
Chapter 8 - Healing

Wew . . . the birth is over! Well, sorta. There is the aftermath to get through, but that isn't too much! Again, I want to thank everyone who has commented - even those who didn't like the last two chapters. If I said I'd loved them myself - I'd be a liar. However, as I said before - they were two of the hardest to write chapters so far. Trying to keep Minato and Kushina alive while simultaneously keeping the scenario was far from simple. The end result wasn't perfect but it did the job.

Looking back at what I wrote, I can agree with the readers who didn't like it that much. So, I do plan to rewrite this sequence later on when I have most of this story done. I know that it will be a long time before a rewrite appears, but I want to keep the flow going. One thing I fear above all else is getting stuck on details then NEVER finishing the story! I started this, now I have to finish this. With that in mind, let me jump into today's chapter!


The Chapter 8 - Healing

Kushina remained in the hospital for three days. Thanks to the fox inside of her, she was healing fast. Minato posted guards around her at all times. Only people he trusted were allowed to see her. The medical-nins had ordered complete bed rest. She couldn't have many visitors anyway. She was going to have to live with that.

Minato was busy trying to find the man that attacked her. So far he had been unsuccessful. He was out of range of Minato's jutsu. Which meant that he couldn't find him. It frustrated him. He wanted to find the man who attacked his family. He wanted to prevent him from ever getting near them again. How can I do that if I can't find him? Minato berated himself over and over again. I am responsible for their safety. How could I let this happen?

He also had to deal with the breach of security. He had his best minds trying to figure out how the man's teleportation jutsu worked. If they could figure it out then they could protect the village from this threat. But as is, the man could attack at any time and there would be no way to stop him.

Most of the day-to-day issues were being handled by Lord Third for the time being. He had volunteered to step in and assist Minato. He said it was because Minato had a lot on his plate. It was true. He had to address this breach of security, find the man responsible, and care for his wife and son. It was a lot to be sure.

Minato had barely slept in the last three days. He spent all night long feeding and caring his newborn son. Then he spent all day trying to find their attacker. Along with visiting his wife as much as he could. It was exhausting. The only thing that kept him going was the routine he started.

Every morning Minato would get Naruto ready for the day. It was early, but then again he wasn't sleeping much anyway. Once both of them had breakfast, he would head out for the hospital. There he would spend an hour or so visiting Kushina. He made sure to bring Naruto along so she could see their son.

Afterwards, Kushina's friend Mikoto would visit and take Naruto off his hands. It was a lot caring for two newborns but she didn't seem to mind. It gave Minato that much needed relief. It allowed him to fulfill his duties. For that he was grateful to her. Later on, Minato would visit Kushina before going home for the night. Mikoto met him there and handed over his son. The routine was a bit convoluted but it helped Minato cope.

On the fourth day, Kushina was well enough to leave. So, Minato stayed with her most of the day as they waited for the doctors to release her. He was so tired that it was hard to stay awake. But he wanted to be there for her. He wanted his entire family home.


Minato's eyes snapped open. Kushina was concerned. He could see it on her face. Did I fall asleep just now? Kushina patted to the bed she was sitting on. "Sleep. Now." She said firmly. She dared him to disobey. For a second, Minato started to object then upon careful consideration he stopped. Kushina was quite clear what she wanted. She wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Slowly, she got up off the bed. Which freed it for her husband. Kushina cuddled the little boy in her arms as she waited for husband to get out of the chair. When he didn't move fast enough she added, "Are you going to make me stand here all day?"

Minato took the hint and got up. He knew his wife well. If he didn't do as she commanded then it would be a lot more worse. Besides, he really was tired. He couldn't put up much of a fight. Which explained how he fell asleep almost as quickly as he hit the pillow.

A couple of hours later, Minato awoke to his son's cries. It took a second to realize that Kushina was already on it. She was in the process of changing his diaper. Kushina was struggling with darned thing. She couldn't seem to get the clean one on him!

As soon as she noticed that her husband was awake, she said, "Go back to sleep. I've got this!" She clearly didn't. But it was nice to watch her. He was so glad that she was still alive. So grateful that he still had his son. So happy that he could experience something so ordinary.

Suddenly, the events of the last few days caught up with him. He was so happy, So relieved, so worried. It all came boiling up on him. He couldn't stop the tears. My family is still alive! He thought as he cried.

Kushina stopped what she was doing. She reached over to him and whispered to him, "Shh . . . It's okay. Everything is fine, y'know." They stayed like that a little bit until the doctor came in. He helped Kushina finished putting the diaper on. Afterwards it was discharged.

Kushina insisted that they walk home. She wanted to take the long way home. Minato had his arm around her. Kushina focused on the little baby in her arms. It was a good day after all . . .

This chapter is short, but it means more for next time! See ya!


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