
Chapter 21 - Kidnapped!

Chapter 21 - Kidnapped!

A few hours later they were awakened by the ANBU. Rabbit entered his bedroom then waited for Minato to wake up. They never entered his house without reason nor did they wake him up unless the situation was bad. They only violated his privacy when they had to. Something's wrong. Minato sat up, awakening his wife. "What's happened?"

Rabbit nodded then told him, "A short time ago Dao Kazami was caught infiltrating the Hyuga compound."

Minato's anger rose. I knew it. They were after the Hyuga after all. "Is he in custody?" Rabbit hesitated. "Well?" Minato's patience was wearing thin. He could see his shame from under his mask. No, they let him get away.

Rabbit looked down. Finally, he admitted, "No, Lord Hokage." For one long moment no one spoke.

Finally, Minato broke the silence. "Where is he right now?"

"He and his associates are outside the village heading north east."

Minato got out of bed. "In other words, heading home."

"Yes. They are currently being pursued by Rat, Bear, hawk and" he paused for a second then added, "dog, sir."

Minato's eyes opened wide. His heart pounded. "Dog?" Behind him Kushina had bolted upright. Kakashi. "Where's Naruto?" Rabbit didn't answer. "WHERE IS HE?"

Rabbit swallowed hard. His voice shook as he said, "He was captured by Kazami, sir." Rabbit feared his Lord's reaction. It was no secret how protective Minato was over his young son. It was clear how precious the boy was to him. No one wanted to tell Lord Hokage that they had allowed his son to be taken by the enemy. Someone had to do it and Rabbit had drawn the short straw. All he could do now was wait and hope his Lord didn't kill him.

It didn't help that Minato's rage and fear was boiling over. Memories of the events surrounding his birth flashed in Minato's mind. He nearly lost him once he was not going to do that again. Minato dashed over the closet with Kushina was fast on his heels. They suited up for war. Minato made sure that he wore his coat. He wanted Kazami and his men to understand what it meant to go after a Hokage's family. He wanted them to know who's family they were messing with.

As soon as they were both dressed, Minato ordered the ANBU, "Put the village on alert. No one enters or leaves the village until further notice." His words were cold but laced with anger. Rabbit had no intention of staying any longer. To do so risked the wrath of his master. Something few were stupid enough to evoke. So, he disappeared quickly. He was not about to disobey his master anytime soon.

Minato wrapped an arm around his wife. He sought out the marker that he had left on the boy. Once he found it they disappeared in a flash.

They reappeared mere feet away from Naruto and his captors. His captors stopped in their tracks once they saw the pair. For one long moment no one moved. Kazami met the Hokage's cold stare with one of his own. The others started to melt under the glare. They knew exactly who they were facing, The Yellow Flash and Red-Hot Habanero. Both of them were terrifying in their own right, but together they were petrifying. It didn't help that they were both beyond angry. Their intent was clear. They wanted to kill them!

The third ninja nearly buckled under the strain. His body inched away, ready for flight. His other companion was right along with him. The only one who appeared unaffected was Kazami. He looked at his leader, Just drop him and let's go! He begged silently.

He looked at the duo before them. Their killing intent rose along with that woman's infernal hair. He remembered the old standing orders that told them to run if they ever saw The Yellow Flash in battle. He remembered the rumors about the Flash's crazy jinchuuriki wife. They were not a pair to mess with. Yet this is exactly what they had done. We're so dead . . .

Upon seeing his son tied up and unconscious Minato lost it. Naruto! His heart pounded in his ears. For one cruel second Minato feared the worst. But Naruto was alive and that gave him strength. I have to focus. I have get him away from them. Naruto needs me. He could feel his wife's anger beside him. It rose as she stared at the men. Minato didn't need to look at her to know how she felt. Their baby was in danger and they had to protect him. The rest was unimportant.

Minato moved first. He threw out his kunai then disappeared while it was in motion. Kushina sprung into action next. She attacked Kazami head on, going directly for Naruto. She wanted her baby back. Kazami was barely able to escape before coming into contact with one of Minato's Kunai. His strike was quick and merciless with it only just missing a vital spot. The Father part of him wanted to kill this man while the Hokage part knew he couldn't. He needed him alive. That didn't mean he couldn't make sure that it hurt.

Kazami started to crumble as Kushina grabbed Naruto. It was over now, the men knew it. There was no need to hold back now. The men expected the final blow but it never came. Instead, Minato signaled to the waiting ANBU. They revealed themselves to the Cloud Ninja. To their shock they found that they were all around them. There was no escape. It was over. The only thing left to do was give up. It was possible to fight a Hokage, but winning was impossible. Especially, in a scenario like this. They had failed. It was time that they accepted that. This mission was a complete failure.

Minato ran over to check on his son. Kushina had just freed him from his restraints but he hadn't awakened yet. He realized that Naruto was under a genjutsu. It angered Minato that Naruto had been put through this. He was too young for his. I failed you, Naruto. He kneeled down to his son. He placed a hand on his son's body then channeled his chakra into Naruto's body. "Release!" He called out.

Naruto started to wake up. He appeared confused and disoriented. He tried to shake off the nightmare but couldn't quite do it. Kushina wrapped him into her embrace. She cooed, "Shhh . . . it's alright. Everything is okay."

Naruto cried as his emotions washed over him. It caused Minato's anger to rise. He wanted vengeance against the men who did this to his son. He shot the men a look that would make anyone's blood turn cold. He would find out why they took his son. Then he would have retribution. He promised himself that.

"Daddy!" Naruto's words forced Minato's attention back to his son. Naruto looked so small and timid now. It hurt so much to see him like this.

Minato reached out and held his son's face. "I'm here. Everything is going to be okay. You're safe now. Daddy will take care of everything, okay?" His words were soft and gentle. He kissed his son then rose.

Minato turned his attention to his son's kidnappers. They were currently tied up and awaiting transport. He walked over to them and placed chakra seals on them before allowing their transport. Once they were secured properly he ordered, "Get them over to interrogation. I want to know why they are really here." He gestured towards the injured attackers. "Get medical to heal those them. I can't afford them to die . . . yet." His voice was back to being cold and distant. He would have no mercy for these men. Not after what they put Naruto through. Minato would see to that.

For now he needed to focus on Naruto. Minato needed to get Naruto away from his attackers. They needed to get him home. He wrapped his arms around his family and then took them home.

Once they reached home, they put Naruto to bed. It took a while for Naruto to relax enough to go to sleep. He stayed by their side until Naruto finally drifted off. Once he was asleep Minato headed out. He needed answers and he needed them now. The only ones who had them were his attackers and the ANBU pursuing them. He planned to get those answers.

Well that's it. Naruto got into trouble then had to get his butt saved by Papa. To be honest, it would be pretty scary to get in the way of Minato and his child. He sounds like a pushover until you piss him off. Then you realize the truth! See you next week.

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