
Hordes of Elite 3

"Woah! Grandpa Buckler, it's me, Lucas." He did not remove his cloak, but he took off his mask, he reveals a playful smile and laughs.

"What the hell, why put on a cloak and mask even though it's summer? There's still two months until winter season!"

"Wait, winter? Two months, is this city have snow?"

"Of course, there is! That's why we make a close dome!"

Lucas was deep in his thought for a moment, (Plants, that could live in the snow are nearly zero, I need to make a preparation in two months, the hell.)

"Well, what brings you here? Is there a work for my men?"

Lucas caught unprepared and bite his tongue, "N- haha, yes grandpa? I want to make a wall around my dome, the best walls you have, three meters are too short! At least six meters and 9 feet thick! It covers 20 meters around the dome!"



"You sure with that? This wall of yours, it's not a fortress right?" he said seriously, "Glass wall with 2 feet thick are enough for a dome, three feet can defend a village, and five feet one is for war! Yet you want a nine feet thick one, not only that, but you also plan to make it six meters high?"

"Yes grandpa, I still have more or less 15 thousand in my hands! Money is not a problem, my blackcurrant nether panther and giant ginger cats are going to emerge, days or week from now so, I can't really take it lightly."

Buckler scratch the back of his head and give a depressing sigh, "Ohf, an elite type huh? Okay, the cost of a glass wall with 3 meters high and 5 feet thick, and surrounds 10 meters normal large dome will cost you 2100 mana grains. You plan to make two times the height, twice the thickness, and 20 meters away around a dome with a bit larger than normal... It needs us to take five days to complete the work, and the cost will be 12,000. I'll close my shop to use every manpower we have to build your walls, and brat you have to make a proper meal for 150 men three days from now! We need to make a six meters glass for this three days before we start the construction!" Buckler said, he waved his hand and told him to follow.

Lucas nodded and followed him inside the shop when he steps inside, every worker stop what they are doing and eyed the money bag in his hood.

(The road to success!)

Their eyes brim in light, they smile from ears to ears, lick their lips and whisper to their selves

'Bring it on! We can do anything for money!'

'I want the corn stew!'

'I can finally renovate my house!'

Buckler smile when he saw the eyes which desired pleasure on them, this is the greatest behavior of a worker should have. "Okay everyone, we've got a work!"

"Yossshhh!" all

"But it's harder than what you think, those who can't work for five days consecutively, you still have the time to turn back!"

"Five days? Even if it'll take months we can do it!"

"We can!"

"Hahaha! That's the spirit!" he smiles maniacally and said, "Today is the start of our work, we have to make a six meters high and 9 feet thick glass blocks, and four sets of seven meters tall and 11 feet thick for the support! We are going to make the greatest wall that Grains City ever see!"

"W-what? My hearing suddenly becomes weaker."

"Oh, I heard there's a new Inn in the city!"

"Haha, let's drink tonight!"

Buckler make facepalm forcefully because of their shamelessness, his face turned red from anger and embarrassment, "12,000!"




"Let's go and collect sands from the beach!"


"Haha, Lucas, don't mind them. They just like that all the time if the price is not reasonable they'll run away."

"It's okay grandpa, I need to go too, here's the payment!" He pored the mana grains inside the tray and make a small mountain, six big trays filled with two thousand mana grains each tray.

Lucas wore his mask and disappear to the direction of the dungeon, doing his daily mission he explored the dungeon for an hour, with his new shrink gloves, killing monster from a low-level dungeon was way fast and gained 400 mana grains in one hour.

No one recognized him under his masks and hoods, and everyone remembered what happened days ago, this reason makes his hunt way easier. Before he went home he bought several cooking utensils.

When he returned it's already 11 AM, time for lunch already. He brought out all the ingredients to prepare for lunch, he chopped the pineapple turkey into small pieces and marinated it with spider soy sauce and snake vinegar. He grinds the black ant pepper and spread it to the meat, and left it aside. He brought out the three feet long rambutan lobster clean its shell.

"Coco, can I have one of you coconut cannon balls? I need it on my dish^~^"

"Coco~!" Coco, release a weak light and five coconuts were floating in the mid-air.

"Lucas, what are you doing?" Viola who's watching was interested in his way of cooking, "The turkey should be cook whole and the only dish I know with lobster is deep fried."

