
Reminiscence- Part 3

A child is ignorant only until a certain age before maturity kicks in, thought Malphus to himself.

"My mother was a kind woman. A woman any man would value but my father didn't. Instead he beat her and brought in other women to sleep with him as he had grown tired of her. It isn't that uncommon for an elite to have mistresses but they usually do it away from their wives eyes but the Lord of Mythweald didn't care for it. I didn't know back then as to what was happening because my mother would never utter a word about it and my father would treat her nice in front of me. She passed away before I even turned six...and my father remarried. I wasn't allowed to visit her funeral or rather no one knew," he said letting go of the grill, "He forced my mother when he wanted to and let her go without a thought. It wasn't long that I saw for what people were...You end up growing to be cautious in such environment."

"Silas is your step brother then," Katie stated to see him nod.

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