

About three weeks ago, Night had set out from the meeting of the three cities with a few tasks assigned to him by the three demon Gods. Night didn't mind his newly assigned mission since the tasks didn't really involve many restrictions...and he was really in the mood to kill some people.

Basically, the Gods requested that Night infiltrate Nazca City to find out as much information as he could...about the attack on the City of Southern Wind....about the strengths of the Diego Family Gods....and about the city in general. The three demon Gods also gave Night the okay to cause a little trouble along the way.

After spending a few hours thinking over potential methods for his infiltration into Nazca City, Night had decided to immediately leave from the meeting. Although he started his travel toward Nazca City right away, no one but the Counts and Countess knew what he was going to do. They wanted to keep everything a secret for the off chance that a spy had somehow made it to the meeting.

Both Count Renault and Count Agrat had even gifted Night maps of their territories and tokens to ensure safe passage near their cities....so he had minimal concerns when moving through the desert. Not like he would have been super concerned to begin with.....his current strength was formidable enough that he only really had to worry about Gods and some Peak Level Demigods.

Although Night was headed toward Nazca City, he wasn't planning on making it his first and only stop. The three demon leaders had given him 6 months to complete his mission. With that much time and the quick traveling abilities of the Khepri, Night felt that he didn't have to rush straight to the city.

Night had spent his first couple of days of travel debating an plan of attack with himself before he settled on a plan. Night felt like his plan was genius. Keeping everything simple, he would pretend to be someone else to get inside of Nazca City. However, he needed to be somewhat believable if he tried to pull this maneuver off....he needed a great cover identity.

He also needed some funds for his plans....so he was going to cause some trouble in a mid-sized Oasis first... then use those resources as a spring board into Nazca City. After reviewing the maps and recalling some information on a few of the Diego Family's oases, Night had selected a good target to hit before moving forward with his plans.

Piedra Oasis was a mining intensive oasis that had reportedly had a high level of wealth....and one of the largest slave populations in the region. This situation allowed for Night to enact a plan that he had though up on his lonely travels.

Since he had success starting a slave rebellion in Manco Oasis, then he thought that he could cause a good revolt along the way to Nazca City. Piedra Oasis was a perfect target in his mind. They had a large amount of resources and a ridiculous amount of slaves. If Night could mobilize those slaves, then he would be able to basically have a small army himself.

'What is the best way to infiltrate this oasis?,' Night thought to himself.

Day after day, Night neared the Piedra Oasis on his Khepri mount. When he was only about a day away, he decided to use the most direct approach and ambush a group returning to the oasis and play the lone survivor scenario. After his experience of facing the Gods with his Presence Concept hiding his appearance, Night had no concerns about faking someone else's appearance. The only issue was that he didn't know how long he would have to wait for someone to leave or arrive at the town.

However, Night felt like someone was looking out for him when he noticed a group approaching the oasis only after an hour of waiting.

The group consisted of a dozen guards and a covered carrier strapped to the back of an alloc.

'Must be someone important,' Night thought to himself as he reached out with his perception to judge the strength of those in the party.

'Great, they are all just a bunch of peak Foundation Stage guys,' Night thought as he finished inspecting the group. There was also one lazy looking fellow in the luxurious carrier on top of the beast.

Night focused his perception on the guards then spoke to the group of women inside of his soul.

"Sisters, kill all these men....except that one sitting high up on the beast," Night said through the mental connection. He could feel the three Keres' soul forms move out within the range of his perception and attack the group. Since the Keres were growing considerably stronger, they were able to destroy the group of soldiers very quickly. If a normal person had seen the attack, they would have thought that the entire group of 12 soldiers collapsed dead instantly.

'Good work,' Night said as he began to focus all his intent on the unaware man on the back of the now paused alloc.

"What is the hold up?," a voice shouted from the carriage, "I need to see my brothers immediately. If you take too long, I will have you whipped when we arrive."

Night instantly had a dislike for the man the second that he opened his mouth. With a quick movement, he jumped and kicked the man from he seated position in the tent that was on the back of the alloc.

The man went flying out into the sand and landed with a thud.

