
Chapter 96: The Red Herb!


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"There are many ways to identify whether a plant or herb is dangerous or not. But the most basic way is by using your eyes." the teacher, Ding Huiqing said as she winked innocently.

Very quickly, some of the male students blushed as they started to whisper with one another.

"Hey, I think she just winked at me!" a fat male student whispered silently to his friend besides him, feeling excited.


"Even my blind dog dared not look at your face. She must be worse than a blind person if she winked at you! Focus!" said his friend as he was smacked behind the head.

"The most obvious way to first look for clues using your eyesight is to observe the leaves! I'm pretty sure that everyone here should at least know of this." the teacher said.

The students nodded.

"Very good! But for those who didn't know yet, the colour coding of the leaves is very important. When you have memorized the contents of 'Common Herb Compendium' book, just by looking at the colour of the leaves and you would already be able to to identify on what kinds of herb it is!" she continued.

"Furthermore, for this semester, you would do well to memorize the contents of another important book as well, called 'Herb Identification 101'. This is a really good book for beginners and the final exam will reflect mostly on the knowledge from within it."

"However, what you must remember is that, just by mastering this basic identification method would not keep you 100 percent safe from danger. For example, take a look at these two herbs!"

She pointed towards the two different herbs that she just whipped out a few moments ago.

"These two different herbs are common that you would frequently find when you adventure out. One is called the Tallroot grassherb and the other is called Shortroot grassherb."

Taking a sweeping gaze towards the crowd of students, she pointed out to one of the female students and asked her to describe the herb.

The student then rose up from her seat and bowed slightly before answering. She had a noble disposition to her and Duan Li knew who this person was.

It was none other than Xiahou Yu as she was also a junior student in the academy.

"These two herbs are of the same species, one is taller than the other and had their roots spread out onto the ground like grass, hence the name." Xiahou Yu said fluently.

"They are most commonly used to concoct grade 1 elixir. Which were sold on the market for a very cheap price. If a person could haul a large number of them, they could make themselves some quick small money!" she continued, and ended her answer with a bow before sitting down.

The teacher nodded with a smile. What a good student!

"Perfect! Your description is quite spot on! Now that everyone has heard her, take a look at these other herbs then!" she said as she whipped out another three different herbs from her spatial ring.

These three herbs appeared to be no different than the other, but the keener ones were able to spot some crucial differences between them.

"This one looks just like the previous Tallroot grassherb right? But look at the edge of the leaves, they are more pointed when compared to the previous one which were more rounded." she said as she plucked out one leaf from each herb to show the crowd the differences between them.

"Well, this one is called the Tallroot trapherb, it is poisonous but treatable. Make this into an elixir though, and you would concoct a poison instead of recovery elixirs!" she said as she plucked out another leaf from the other herbs that had almost the same appearances.

"Here is a Tallroot snakeherb. A tonic for snakes but deadly for other creatures, including humans. Look at the underside of the leaves, they have some black patches on it. Consume it, and you would go into a cardiac arrest. 30 percent that did just that had died before."

"And this one here is Shortroot shockherb. Its branches are way more thicker than usual and if you eat it, you would be paralysed for three whole days. In the wild, three days of laying down on the ground would definitely make you an ideal target of free food for the wild animals." she chuckled.

As she continued to explain and whip out more common herbs that has their appearance almost identical with each other, some of the students began to sucked in cold breath.

To think that the world out there would be this treacherous!

Just the plants alone could kill them in so many ways!


After about two hours, the long lecture was finally ending. Duan Li sighed in relief at the sight of this. After all, he had almost slipped into the otherworldly plains and had to fought back hard so that his eyelids wouldn't close.

That was such a close battle!

And by the looks of it, plenty of the students around had also seemed to fight against their own personal 'battlefield' as well. Some were even raising their head haggardly with panting breaths.

Those people must have gone through such an intense battle that one dared not imagine!

"That's it for the first lesson today. But before everyone here is dismissed, let me give you guys a good present!" Ding Huiqing said.


A red coloured herb materialized on the table as the rest were put back inside her spatial ring.

Most of the students here did not have a single clue as to what that herb was including Duan Li, thus they have an indifferent look to them right now.

