
Chapter 16 - Boys Night In

That evening Kushina went to go see her friends. She hadn't been out and about for so long that she was starved for Adult company. Even so if it wasn't for her pushy husband she would have stayed home tonight. Especially since how stressed Minato was lately. She was worried about him. She wanted him to rest.

Minato insisted on staying home with their son. He wouldn't take no for an answer. So Kushina gave in. It was something she was unaccustomed to but she did it anyway. Besides, I really do need a night away from Naruto. Still, she was unsure. Can Minato manage on his own tonight? What if something goes wrong? She smiled nervously at him. "Are you sure about this? I can stay home, y'know."

Minato shook his head. He had to be firm with her otherwise she would never leave. I'm the Hokage, I can handle a small child for the night. "We'll be fine, Kushina. Now go." He kissed her then gently pushed her out the door. He closed and locked the door after her. Sorry Kushina, this is for your own good.

Kushina stared at the locked door in disbelief. Minato had never, ever done that before! It was so rude that she still couldn't believe it. "Minato! This is my house too, y'know!" Kushina suppressed an urge to kick it down. She knew that she was making a scene but she couldn't help it. It was so infuriating. I was leaving, y'know. She thought as stood there. "Fine. I'm leaving already. Just remember that I have the key, y'know!" Finally, Kushina stomped off leaving the two alone.

Minato didn't move during Kushina's outburst. Instead, he waited for her to calm down and leave. He knew that she had the key. He just wanted her to go out and have fun! She needed adult time without their son. While he needed time away from adult affairs. It was going to work out better this way.

He wanted to focus on his son and only his son. Lately, Minato hadn't been able to spend much time with him. With crisis after crisis he had been consumed by his job. He was missing out on important milestones in his son's life. That gnawed at him. He loved Naruto as much as he loved Kushina. He wanted to be there for him. Minato wanted to be a proper dad. So far he hadn't been too good at it. Naruto, I hope you don't hate me.

Minato had made sure that tonight he would not be disturbed. He wanted to be alone with his son. He wanted just to be a dad. He could solve the village's countless problems tomorrow. That was if he could come up with solutions to them. It was amazing the number of problems that came up. All of them needed to be solved now. Everyone expected Minato to have the answer. He didn't. He was only human, after all!

He shook off his thoughts then returned to his son. Naruto was playing by himself on the living room floor. He seemed content with his little froggy. He was whipping it around then randomly chewing on it. He was completely content. Minato couldn't help but smile. Naruto was growing up without a care in the world. His father intended to keep it that way.

Naruto looked up at his daddy as he approached. He gave his father one of his best smiles! Minato's heart melted at the sight. He might be a shinobi; he might be the hokage; but he was also a father. The other versions of himself fell away becoming a distant memory. All the troubles; in-fighting; betrayals; and worry disappeared. Minato relaxed. It was just him and his son.

It was hard to believe that Naruto was already a year old. "Where did the time go?" He asked nobody in particular. After an expected silence, he sat down beside him. Then he asked the boy, "How did you get so big?"

Minato knew his son couldn't answer. He wasn't even really talking yet. He was walking. Running is more like it. Minato ruffled his son's hair. Naruto kept his his parents on their toes. Ever since he started walking Naruto has been getting into everything. He was a curious little boy with a short attention span. That meant trouble. Something that Minato was accustomed to.

He had already placed barriers around their ninja tools. He was not going to have his son play with his Kunai. He created a barrier around the doorframe of his office. That way Naruto couldn't enter without his father's permission. He didn't want him getting access to dangerous scrolls too early. He had also placed a simple barrier around the cleaning supplies and anything else potentially dangerous to their son.

Minato knew that there were other ways to keep Naruto out of danger but this was the most effective method. The barriers were designed to let him and Kushina through without a problem, but to keep Naruto at bay. The barriers reduced Minato's worries. He knew that his son wouldn't get into something too dangerous. That gave him some piece of mind - even if he wasn't there. Protecting his family was paramount.

Minato played with his son for around an hour. They played with Naruto's favorite toys. They ran around the house. They even played hide and seek. Naruto wasn't very good at the game but Minato didn't care. He just pretended that he was looking for his son. Minato made a big show about not being able to find him. Then he would "magically" find him and launch a tickle attack! Naruto burst into fits of laughter as his father took him down. Once Naruto was subdued, he kissed him. Minato loved that little boy. He was so glad that he was still here with him.