"What the hell? Do you know who I am?," the chubby young man screamed as he dug himself out of the sand. Before he even knew what had hit him, Night was landing a blow on his head knocking him unconscious.

"Interrogate this one and find out everything about him," Night told the Keres mentally. He then went around to loot the corpses of the fallen guards. Although his plans for getting into Nazca City had numerous components, Night had selected Piedra Oasis for one main reason. He needed money for his plans and Piedra Oasis was one of the richest in the area.

"Night, you hit the jackpot with this guy," Misery said through their mental connection, "He is Pedro Piedra....the spoiled younger brother of the two demigods that run this oasis. But I do have some bad news....this oasis usually has around six demigods guarding it.....with two of them being level 5 and one at the peak level. This branch family could probably give any of the demon's Baron Clans a run for their money.....they are really rich and can afford the best protections money can buy."

Night was a bit surprised by the fighting power of the oasis, but it wasn't to a level that he couldn't handle. Actually, he was a bit excited about the possibility of killing some of the Diego Family's men.

"Alright, nothing to be concerned about.....but now I need your help," Night responded as blood started to seep from his eye and hand. After a few seconds, Misery, Grief and Distress were standing in front of him in the dunes.

"Go pick a random guard and assume their forms," Night instructed, "I'll will be playing the younger brother while you will be my new personal guards."

Night's appearance started to shift immediately. His facial features changed and his body gained a bit of weight. After a few minutes, he had completely copied the Pedro Piedra's appearance.

He looked over and saw three guards walking in his direction.

"Why don't you make yourselves look a little beat up?," Night said jokingly, "You did just fight off a group of bandits after all."

Shifting her appearance to look slightly injured, Distress said as she pointed at the still unconscious fat man, "What are you going to do with that one?"

"You can kill him. You three also need to dispose of the bodies.....or at least make it look like a slaughter," Night responded before he thought of something else and let out a grin.

After a few minutes, four bedraggled looking travelers made their way toward the oasis. The remainder of the trip only took about thirty minutes, so it wasn't long before the three guards and a spoiled rich man arrived at one of the oasis gates.

"Quick, let me in," a voice sounded from the carriage atop the alloc, "I need to see my brothers. I have urgent news."

Night really didn't care for pretending to be such a prick. He had absolutely despised the man when he learned the details about his life from the Keres. His daily life was full of the exploitation and abuse of other people. To pretend to be someone he disliked....was not fun. However, as he glanced over at his three guards, he realized that he wasn't having the worse of it. The three Keres were disguised as a bunch of beat up male guards.

After a minute of waiting, a similar sounding voice echoed over the wall near the gate.

"Brother," the voice said, "What took you so long? What is so urgent to call us directly to the gate?"

"Gerah, someone tried to fucking kill me," the younger man responded, "I lost most of my guards, but I was able to escape. You need to send some people out to go investigate. If they attacked your brother then they must have no respect for you."

"Fucking bandits," a short skinny man said as he plummeted from the top of the wall and into the sand in front of the gate, "Are you alright?"

"No, I am extremely exhausted from the whole ordeal," Night said being overly dramatic in his movements to mimic the man he was supposed to be.

"Alright, get inside and get rested. Tomorrow, we can discuss our plans for the future expansion of this oasis," the older man said as he gestured for the gates to be opened.

"Can you have someone send a carriage?," Night said, "I am so tired that I do not want to walk."

"Sure," the man said looking at his brother, "What about your guards?"

"They were the best of the group in battle....and managed to protect my life," Night said, "It is hard to find good help these days so I would like to make them my own personal guards. What do you think?"

"That works well," Gerah said, "I will have their stuff sent over to your place from the barracks."

"Thanks brother...," Night said seeming to get secretive all of a sudden as he signaled his brother to walk over.

"Brother," Night's imitation of Pedro Piedra said in a whisper as he waived the guards to back away.

Seeing his brother hinting at a secret, the older brother walked over near Pedro and whispered, "What is it?"

