
Full house- Part 3

If she had taken another sip from the glass when Jerome had told her about the second exam having to do in the snow mansion, it was for sure that she would have ended up coughing due to the liquid going in the wrong pipe.

"It would be best to do some research beforehand so that you are well prepared," Jerome finished the last contents of his drink before giving his empty glass to another servant who was passing by them.

Vivian looked at him with dread, why did it have to be at the snow mansion? She couldn't help wondering about the coincidence of her dream occurring along with the council exam task which she was going to take part in. Did it have something to do with it? Remembering the woman who looked decayed every time she came close to her brought in chills over her body.

Jerome had mentioned about the skeleton was it the same skeleton she and Leo had found? It must be, she thought to herself.

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