Only a very small percentage here could identify what that herb was, as their eyes narrowed and some began to clenched their fists tight in agitation!

"A lot of you might not know what this herb is, but this is the Red Mistel Flowerherb, and only Herbalogist of Star rank 4 and above may have the permit to purchase this from the Empire."

"If anyone here can describe the effects thoroughly, I would gift this herb to that person!" she said, smiling.

However, she was pained deep inside her heart. This herb had costed her quite a lot to obtain, but in order to reach her goal, this loss was quite acceptable.

This was a strategy that she had used all the time to scout and recruit talented individual everytime the semester starts, and right now she was hoping to find one in order to make that person her disciple.

If one day that disciple of her's were able to mature and flutter their feathers to raise in Star rank higher than her, then she would definitely benefit immensely from it as the teacher as well!

This was called an early investment!

The herb that she whipped out was something that was very difficult and rare to find. In addition, not many references were available about it in the library. If there truly was a student that could describe this herb for her, then she could consider herself to be truly lucky!

"However, if none of you could answer it correctly, then naturally, I would not gift this to anyone!" she said, somewhat playfully.

Noticing this, Duan Li frowned as he thought of what was so special about the herb in front of him. Since he had read some books regarding herbs due to him studying the art of medicine and concoction, he could 'see' this herb before him to at least be safe to consume.

But as for its effects? He hadn't got a single dime on it!

Thus, he used his Identify ability on the herb.

[Red Mistel Flowerherb - Able to purify one's inner spiritual Qi slightly if consumed directly. Have a very low chance to increase one's own potential slightly.]

[If concocted properly into a Transforming Essence pill of grade 4, it could increase one's Qi cycle by at least 20 percent, muscle density by 10 percent, bone density by 10 percent, physical recovery ability by 30 percent, Stamina depletion rate reduced by 20 percent and Skill arts being stronger by 10 percent when deployed - effective for only those under the Core formation realm.]

[The effects would be permanent and for one-time use only.]


When Duan Li heard the description, his eyes turned wide.

This piece of herb here was actually a rare treasure!

Immediately, a number of people rose their hands, including Duan Li.

"Alright, those who rose their hands up, come forward and whisper to me their effects. This way, everyone would have a chance!" Ding Huiqing said, excited as there were 4 people who actually had a clue as to what this herb does.

Now that was surprising!

Coming forward one by one, each began to whisper to her the effects.

The first two person only told her that the effects was that it could purify one's inner spiritual Qi which was correct. But this was not that hard to know if one knew about it.

What she actually wanted to hear was the second effect. Since it has a very low chance to induce qualitative change in one's potential, not many had documented this before because some thought that it was not related to the herb at all.

But when the third person came forward, her expression became delighted!

This person knew about the second effect!


As she scanned at Duan Li, her brows shot up.

"Eh? This student is the one that people talked about recently a lot!" she thought to herself as she recognized him.

When Duan Li whispered to her, she became delighted once more.

But soon, she realized that she had to choose between one of them. This was because having a disciple was extremely time consuming and costed a lot.

"It seems that the two of you has given me the correct answer that I wanted. Unfortunately, there is only one herb here, so the both of you would have to do rock-paper-scissor and leave it to fate."

The other person besides Duan Li nodded as he agreed to this.

Indeed, when two people encountered the same treasure, only those with an affinity to it would be able to get their hands on it!

However, Duan Li by the side cupped his chin. Right after, he whispered to her once more.

This time, her expression suddenly changed. Her face flushed red as her breathing hastened.

Those who watched this scene immediately misunderstood the situation.

"H-He can't be whispering something dirty isn't he?" a male student exclaimed.

"Unless he wanted to get bared for a whole semester, only idiots would do such a thing with a teacher!" another spoke out in disbelief.

This Duan Li really has the guts to flirt around with a teacher in front of people!

"Are.. are you sure about this?" she asked slowly, suppressing her excitement.

"100 percent sure." Duan Li replied.

Hearing this, Ding Huiqing contemplated for a while before nodding.



The teacher had actually agreed to go out with him?!

At this moment, the whole class began to descend into a state of pandemonium.


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