"I think I was attacked because I found a map to an oasis filled with treasure. Some people had seen me buy the map from an old man when I was in Nazca City....and they had been following me around Nazca City. I think they planned the ambush me to get the map...get older brother and we can discuss how we can get our hands on the riches...but don't let anyone else know or they might want to take our treasure," Night whispered back tying to pretend to have unveiled a hidden plot and a treasure.

The older brother just looked at his younger brother for a second, then smiled and said loud enough for everyone to hear, "Brother, why don't you come over for breakfast tomorrow morning? I haven't seen you in so long it would be great to catch up. I'll even invite older brother over to visit."

"Great," the fake Pedro said, "I'll see you in the morning then."

After saying goodbye, the older brother turned and left in a hurry. It seemed like he wanted to go make some special arrangements.

After a few minutes, a carriage arrived and took Night and the Keres to a really nice mansion near the center of the oasis. Night and the guards were welcomed in by a few servants.

"Welcome home, Master Pedro," one of the slaves said as he entered the home.

"I have just been through one hell of an ordeal. I am going to rest. Make sure my bed is prepared properly before I get there. And also make sure these guards are setup in rooms. They are my personal guards and very trustworthy.....so I would like them housed to be close to my room.....in case some sort of emergency happens," the young master said.

"Yes, master. I will make arrangements for them," the butler slave said, "Your room should be ready now. I sent others to make arrangements for you as soon as I knew you were arriving. Harley, please escort master's guards to their rooms."

A nice looking slave woman appeared at Night's side and lead the guards out of the foyer and up the stairs. The slave butler picked up Night's luggage and walked in front of Night leading him to Pedro's room.

Although Night was separated from the Keres, he maintained constant contact through his mental link. However, their cover was almost blown when Night walked into Pedro's bedroom.

All three women could feel Night's intense burst of anger when he entered his room.

"Night, are you okay? Is something happening?," Grief asked out of concern.

"No, I am fine. The bedroom has two women chained up in the corner. They appear to be sex slaves of some sort. This guy really was a worthless sack of shit," Night said.

"Are you three settled in, yet?," Night asked through the mental connection.

"Getting there. They sent someone to tend to our wounds and have given us rooms near yours," Misery said.

"Great, I will send someone to fetch you three in a few minutes," Night said.

After a few minutes of inspecting the room, Night went to the door of the room and opened it. Almost immediately the slave butler appeared in the hall.

"Is there something I can help with Master?," the man said.

"Yes, I would like to have a little celebration tonight.....with my toys...why don't you send over the three guys that saved my life to hang out in my room for a bit...and bring us some good booze too," Night said in a lewd manner.

Night could see a flash of hate across the man's face, but it quickly disappeared.

'Good. Good. I was starting to get a bit worried when this guy was treating me so nicely. It's great to know that he would kill his master in a heartbeat if given the right chance,' Night thought as he closed the door and went to lay on the bed.

After about 10 minutes, three guards walked into the room with the slave butler. The slave butler was carrying four large containers of what smelled like wine.

"Is there anything else you need master?," the man asked as he sat the containers down on the table.

"No, please leave us," Night responded as he walked toward the two chained up women that were now horrified that four men were in the room with them.

The butler closed the door with a scowl on his face as Night reached for the women. Both women were looking at him in terror. From what Night could tell, both women must have been new to this twisted master's bedroom. Reaching out a hand quickly, he touched the top of one woman's head and she collapsed in a heap to the ground. The second woman panicked trying to free herself. However, she couldn't resist Night as he tapped her head and she also passed out. Both women were now locked in peaceful dreams.

Night turned to look at the three women that had just finished shifting their appearance back to normal.

"Are you three ready to start?," Night said, "I am really in the mood to kill some people."

Sorry everyone. I had some computer issues and lost a few chapters..... I am now having to rewrite them. Felt defeated after a loss and had to take a break. Lesson learned and now a backup is kept.

Oddly, I still have a few completed chapters at the end of this volume, so I will try to make it up to everyone once I get caught back up with these missing chapters. For the next week or so, releases will be inconsistent as I get back on track.

Thanks for reading.

BrokeButtoncreators' thoughts
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