have your own thoughts and dogdes without my command. And Charmander you are a week old so along with fire control you will start running exercise as well as claw sharpen by attacking the tree ok. Don't be disappointed but work hard so in the future you don't have to suffer."

"Ghaaa.. "

" Chaarr."

Although he did beautifully in his first match Alex due to self criticism underestimated himself and trained harder from then on as he head out of the forest.

Well this underestimation of his own helped him grow stronger . And thus the first Pokemon official battle of our hero came to an end .

To be continued....

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