
Time to Wake Up! Final

Lucas tries his best to run back to the dome, Ranrem is shooting smaller alpha from time to time. Desperate to survive, her accuracy fell and miss. She was scared, it was her first time dealing with a second pace elite planteros.

Lucas used the dead bodies of the Jack Orangutan as a trampoline and propelled as fast as he can. The horde is nearing the wall, and a smaller alpha speed up to make the first attack.

But it failed, a shadow of a beast slashed on its nape, and an orange creature slashed on its throat, beheading the alpha.


The feline planteros! A smile broke from Lucas' face as he propelled faster and faster. The felines are not that big to deal with the horde, but they were hindering their movements. That is enough for Lucas to save Ranrem.

But something unexpected happens, the king becomes irritated and smashed the ground. The felines were almost caught in the smash, but they were fast enough to run away from the monster.

The king is not done yet, it runs to walls on his four limbs, its much faster when they run in two limbs, when the wall was finally on his reach he leaps in the air and jumps inside the wall.

'Grooooooaarr!' Bang!

"Ranrem!" Lucas was already near, but he could not be compared at the king's speed. He desperately took out his ax and throw it to the king. It took one of its limbs, but it's not enough to stop him. It lifted his hands and about to slap Ranrem.

Lucas' face was already full of tears, his veins are popping from his head. 'No! No! Don't die! "RUN!"


The place becomes silent, the only thing you could hear is the wind that blows to the dome in the middle of the night.

The monstrous body of the King Jack Orangutan was standing still, while its hands are on the mid-air. But something caught everyone's eyes, Its stomach. The King's stomach is empty! There were two huge holes in its stomach!

Lucas looks at the direction of the dome, there's a weird circular creature with two long silver barrels on its front. It was Coco!

Coco looks different, from the five diameter sphere he shrunk an into a three meter one. His green and brown husks turned into a metallic black, his body that is brown in color and has a rough surface is now lighter and smoother. Its cannon barrel's position which is on top of its head like a mortar, its position is on it's 'Forehead', the barrel is more narrow and longer. It looks like a shotgun, he also grows circular hands.

Lucas took the chance to leap and recover his ax before chopping the king's head. Making sure it was dead.

He did not dilly dally, he runs out of the wall and killed the surviving alphas, and run back to Ranrem. She was nervous all this time, her body can't move because of fear. She thought it was her end but it's not. She felt weak, she can't support her body anymore and was caught by Lucas.

"It's okay now, you can rest." He said then hugged her tight, he was deep on his thoughts. 'If not for me, she almost die. It was all my fault!'

Ranrem fall asleep after a few seconds. Her cheeks are wet with her tears, but a smile could be seen on her face. A feeling of security, it must be it. The feeling that you're safe when you're embracing him.

Lucas brought her back to the dome and put her inside the Giant Ginger Kitten's basket. Giegie let her sleep on her stomach while licking her head. Giegie fought hard to save her, she was like a mother to her. The Blackcurrant Nether Panther is still nameless, he is looking from the edge of the basket.

After making sure that she is safe, Lucas went out to look after Coco. He kneeled down to face Coco, "Hey Coco, how do feel? Does evolving felt good?"

"Coco!" Coco said then extended his hands and wants to hug Lucas.

"Haha! I miss you too. Thanks, Coco. You're always there whenever I want to give up. Thanks for saving Ranrem." He caresses Coco's face and smiles warmly.

"Let's go. Grandpa Neil and the rest will be back later. I have to clean the battlefield."


Lucas and Coco walk out of the wall, he doesn't know what to do with the Jack Orangutans carcasses, he only plans to use his hammer to pulverize their bodies and become nutrients on the land.

When he walked out of the wall, a large cart with a large creature welcomes him. It was the Melon Queen, she was crying and was afraid. She saw what happened to the kings, and don't want to die like them. Ranz can't help but sigh. He approached her and offer something, "Melon Queen, how about this. I won't kill you, but you have to follow my rules inside the dome."

The Melon Queen's eyes shine, she clearly wants to live, Lucas looks at her warmly. He could see the desire to live on her eyes, he untied the poor melon and let her walk down of the cart. She has five extra catapults, she uses as her limbs to walk. She stares at Lucas with teary eyes she wants to hug him but she could see Coco, looking at her strange strangely.