Eventually Naruto got sleepy. He became cranky. He started to pout just like his mom. Minato had to hold himself back from laughing. Their son was so much like Kushina that it was amazing. The boy have looked like him, but he was Kushina inside and out. What will you be like one day Naruto? Minato wondered as he scooped up his son.

He took Naruto upstairs to his room. He tucked him in his crib for a nice long nap. Before leaving, Minato ruffled his son's hair. "Good night my son." He whispered to him. Finally, he went to the door and turned the light off.

As soon as Naruto was asleep he went downstairs. It was late but Minato didn't feel like sleeping. The events of the last few days were finally starting to catch up with him. His thoughts strayed. He remembered the birthday party from hell; the clan in-fighting; Danzo's attempt on his life; and the two young boys that needed his help.

Sometimes Minato thought it was impossible to make a difference. He was the Hokage but still it seemed so impossible. Everyone expected him to have all the answers. He didn't. He didn't have any. He just kept making it up as he went along. Didn't anyone see that? A certain Red Head popped into his mind. Maybe she knows . . .

He smiled at that thought. Kushina knew him better than anyone else. She knew his weaknesses and understood how he felt. She loved him. He was so grateful to her for everything she did. She made him stronger. She made him a father. No one else has done anything like that for him.

Still, these problems weren't going to solve themselves. They weren't going away by hiding in his house. They weren't getting better by moping about it. He had to address them. He believed that Kakashi would be alright for the moment. But the Uchiha, Danzo and that boy needed to be taken care of carefully. Too many lives were on the line to mess up. Why can I figure out what to do?

Minato sat down on the couch. He didn't know why he sat there. He wasn't doing anything! Was he waiting for Kushina? Or was he just spent. He just didn't know. He sat there for a long time. Eventually, he feel asleep.

A long time later he woke up to find a little boy on his chest. Naruto had gotten himself out of his crib; made it downstairs; then crawled up on his father! Minato laughed at his son's mischievous grin. "How did you get out of there?" He asked his son. Naruto giggled in response.

Slowly, Minato sat up - shifting the boy as he went. "Looks like I am going to need to start placing a barrier around your crib." Minato ruffled his hair. Yes, his son was going to amazing. He was sure of that. Now if only he could make him stay still! Minato chuckled to himself. That's impossible. He is my son after all.

"Tell ya what: Why don't we get a light night snack?" Naruto squealed. "Alright, let's do that then."

Minato got up and ambled over to the fridge. Naruto trotted along behind him. Minato rummaged through the fridge until he found the ice cream and the sirup. Within a couple of minutes he had everything he needed. Once Naruto was secured in his chair he dished out the ice cream.

Minato watched as his son made a royal mess of everything. He seemed much more content to eat the ice cream by hand than use that spoon. It went everywhere. It was on his hands, his clothes, his face and even his dad. Somehow chunks of ice cream made into his dad's golden locks! Minato had to suppress a laugh. Very little Ice Cream was making it into his son's mouth. Not that Naruto seemed to notice.

Naruto was having a great time. Then again so was Minato. He was back to being just a dad. All the other troubles fell away. Minato kissed his son on the head. He loved him so much. He was so relaxed that he almost didn't notice his wife come in.

Minato whirled around to face her. Fear overcame him. He was doing exactly what Kushina told him NOT to do. He was in for it now. He could almost hear the yelling that was on it's way. But it never came.

Instead, a fairly drunk Kushina started to laugh. She nearly busted a gut laughing in fact! Minato was confused. Why is she laughing? He didn't expect this at all. He had no idea what was going on.

Kushina got close enough to kiss him. He could smell her alcohol-laden breath. She really did stunk of it. How much did you have? He wondered as her hand went through his hair. Her fingers found their way to the Ice Cream chunk stuck in his hair. A glob of it was perched inside his bangs. Minato blushed as she inspected the damage. Ice Cream got on her fingers as she played with his hair. A second later, she pulled it away then inspected it. Finally, she put the finger in her mouth.

"Yummy." She teased her husband. As she started to walk away she said, "Don't stay up too late." Kushina headed upstairs and to bed. Leaving a stunned husband alone with a messy baby. Minato was so lost.

"What just happened?" No one answered him.


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