
A Lot of Sand

Danika and Saaki flew over to the center of where the mountain had stood with the boosted flight speed, and then everyone hopped out again and began searching. The distant line of figures had drawn much closer, and as MatchlessMinion had predicted, some of the flyers and other characters like the genies with their new fast travel had already reached the area or even moved on past it.

MatchlessMinion wrapped himself in the elven blanket that kept him at a comfortable temperature in the warming desert, and then wandered in little darting paths trying to find a spot where his skill responded. After a bit he started tracing an ever expanding spiral while Shrubbery wandered about touching this little plant and then that one.

Danika, Aishin and Saaki circled more methodically, but with less skill. Even Hikaru circled the area curiously. Danika wondered if the little firefly understood what they were doing.


After a while Danika gave up and stopped to read the latest forum posts. So far the theme of the desert expansion felt like it was "Rescue the Captives". The players trapped in Nabatea were in a similar position to those who had logged back in within the glass encased village. There were even reports of several other places in similar predicaments, although for the most part, players had been transported randomly to the perimeter as planned.

Shrubbery joined her after a bit and said, "I think that everything here is too new. None of these plants have ever seen a dwarf, or report any empty spaces beneath them."

"How far down can they look?" Danika asked. It had occurred to her after reading the posts about the endless sand that had been removed from the city, before the dwarves had started building vaulted ceilings over the streets in order to clear them, that even if they were in the right area, the city could be buried too deeply for a thief's skills to detect.

"Only as far as their roots reach," Shrubbery explained.

"They say that they filled a construction bag that could hold a hundred cubic meters of material with sand from one spot, and still had more pouring down on them," Danika commented.

"Wow, it's like that infinite sand stone that that enchanter made is above them!" Shrubbery exclaimed.

"If it's not infinite, shouldn't we at least find a pretty deep hole on the surface?" Danika questioned. "Like an hourglass hole got opened under the desert?"

Aishin had wandered back over to her just in time to hear that question and objected, "I think hourglasses usually show a fairly gentle slope, not a sharp hole. But aren't they still pulling out sand? I thought we were watching for movement?"

"They said they're roofing over everything they dig out now," Danika pointed out.

"They're just clearing streets? They aren't tunneling upward?" Shrubbery questioned.

Danika flicked forward to the most recent posts again, as new ones were being added fairly steadily. "They are running out of stone to create the arches with, and are having to mine downward for stone at almost the same rate they can mine upward now, so it's going very slowly," she reported.

"Why can't everyone just portal out?" Aishin questioned.

"That was the first area they tried to clear apparently, but by the time they figured out they needed to roof over it first, the portals were damaged, or else they were damaged when the city was buried. I guess they don't have anyone down there who can repair them?" Danika answered.

"There must be someone who can…" Aishin's voice trailed off and he yelled, "Saaki!"

Both Saaki and MatchlessMinion turned and headed back to them. Saaki arrived within seconds using his updated racial movement skill. "What are you yelling about?" he questioned.

"Can genies teleport to anyone with the skill change? Can you carry someone with you?" Aishin asked.

As soon as she heard the question, Danika felt silly for not thinking of it. "He can only take what he's wearing," she said.

At the same time, Saaki said, "I can teleport to anyone on my friend list, but I can't carry anyone with me."

"See if you can fit the harness for my pebble around your wrist and carry anyone inside it," Danika insisted, as she began removing the harness.

"It uses up almost all of my energy," Saaki complained. Aishin withdrew several potions and handed them to the little genie. Saaki rolled his eyes and agreed, "Fine, we can try it."

The little harness fit his thin wrist, barely. They all entered the little garden space, and Saaki entered too, to demand, "One of you needs to stay here so I can come back."

They drew straws, grubby little straws gathered up from the remains of the trampled plants. Some kind person had set the bee's hive up in the apple tree before it too had been crushed by the crowd of villagers. Danika drew the short straw, and pouted a little, but exited swiftly.

Saaki followed her out and scooped up the pebble and reattached it to his wrist. A moment later he vanished in a puff of flame and wind.

When he didn't immediately return, Danika pulled up her menus again, and saw that Shrubbery had posted, "It works. Genies can transport people this way!"

A second later Aishin's little bat returned with the same message, plus: "We're off to kidnap Inchy Antyr, for portal repairs, and then we'll return with everyone."

Danika wondered if the NPC enchanter could handle a large portal like the ones in the racial capitals. She glanced at her friend list, about to close her menus, and saw that for the first time in a long time, Logical Heart was online. She sent him a message asking: "Are you available to help repair the portals in the dwarven capital?"

The little default messenger bird carried it away, and returned a few long minutes later. "Do they have the materials?"

Danika replied with the obvious question: "What materials?"

Logical Heart gave her a list. It was full of as many rare items or more than the Bond with Familiar spell had needed. For a moment Danika felt completely daunted, and then she noticed a figure approaching, walking directly toward her. She glanced around. Under the bright sun in the desert, it wasn't like most people should be able to see the glow of her wings at that distance.

As the figure grew closer, she realized that it was familiar, it was just that he was carrying something extra. The traveling merchant approached, with his new son in his arms. When he got close enough, he called out cheerfully, "ZipZing! It's always good to see you."

"You too," she replied with a grin. "Did Kit leave?"

He looked puzzled for a moment and then replied. "Yes, everyone left for the desert already." He winked and added, "But don't worry, I'll be gone before I get here. How are you doing? Is there anything you need?"

"Of course there is," she replied dryly. She gave him the list and he whistled. "That's a lot for one person, or even one guild to collect. A whole city might gather this much without too much trouble? Perhaps you could ask for assistance?" he suggested.

Danika blinked. It seemed that all this time playing hadn't really changed the game's advice for her. She grinned and agreed, "That's probably a good idea. In that case, what would you suggest for now?"

"Maybe some candy to keep your energy up?" he suggested.

After she'd finished her purchase, he said a cheery farewell, and then tapped the ground with his staff. The sand blew up for a moment, obscuring her view, and he sank like he was standing on quicksand. The baby in his arms giggled as they disappeared from view.

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