
The One With More Than One II

We parted, but we promised to meet at 6.

"Good evening Young Master, how was your day," asked the driver. He was old; have worked with for the family for as long as the Young Master remembers.

"It's your birthday Young Master this weekend, do you have any special plans for your 7th birthday."

"I don't really know, I promised HIM to help HIM with his student council elections. Do you believe grade school students can have a student council now!?"

He was excited about the student council starting their work soon. He thought this will give him more opportunities to develop his craft skills.

"HE assigned me for the student council room design. I'm really excited."

The driver drove quietly while calmly enjoying his Young Master's pure expressions.

Not long after they started driving there way back home, the Young Master slept in the car. He was so tried and still had made for himself a full-day schedule. The driver did not wake him up. He slept quietly.

When they reached their distention. The driver softly spoke to wake up his Young Master.

"Young Master, We're here."

[He woke up, but still was very dizzy]

"We are home? That was fast…"

"It's because Takumi-sama had to come back home early today. He has to practice for his chess tournament. It's tomorrow I think."

"Huhh… He's back," he whispered to himself.

He wasn't happy, and had a sudden mood change. Even the driver noticed, but he did not dare questioning his Young Master. He walked slowly towards the main entrance. It was as if he was so tried to the level that he was pushing his shoes against the ground roughly.

He open the door, and went in. The driver was worried about his Young Master. He had never seen him like that before.

The house was every huge. A castles. They were a family of 5 siblings - Young Master, An older brother, a younger brother, an older sister, and his twin sister- and the parents who lived there.

It was 5:19. He still had sometime until his friends come.

The young master stopped before going upstairs. He overheard a maid speaking on the phone…

"Edward… we have no such master here. I'm so sorry but will you stop calling. If you will not I will have to call the police."

He throw his bag that he was carrying on his back on the ground and ran towards the phone. "Give me that!!"

He shouted. The maid unconsciously reacted and gave him the phone. He ran very fast that he needed to catch his breathe after that.

"It's Edward, who shall this be?"

"[whispers from the phone]"

The young master hummed with the phone caller whispers. He was so serious that his expressions were beyond his age. The maid stood shocked. She soon had to back-up and go back to work.

Once the Maid left, Takumi was coming from the other direction. They crossed each other, and she greeted him quietly. The Young Master heard her greeting him.

Takumi soon after that was facing the Young Master. He waited for him to finish his call…

"So, you're back big brother Takumi?"

"I am."

"Nice seeing you. Been a while."

"Yeah… So… How is Edward doing?… Bree…"


Volume 1 and Volume 2 run together. So the lates update isn't always right . V1 and V2 complements each other, but each highlights different points.

I'm trying my best to make somethings clear. Most of the time I'll write something then change it or keep it for a later chapter. Hope you all are enjoying the story.

Taimmhcreators' thoughts
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