

Akira woke up the next morning to the brightness of sunlight filtering through the large windows. The sight was unusual because she rarely slept in. She would always be up and about in the morning before the sun came up.

  Of course, the prerequisite was a relatively early night. 

She found that she was cuddled up to something warm and comfortable. She moved closer to her human pillow and concealed her bleary eyes from the harsh sunlight. She was too tired to go anywhere. She just wanted to keep sleeping.

Kaito muffled his laughter as he looked at pouting Akira, snuggling into his side as if she wanted to burrow into his chest. He shifted a little to pull her partially onto the top of his body. Akira made a muffled protest at the movement before slinging her leg and arm over his body like he was a bolster. 

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