
Love Like You Will Live Forever

Danika's amusement faded while they were getting ready for bed, because Shinichi seemed really tired and a little uncoordinated. "Are you trying to hide how badly you feel?" she questioned anxiously.

He stopped moving and looked at her with such a startled expression that she knew he hadn't meant to, even before he answered. "I don't think so. I don't feel nearly as bad as everyone else does," he said a little uncertainly.

She waved her hands and tried to explain, "Which is good, it just seems like you haven't complained at all even though you don't seem to feel very well." He looked puzzled so she added, "You can whine a little if you want to? I won't look down on you for it!"

He burst out laughing, and it was her turn to look puzzled. He scooted over and hugged her, wrapping completely around her in a way that let her feel how warm he was. For a second, she just basked in his warm embrace the way she used to in VR, when ZipZing would just lay on Aishin's hands.

"I love you so much," he told her seriously. "But I'm okay, I'm just a little sick, it's just an ordinary cold."

"Don't look down on ordinary colds," she grumbled as her cheeks heated up. "They manage to kill off a surprising number of people every year."

"Do you want me to sleep in the medi pod, even though we'll be gone soon?" he asked in a teasing tone.

He stared at her in disbelief when she nodded, so she told him seriously, "I'd rather miss a little time together, whenever it increases the odds that we can spend more years together in the end."

"Danika…" he began, but he didn't seem to know how to continue.

She reached around him and hugged him tightly. "I know. Sometimes things happen that make every missed second hurt forever." Saying those words made her throat tighten, and made her remember too many times that she'd refused to do something with her mother.

"Okay," he agreed quietly. When she looked up at him, he released his hold on her and cupped her cheeks between his hands. "It's okay," he insisted. "We'll live like we've got forever."

She made a face at him, and he grinned and kissed her.


In the middle of the breakfast preparations, Shinichi told her, "But Danika, you need to spend more time in the sun, okay?"

"Why?" she questioned blankly.

As though the words they'd spoken the night before had been a moment ago, he continued, "Technology is great, and they say too much sun is bad, but look at the people who have lived to be over a hundred? Laugh a lot, stay in touch with the world, and keep things simple. That's what they say, right?"

She couldn't explain why she started to cry. It wasn't just a couple of tears either. She dripped salty water onto the dough that she was working before she stopped and rubbed her face in a towel.

"Okay, I'll try to go outside more often," she agreed. His alarmed expression eased as she added, "It'll be nice when the restriction on going out together is over."

"Yeah," he agreed fervently.

"Should we go on another date then?" she asked hopefully. Maybe it was silly when they were already living together, but Shinichi's face brightened.

"Why not take a holiday?" he suggested enthusiastically.

She almost agreed instantly, but first she questioned, "Won't you want to spend time at home after being gone for so long?"

He grinned at her and countered, "Won't you want to get away after being home for so long? I really want to be able to take you places!"

"Okay!" she agreed laughingly.


When they delivered lunch to Naoki and Kimitoshi's apartment on the top floor that afternoon, Naoki eyed them suspiciously and asked, "What are you two so happy about?"

"What are you so grumpy about?" Shinichi countered cheerily.

"You're both so weird," Naoki complained as he took the food. His eyes lit up when he saw the fruit and cinnamon rolls, like the ones the band members had eaten the entire batch of before. "Shouldn't it be wearing off by now?"

"What should?" Danika asked curiously.

Naoki looked at her interested expression and shook his head. "Nevermind. Little dragons are probably immune," he replied obscurely.

"She's just slow, give her a few years," Kimitoshi instructed stuffily.

"You two…" Shinichi complained with exasperation.

"Seriously, what am I being slow about?" Danika asked a little sharply.

"Getting tired of me," Shinichi explained simply.

"I didn't say that, exactly," Naoki protested quickly as he retreated with the food, like a squirrel with more than it could hold.

Kimitoshi reached out and took the container of chicken and broccoli. Danika had tried to include as many of the vitamins that they would have gotten from soup in the dishes they brought, without bringing anything boiled. Shinichi had told her that their manager, Pryadarshi, had stopped by and mentioned that he'd brought three cases of vitamin laden water.

Danika eyed Naoki, and thought that he looked like he was feeling a little better than he had been the night before. "Are you feeling tired of Shinichi?" she asked curiously. "Or Toshi?" she added.

Naoki stared at her with such a shocked expression that she giggled. Kimitoshi looked startled for a second and then he grinned at her, and said, "I'm a little tired of being cooped up with Nao when he's sick."

"I'm getting better," Naoki protested automatically, but he was still looking at Danika.

"Are you sure?" Shinichi questioned laughingly. "An hour ago you called me and said that you were going to die."

Naoki looked at Shinichi and declared, "I really am so tired of you!"

"Ah," Shinichi sighed with mock sadness, a grin still lurking at the corners of his mouth. "I guess you don't want to log into Nao1 and help me and Akito blow up an airship then?"

"What!? Yes I do," Naoki protested.

At the same time Danika protested, "What?! Someone got an airship working, and you're going to destroy it?"

Kimitoshi laughed, and then coughed for a minute. His cough was contagious and Naoki started to cough too.

Danika apologized, while Shinichi cleared his own throat and explained, "I don't know if it's a working model. It's one of the extra quests Song Solvin accepted. If it helps, the job was given to us by a cloud, apparently."

"A cloud?" Danika and Naoki questioned in doubtful unison.

"I don't know. But you have to go back to work," Shinichi pointed out to Danika with amusement. "And I'll be able to tell you a lot more about it later."

"I hope that you're not destroying the First Dwarven Smith's first working ship," Danika said anxiously.

"So if it belongs to someone else, it's fair game?" Naoki asked with bright eyes.

Danika hesitated for long enough that Shinichi grinned and ruffled her hair. "Endless Song has already accepted the job. And whatever this cloud actually is, it provided sufficient justification for Song to accept it, and has enough coin to pay us."

Danika rolled her eyes at him, but she agreed half-heartedly, "Alright, but I'm really tempted to warn the smith."

"Pfft, go ahead," Naoki told her cheerfully. "It might even be easier if they think they are on guard against anything we can do."

"It won't really," Kimitoshi said repressively.

"Are you joining in?" Shinichi asked cheerfully.

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