
Bloody hands- Part 2

By the time Heidi had caught up with the others, the black buck had been shot straight at its head by the lord. Timothy stepped down from his horse, walking towards the dead lifeless animal before he dragged its hind leg single handedly to place it on the back of his horse.

Dinner was a feast where other guests were invited to celebrate the catch of the animal. It's head which was severed and was placed on a platter at the center of the long table. The guests included the Lord's relatives and acquaintances.That night, Heidi decided to stick to the vegetables, enjoying the leafy, green and colorful food which was cooked by the cook of the mansion. Lord Nicholas sat at the head of the table and Heidi picking her safe place, sat next to Warren who was four seats away from the lord. Venetia seemed to still be miffed with her son and Heidi as the woman sat two seats away from them. Heidi was still getting used to the faces, trying to hold up a polite conversation at the table.

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