
You can't have them.

Baskia "How is this possible?"

Veter "I don't know. But we need to figure out how to fix him and fast."

Baskia "Koron! He's the only one who could turn him back to the way he was before. "

Koron stood in the corner simply observing Veter and Baskia.

Koron "There's no hope for him or any of you."

Baskia "Undo your magic on Raion!"

Koron "What's done is done. There's no changing anything. "

Baskia grabs Koron by the nape of his neck and shoves him against the ground. "Change him back! I know you can understand me."

Koron "I'm doing what is right."

Baskia tightens his grip onto Koron throat. Koron struggles to breathe. "Do you not even give a fuck what you're doing to him?! Can you not see how much agony he is in right now?! Look at him damn it just look!" He gestures over to Raion, standing there with an apathetic look on his face, his skin that pale color, the tears on his face, coming down one after another with no ends of stopping. "Look at the torture you're putting him through? And all for what?!"

Veter "Baskia! You have to stop!"

Baskia "Veter I can't! Not now he needs to be punished."

Koron "You alone are no match for me. But both of you cause a real threat to me."

Veter "Baskia you know this won't solve a thing. You killing Koron won't bring Raion back to normal and just think of what Raion would do if the only source to save Fourth is dead. Because of you."

Baskia "You think I don't realize any of this now?! What am I supposed to do though?! Veter I don't know what to do." He starts to weep, his tears falling down on to Koron.

Veter "You need to let go Baskia."

Just as Baskia was about to let go of his grasp on Korons neck.

Koron "Dark take over magic: Sinister Whip!" Korons sinister whip shoots straight for Veter. Both Veter and Baskia let out a yell. The whip strikes Veter thrusting him back into the wall behind Raion. He lands against the wall, briefly staying there until he collapses down to the ground.

Baskia "Veter?!" Baskia let's go of Koron and tosses him aside, running en route to Veter.

Veter "Baskia I.. I'm..." He lets out a cough. "He's more powerful than I thought. I barely even saw it coming." He says to himself.

Koron "Dark take over magic: Demon Rope." A long rope comes out of the ground wrapping itself around Baskia's legs. The rope pulls him away from Veter.

Veter "What are you doing Koron?! Let him go!"

Koron "I won't allow any of you to fool my plans!"

Baskia struggles to get out of Korons ropes "You little shit! Let me out of these!"

Koron "No need to anguish just yet. It'll be over before you know it."

Raion "Koron please stop all of this! I'll do whatever you need me to! Just don't hurt my friends!" He internally yells. As if Koron could hear Raions thoughts he decided to have some fun with Veter and Baskia.

Koron "Since the two of you think you can take me down, I'll show you what it means to mess with me. Now, who should I start with? Loverboy over here or the ignorant fool."

Veter "Baskia just hang in there I'll figure this out."

Baskia "I can't really go anywhere if you haven't noticed!"

Veter "Ice magic: White Owl!" An Owl appears in front of them, perched next to Veter.

Baskia "An Owl? How the hell is this supposed to help!?"

Veter "Just watch." Without a single command from Veter, the owl made of ice flies towards Koron at a tremendous speed.

Baskia "It's so fast I can't even see it."

The owl then turns into a hundred shards of ice, all heading towards Koron.

Veter "This won't kill him, I'll be able to stop the shards of ice from hitting him by manipulating them where I need them to go."

Baskia "You're going to trap him!"

Veter "Precisely, nothing can break out of my ice."

Baskia "What a wonderful idea! Just another reason why I love you... I meant why I love your magic!"

Baskia "Why must I keep saying such embarrassing things!" He internally yells at himself.

Veter lets out a chuckle which turns into a continuous coughing fit.

Baskia "Veter are you alright?"

Veter "I'm fine, don't worry." He coughs up a bit of blood.

Baskia "Veter!"

Veter "I just got hurt a bit when I crash into the wall it's nothing serious. Just focus on yourself and Raion."

Koron notices the shards of ice coming for him. "What child's play, he thinks he can stop me with this. I'll show him what it means to be trapped. Dark take over magic: Reverse ice shards." Veters shards of ice miraculously turn away from Koron and right for Veter. Neither Veter or Baskia are aware of the danger that is upon them.

Baskia "Veter, where does it hurt?"

Veter "Just along my side. But please worry about yourself."

Raion the only one who had noticed what Koron did to Veters ice shards, is screaming at the top of his lungs. "Move! Get out of the way! You're going to get hit!" His eyes filling with tears as he screams for no one but himself to hear.

Koron "Raion there's no hope for them. It's all over. They'll be out of my way and then I can finish the process in peace. "

Raion "Leave my friends alone! I won't let anyone take them away from me!" He shouts, his body begins to tremble, producing black fog around him, his eyes turning a deep black color. Raion breaks free from Korons Restore Reduce spell, heading towards Koron at a ridiculously fast speed past Veter and Baskia.

Veter "What?!"

Baskia "Is that?!"

Koron "It can't be! It's impossible, the spell isn't over yet! He can't have gotten Uchu special ability yet!"

Raion "I won't let you kill my friends!"

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