
Okeyo visits Oyamo Oyamo

Oyamo Oyamo was a young man from Odindi clan in Karachuo division, Ochieng's hometown. He was twenty three this year and had started training being a warrior so that he could bring his clan and the entire tribes to greater heights. While he was known by his friends to hunt grasshoppers and birds when they went to graze the clan's cattle, he would train with his sword at dusk. He had been doing this since he was fifteen, right after the initiation ceremony.

Since he was obsessed with battle, he never hurried to get a wife for himself. He would go to the warriors' training ground, peak at what they were doing and trained almost the whole night. When he was selected to be a warrior four years ago, he had been the happiest man living. Nonetheless, he had never been into a serious battle since then. Because of that, his peers were still thinking that he was still the grasshopper haunter they knew of. He had really wanted to prove himself to the people but had never got that opportunity. That worried him a lot.

About a month and half ago, they had gone to a battle against Lang and Kalek tribes. They almost lost the battle were it not for Ochieng' who appeared with his beasts in a timely manner, he would have died. Even though they had been rescued, a trauma had been left in his heart and all he wished for was to do something for his tribe.

Shortly after coming from that battle, the tribe head visited their clan where he showed how strong he was by defeating his peers mercilessly in a wrestling match. To him, that was not enough but he believed it had left an impression of him in the tribe head' head. He knew, one day he would be recognized by the tribe head and he would hopefully do something for his beloved tribe.

Fortunately, Ochieng' appeared and due to a wish that man made, Oyamo was ordained. That had made him so strong that he could kill a man with just a punch, make a tree fall with just a jab from his finger and even destroy a rock with just a swipe of his sword. He had never been any proud of his strength. Because of this, he made his way to the forbidden land to see what it is that was feared in that land.

In that place, he met creatures of different kinds. However, with his sword in his hand, he destroyed them. After a few weeks, he had conquered quite a portion of the land and decided to make it his dwelling place. This had earned him respect from his people and he had become someone his people would rely upon. A month ago, he had been appointed as the deputy head of the tribe, what had made the people of Odindi clan really proud.

Two of their sons had done something for their tribe. Because of this, their clan had received resources beyond measure. Oyamo had been really happy with this. Still, he did not feel very satisfied. After all, after Ochieng' ended the previous battle, no one dared attack Lu tribe. There was no way he could better show his strength. Yes, the best way to prove one's manhood in their tribe was by braving through their enemies territories and washing his sword with their blood.

Today, he had been resting on a chair in his compound thinking of what he could do to make his greatest wish come true. His home had been built just in his land within the forbidden land. Not too far away, his first wife was busy cooking an antelope meat he had hunted earlier in the day. Of course he had been forced to marry before he became the deputy tribe head for that was a prerequisite to being a leader in their land. The wife he had chosen was a woman from a nearby clan, a woman he had admired for quite some time. If it weren't for his obsession, she would have been a mother of four at the moment and after her, three other wives maybe would have followed.

While they were sinking their teeth on the delicious meal his only wife had just prepared, the air around them suddenly became chaotic. The birds in the air gave horrific cries before flying away. Tree leaves were drawn into the compound without reason and not too long later, an old man appeared. He immediately drew his sword to destroy the intruder when the latter's voice rang in his ears.

"I come in peace young man, return your weapon."

"Who are you and what do you want here."

Instead of keeping the sword, Oyamo pointed it towards the old man and with reddened eyes, he asked.

"My name is Okeyo Kware. I am a wizard and I am here because our tribe is in danger and I need your help." The old man replied patiently.

"Don't expect me to believe those words of yours. Ochieng', our hero had shown his powers in this land and other tribes fear ours so much that none of them can dare do anything stupid to our people. What danger do you want to tell me that our tribe is in?" Oyamo sneered.

"I know that you can do anything to protect this land and that is why I am here. The danger our land is in is far much greater than you can imagine my child. It goes beyond conflicts between tribes. Just put down your weapon and let's have a proper talk. We do not have time, Oyamo Oyamo." Okeyo said with a knowing smile.

"You know my name?"

Oyamo put away his sword with a shocked expression. He couldn't believe that the stranger would know his name.

"To a wizard, almost everything is possible." Okeyo smiled.

"Okay... Have a seat."

Oyamo knew that if the man meant to harm him, he could have done so considering that he was a wizard. He therefore decided to welcome the old man and know what brought him there. Nonetheless, he did not put his guard down. Who knew what could happen if he did.

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