
Is This Love?

Raion "We're going,?!"

Baskia "It's decided, we should head out as soon as possible."

Veter "If we leave now we will make it within two to three hours."

Baskia "Something feels strange to me."

Raion "What do you mean strange?"

Baskia "Like this whole thing was meant to go like this."

Raion "Baskia that's nonsense."

Baskia "Yeah you're right forget I said anything."

Veter "Too late for that." He says to himself.

Raion "I can't believe we're getting closer to rescuing Fourth."

Veter "And closer to all our goals. Raion?"

Raion "Yes Veter?"

Veter quickly turns Raion around and pulls him close to his face. They stare at each other for a brief moment.

Veter "You had something near your eye."

Raion "Um oh thank you Veter. "

Veter lets go off Raion. He gives a slight smirk to Baskia.

Baskia "He's just toying with me!" He says to himself with a bright red expression on his face.

Koron "Baskia why do you look like a tomato?"

Raion "Baskia, Koron wants to know why your face is so red."

Veter "Yeah Baskia is everything ok with you?"

Baskia "I'm fine! Let's just go."

Veter "What business do you seek at Tsuki no kurai yama?"

Koron "Let's just say I owe someone a favor?"

Raion "He owes someone a favor?"

Baskia "Favor? That involves going there!?"

Raion "Has anyone actually been there truly? I've heard many different stories of what the place is."

Koron "It's the birthplace of Uchu."

Raion "Uchu? That Uchu?"

Veter "Koron, how do you know this?"

Koron "Because I'm from Tsuki no kurai yama."

Raion "Wait do you mean you were born there too?"

Baskia "Uchu and Koron both from Tsuki no kurai yama?! I'm so lost."

Koron "No I was not born there, I was brought there by Uchu himself."

Raion "For what reason?"

Koron "I was his only friend."

Raion "You and Uchu were friends?! But how that was over 800 years ago!"

Koron "You have heard the legend of the Kitsune no eien no Akuma?"

Raion "Kitsune no eien no Akuma?"

Baskia "Kitsune no eien no Akuma!"

Raion "What is that Baskia? Is it important?"

Baskia " Koron? Are you Kitsune no eien no Akuma! Answer me!"

Koron "I am."

Baskia "What did he say?!"

Raion "He said yes."

Baskia "This can't be "

Veter "Baskia are we missing something?"

Baskia "Koron is the one who finds the first piece of Angfel rock."

Veter "Angfel rock? Has pieces!"

Raion "Should you be telling us this Baskia? Since you're one of The Five?"

Baskia "I've come to terms that I'm ready for you two to know why I need to see Wen for."

Raion "But Baskia are you sure what about The High Guards of Skala?"

Veter "Who are The High Guards of Skala?"

Baskia "They're the Guards of the city of Skala. They're sworn to protect those people there but most importantly they protect The Five. "

Raion "Wait so they're protecting you?"

Baskia "Yes they are. They protect the rest of us until The next five come along."

Veter "Should you tell any of this to us Baskia?"

Raion "Yeah, what about those skin biters you told me about?"

Baskia turns his glance away from Raion. "Ah.. about that."

Raion "Were you lying to me?!"

Baskia "You kept asking me questions that I couldn't answer!"

Raion "You could have just said no!"

Baskia "You always complain that I don't tell you anything!"

Veter "Well he's telling us now if that helps."

Baskia and Raion "Stay out of this!"

Veter sits down on the ground and rests his elbow on his knee. "Oh, you two."

Baskia "Enough of this, Let me tell you why I need to see Wen for."

Veter "I'm waiting, Baskia."

Baskia "Well the reason I'm seeing Wen for is well.."

Veter "Come on, what is it?"

Baskia "The Angfel rock is losing its magic."

Raion "It's what?"

Veter "Excuse me, Did I hear you right?"

Baskia "You did and it's true."

Raion "How do you know such a thing?"

Baskia "From Dōsatsu the third member of The Five."

Veter "Dōsatsu?"

Baskia "She is the one who has the ability to sense if a person or in this case thing is losing its magic ability."

Raion "Is that why she's one of The Five?"

Baskia "Yes it is."

Veter "So you've seeing Wen tell her about the Angfel rock?"

Raion "How long do we have?"

Baskia "Roughly eight months before all the magic is gone."

Veter "That's means our marks will disappear.".

Raion "But wait doesn't that mean!?"

Baskia gives Raion a nod "Yes."

Koron "I hate to interrupt but we are here. "

Raion "We've made it."

Veter "This place looks creepy. I might need some protection." He grabs Baskias hand and interlocks it with his own. While Raion and Koron walked ahead

Baskia "What does he think he's doing?!" He screams to himself.

Koron "I must warn you, make sure you stay with me and do not I repeat do not touch the walls."

Raion "That's such a silly thing to say. He told us not to touch the walls."

Koron "Silly? Well, then I suppose you think getting sucked in by U~ōrukurōrā sounds silly."

Raion "what... um, are those?"

Koron "They pull you through the walls and then they start pulling at your limbs till they rip off and then they eat them. Finally, they get your torso lay there till you bleed out and die."

Raion jumps up on to Veter. Veter shocked let's go off Baskia hand.

Veter "Raion, could you please get off of me."

Baskia "Did he see us?" he wonders.

Raion "I'm not letting anything eat me alive!"

Veter sets Raion down. "Just stay close by. You two Baskia."

Baskia "Ah sure. "

Raion "Koron where are we heading to be exact?"

Koron "To Uchu grave."

Raion "Uchu grave? But I thought his burial was in Kingo city."

Koron "That's what everyone thinks. But he's here."

Veter "What did he say?"

Raion "Everyone thinks Uchu was buried in Kingo city but he's actually here."

Veter "Why is that?"

Koron "He holds a very rare magic power Inside of him."

Raion "But doesn't that go away when he dies?"

Just as Koron was about to answer Raions question, Baskia suddenly trips on a rock. He starts to lose his balance, falling towards the walls. He stretches his hand out.

Baskia "Someone helps me!"

Veter hears Baskia cry and quickly turns around. He grasps on to Baskia hand pulling him away from the walls.

Baskia "Thank you Veter I really owe you."

Veter "Baskia! You idiot, do you ever watch where you're walking!?"

Baskia "I um..."

Veter yanks Baskia into his arms, securely embracing him. He rests his head into Baskias shoulder. "I could have lost you!" He then breaks down sobbing.

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