

Editor: AL_Squad

The Dragon's words shocked Marvin.

Perkataan Naga mengejutkan Marvin.

He couldn't help but ask, "Where are we? What is the meaning of your question?"

Ia tidak bisa tidak bertanya, "Dimana kita? Apa arti dari pertanyaanmu?"

The Dragon glanced at Marvin and told him with a strange expression, "What's that nonsense? We're in the depths of the Astral Plane."

Naga melirik Marvin dan memberitahunya dengan ekspresi aneh, "Omong kosong apa itu? Kita berada di kedalaman Dataran Astral."

Marvin remained silent.

Marvin tetap terdiam.

Of course he knew that they were in the depths of the Astral Plane.

Tentu saja ia tahu bahwa mereka berada di kedalaman Dataran Astral.

Dark Phoenix used the Astral Plane Seal to send him here. His body still had a faint connection to her.

Phoenix Gelap menggunakan Segel Dataran Astral untuk mengirimnya kesini. Tubuhnya masih memiliki koneksi samar terhadapnya.

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