Lucas claps his hands and started to talk about his condition, "There are only two things I want you to follow. First, don't hurt other people and planteros inside the wall or dome. Second, from now on, you can decide whether you fight or not, okay?"

"Koooooo!" The Queen suddenly cries, her tears are color yellow and looks like a pulp. She extended her catapults and hug Lucas and Coco. The two did not retaliate let her cry as long as she wants. Not long after she finally stop crying.

Lucas leads her inside the dome and makes her rest to the pool he dig for the meantime, she was happy on her permanent house and took a sleep.

Lucas went out of the wall for the second time, he didn't expect the scene on his front when he walks out of the wall. The carcasses were being transferred by the black ant peppers under the ground. "This, are they planning to use them as a source of food!?"

Before he recovers from the shock, he saw a parade of orange and black kittens following an adult blackcurrant nether panther. The kittens seem excited, they sniff into the air and acts like a crazy carnivore. When the adult panther makes a low growl, the little kittens rush to the mountains of carcasses.

They look like a group of beasts, ripping the yellowish red meat from the jack orangutans bones. This is not cute, it's not cute wherever you saw it, their furs are covered with blood. Lucas turns around to look at Coco and asks him, "Do you eat meat?"

"Coco!" Coco shook his head.

"Kuhhookk!" Lucas was hit by the barrel on his waist, he never expected Coco to shook his head that strong, "Coco--, please stop shaking your head whenever someone's around, okay?"

"Coco" Coco said, feeling wronged.

"Yeah, I know, it's my fault. Don't be sad, okay?" He said then advances to the field.

Looking at his planteros eating and collecting the meats of the jack orangutans, a thought pop on his head. 'These creatures are only interested with mana.'

He smiled and took out his hammer. He pulverized one of the normal carcasses. And as he expected, the half of the carcass becomes motes of light and absorbed on his body. While the other half become powder.

He took out his hoe to check what will happen. Swoook! The hoe cut the body into half. The first half turned into motes of light like normal, but the other half makes him smile. It turned into a pile of mana grains! Turned around look at Coco excitedly, "Coco! Want this?"

"Coco!" Coco's eyes shone in the dark and chow down the mana grains.

"Coco, stay here for a bit okay? When infiltrators try to enter the area, shoot them down, okay?" He asks Coco and leaves the area.

He climbed his so-called tower and throw away the spike stones he collected. He the Coconut cannons that are still buried on the ground.

The coconut cannons are ready to advance to become a commander. Only a bit of mana, and they'll be able to become a commander of their own horde.

He chopped ten alpha orangutans and turn them into piles of mana grains. It looks like a feast for them, after a few seconds they finally ready to advance. They went back to the dome and took their own territory.

While they were in the process of making their own horde, Lucas and Coco are still busy on the field. Lucas poured the mana grains he collected at the drained and dry water tank.

The number of mana grains he gained in ten carcasses of alphas a hundred times better than dungeon diving! Strange sensation rose from his body. The excitement of getting more mana grains. It's as if he is in cloud 9.

Seven o'clock in the morning when the field is already clean. The pits are filled with soils with the ants' help. Anthena also satisfied with the harvest, her colony took thirty bodies of alpha. In return, she produced 110 Kilos of green peppercorns.

The Blackcurrant Nether Panther and the Giant Ginger Cats also are satisfied with 200 bodies of normal jack orangutans. They grow larger and become more energetic, their furs are shiny and the aroma they release is much stronger. They also took half of the king Zan's body for Giegie who is guarding Ranrem, while the other half was eaten by the Adult Panther.

Coco did not grow any larger or become smoother. Instead, his barrel is turning from silver to gold, and his husk has dark red linings.

Lucas, on the other hand, is able to fill the water tank with mana grains. The leftover mana grains are melted to the water tank of Chivous' and Deysi's horde. He also filled his shrink bags with mana grains.

He also washed his body in a normal water and changed his clothing. He takes his rest and lies down next to Ranrem.

