

In all his years Marcus had never been in this position. A beautiful, strange girl was hanging upside down from a tree, assaulting his lips. It was a rather gentle assault. Cally licked and gently sucked his lower lip then she would move to his upper lip licking it with gentle little strokes before giving it another suck. She then nibbled along his mouth. As she was about to finish her kisses, Marcus raised both hands to grasp her arms. Holding her arms in a tight embrace her pulled her closer and forcefully plunged his tongue into her mouth.

Cally stiffened immediately and opened her eyes. Staring at that bold face she instantly surrendered to the plunging of his tongue into her mouth. 'Wow he tastes so good was the first thought flitting through her mind. Other thoughts included "damn he's good" "he doesn't need to ever stop". But stop he did after sucking rather forcefully on her lips. "Cally." "mm?" Cally." "mm hmm?" "Cally!" Dazed She opened her eyes, "Yes? my Darling?" Marcus shook his head in amusement at the girl he was holding by her upper arms. "Cally you let go of the tree limb. You're going to fall."

"Ah! well it's your fault! Launching a sneak attack on such an innocent little girl! Of course I lost my sense of being." She firmly believed that when in the wrong to attack. It throws people off. Marcus was not distracted by her comments. "Cally how do you plan to get out of this situation?" *sigh* 'Thinking on him being a party pooper,' "On the count of 3 let go. Ready? 1-2-3!" Marcus released her and she instantaneously flipped backwards. She landed on her feet facing away from Marcus. It was a neat feat to not bash him in the head as she flipped over. Adjusting her clothes, she smiled at him over her shoulder. "Are you coming along with me?" "And where are we going?"

"To see some old friends. I want to talk to. I need to talk to them about Olen and stuff.." Marcus thought of his conversation with Sarah and asked, "The native American tribe you changed into wolves?" Cally had started walking away and stopped dead. "Where in the world did you get that idea! I have never ever changed peoples! The very idea!" Stomping away at a quick pace Cally was ticked and muttering. 'Bunch of fibbers, making crap up when they don't know the whole truth and nothing but the truth, baboons think oh well I am better than you because the Wotan made me, sorry aggravating twits.'

Catching up to the fuming Wotan; Marcus smiled at all the mutterings. It was a slight lifting of the lips but those who knew him would be shocked at his expression. Indeed he had smiled today more than he had in the past year. "Sarah told me that in exchange for all this land you changed a tribe that was becoming extinct. Is this not true and are we not going to visit them?" "NO!" Cally looked at Marcus who was easily keeping pace with her hurried pace and slowed down. "No. Back before this was a state I found a group of 𝘠𝘒𝘯𝘒. This is their land. I just pay the taxes." Cally looked ahead and then glanced to the side at Marcus, the Europeans were coming with their diseases and land grabbing. The 𝘠𝘒𝘯𝘒 were too few and too weak. I had seen it on the East coast; whole tribal nations wiped out. I liked the area. I liked the people. I made a deal."

She fell silent, being forced to remember a previous life. After a few minutes Marcus asked, "So which parts of the story are true? I have met several of the 𝘠𝘒𝘯𝘒 members." "We're almost there. Ask their elder. He can explain it. I don't want to think about it." And with that Callyy fell silent. It was obvious she wasn't saying anything more so Marcus walked quietly beside her. Nearly 2 miles from the Clan Home compound they entered a large clearing. It appeared to be a cul de sac with wooden houses sitting just under the trees around the edge. In the center was a bonfire pit with stone benches already occupied by a group of men.

"Greetings to the 𝘠𝘒𝘯𝘒! I am returned." Cally smiled in greeting stepping forward to greet each man there as old friends. Marcus was very surprised that the 𝘠𝘒𝘯𝘒 immediately recognised Cally as the Wotan and accepted her as an old friend. She didn't say anything to lead them to the conclusion that she was the Wotan; they simply knew. "You have met Marcus, I assume?" The 5 𝘠𝘒𝘯𝘒 nodded, "Of course, Olen introduced us." "We know of Olen. We offer our deepest sympathies." Cally only nodded, She then started the discussion of Olen's arrangements. "He gets his Viking funeral then. Good Good. it is what he wanted. We of course helped him build his ship."

"Thank you for that. At this time is there anything you need and want of the businesses?" Cally was referring of course to Wotan International. "Yes, indeed," said the tribal Elder. "Collin has graduated from Stanford and should like to go to work for the family company." "Of course, this is expected. And congratulations to you! I know how proud you are of him. Olen had sent me the information regarding where we will be starting Collin. When he is ready send him to Clan Home to find me."

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