He touched her face with the back of his hands. "So you can also smile when you're sleeping? Haha."

He stares at her face for an hour, he can't tell what he feels. He wants to kiss her soft lips, he wants her to become totally his girl. 'I don't know why, but, why am I doing this? A harem. I easily fall for a girl, but I'm not easily fooled. I wish that you accept me already.'

He near his and on her face. Touching her nose with his. Only centimeters and they're about to kiss.

Dugdog! Dugdog! His heart beats become faster, his hands become sweaty and he is breathing heavily. He wants to eat her lips, he wants to conquer her.


"Pff!" He heard Coco scream from the entrance and interrupts him. He stands up looking at the entrance, he glares at Coco and asks "Coco, what are you doing?!"

"Coco~" Coco was feeling wronged he faced the ground and went out of the dome.

"Ei wait!" He jumps out of the basket and chased Coco, he hugged Coco and caress his body, "Coco, I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you, forgive me!"

"Coco!" Coco replied energetically and walk to the gate of the wall. On the way, he could see that the coconut cannons already become a commander. They only need to accumulate enough mana to create their horde.

When they reached the gate, a sound of trucks. He climbs up to the wall and looks at the distance. He could see three trucks that are driving in their direction. He took out his hoe and ax to defend himself.

After a few seconds, the trucks finally arrived and drops on the gate. One of the trucks is filled with men wearing a construction uniform. The other one is filled with armored adventurers and the last one is the group of Neil.

"Lucas! You did it!" Neil went out of the driver's seat and look up to him.

The passenger's seat also was forced open and a blonde little girl went out, she looks at him with red chicks, she looks like angry, she stomps on the ground on pointed at him "Lucas! Go down and tell me where is Sister Ranrem! What did you to her!?"

'Wh- Hooh, this corn. She returns to old corn!' She said on himself and went down the wall, "Aren't you supposed to give a kiss before asking something? Haha, please don't glare at me. Let's go inside first, let's discuss everything there."

The group gets inside their truck drives to the dome's entrance. The adventurers were shocked when they enter the gate, they almost get into an accident. Coco who is standing behind the walls scared them. They want to hit him with the truck, the same to Buckler's group. But they were stopped by Lucas, he waved his hands and tell them to follow Neil's truck.

They were more shock when they saw the spheres that are surrounding the dome. It's two silver barrels attracts everyone's attention. It glows nonstop, accumulating mana in the atmosphere.

At the dome's entrance

They don't have any chairs so the group can only sit on the ground. Lucas looked at the frowning Della and wink at her, "She's okay, she's currently resting in the Giant Ginger's Basket, Giegie took care of her. Also, help Rita give a proper name for the Blackcurrant Nether Panther."


"Giant Ginger..."

The workers and the adventurers were muttering to their self, can't believe on what they are witnessing.

"Old man Redford, what are these adventurers doing here?" Asks Lucas irritatingly, "I only welcome someone I could trust. Why are they even here without my consent?"

Before Redford answers him, Neil cut in, "Ehem! That's what I told him, but he told me that having more helpers could make this dome safety better."

"Hah? Grandpa Neil, did you know that there's two King Jack Orangutan? I took care of them with my planteros. In which part of my dome are lacking?" Lucas asks while raising his brows.

"What!? Two of them?! Argg! This is shit. I never expect two of them. Well, don't worry. These guys are the most trusted kids of my guild. They did hundreds of operation against the novel's human traffickers, don't worry they're on our side. What I'm interested to hear is, Lucas, what will you do after this?"

Lucas stares at Neil and the adventurers, the silent and embarrassed Redford and the workers. "What do you think? They almost killed Ranrem, do you think I won't retaliate? I'll take their whole family to their graves. Even though I hate vengeful people. This time, I will make an exemption, I'll make them pay!"

Hello!! Sorry guys, been late. My boil is okay already two days ago, but the stress of what I family think makes me unable to focus. So, here's my first chapter, I'll take 2 days for the next update!

So when I was suffering from stress I watch YT, and I was thinking of something. Who's better gamer? Ye Qiu/Ye Xiu or Faker?

also make w review if you have time!

BurningDesirecreators' thoughts
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