"Watch and learn, you will make this dish in the near future, I'll be busy these coming days you see?"

He grated the coconut to extracts its coconut milk, he tied the legs of the lobster and put inside the pot, and poured the coconut milk inside, taste with salt and black ant pepper.

He digs a foot deep pit and set a fire inside, he throws the lumber he cut from the treetans the other day making an intense heat, added with coconut shell the fire become more intense, he set the pot of lobsters to boil for an hour.

He digs another pit and set a fire and boils the marinated pineapple turkey, he added coconut milk and cover the pot. He took out another large pot with 1/2 filled with clean water and added the mole potato.

"Haist, it's unfortunate that I just plant the chili, it will a lot tastier if we added some spice in it!"

An hour has passed and the fragrant smell of the evaporated coconut milk and the sour and sweet smell of the pineapple turkey filled their nostrils. Like a hungry wolf, Hugo, Redford, and Neil drooled and licked their lips. The juicy sweet smell and the seafood sinful smell of the lobster make their intestine twist in pain!

On top of lined lumber, the lobster was served in a large plate, with mash potatoes as side dishes and top led with ground black pepper. The turkey dish, Pineapple turkey adobo with coconut milk, partnered with boiled mole potato!

"Lucas, this pineapple turkey is delicious! What is this?"

"Haha, you don't have to know, Coco's coconut milk just different, even I have a strange taste on it! Let's continue eating, after this I'll set job separately, I have a plan already!"

After the lunch, Rita, Della, Ranrem, Violet, and Viola were on the left side of the table, Redford, Neil, and Hugo on the right.

"Since Everyone's already done eating, let's have our meeting about my plan. The Black Ant Peppers will be laying peppers right? The amount depends on how much the mana is, so I will be in charge of taking care of them.

"Since everyone wants to be a part of my plan, Rita and Della you will be the one who will harvest black ant peppers, you can start after two days, I plan to multiply them first.

"Grandpa Neil and Old man Redford, you have connections from the grains city, we will sell a lot of black ant pepper, we need to sell them fast, I already used up almost all my mana grains.

"Brother Hugo and Sister Ranrem, I want the both of you to guard the dome day and night, you only need to inform me if there is an attack or any trespasser.

"Viola and Violet, I want the both of you to be the one who will tend our foods. It's a bit hard for me to make food for everyone! Since both of you has experience already, I guess you guys don't have any problems! Now any questions?

"Since there's none, let's do our best!"

After resting for a bit Lucas started to look at his crops, the growth rate of the crops was multiplied by 500 which means, every moment the plant will grow like it was in fast forward.

When he reached his ocean pot there's already sprout from the place he plants the seeds, while inside the lighting pot, blackcurrants and the giant ginger has already grown furs? They were starting to evolve into a kitten! This improvement makes him happy and decided to prepare a place for them to sleep after they grow and prepare for the upcoming winter.

He saw Hugo resting at the stone bed from not far from the entrance, he approached the sleeping adventurer and speak, "Brother Hugo, do you know where I can cut normal trees?"

"Ehh? Oh, Lucas, the hell are you planning? Ah well, you can ask Ranrem to go with you, I'll take the shift for now." He stood up and approach Ranrem and speak to her.

Ranrem look at him and nodded, he strode forward and tilted her head "Go?"

"…You sure don't speak a lot, I just want to know where I can cut normal trees."

"Hmm, follow me." She said and walk to the south.

The two of them walk to the front of a truck, "Get in."

"... okay," he said blankly (She don't like to speak.)

She started the truck drive it towards the south, the endless land where wide, he can only watch as the trees get closer and closer.

"Sister Ranrem, how old are you?"


"Do you have a boyfriend?"


"Do you have any bad memory with guys?"


"What's your three size?"


"Woah, well can you tell me ?"

"19, none, none." She said emotionless.

Lucas looked at her strangely, "What kind of size is none?"

"Previous questions."

"Wahhh! The hell with you? You won't have any suitors if you stay like that!"

"I have 4."

Lucas at her bitterly, "Okay, how about your three si-hok!"

The truck suddenly stops from its high speed, Lucas was unprepared and hit the windshield with his face. (T-the hell with her.)

The two of them finally arrive at front of a gigantic tree with one-meter diameter, they step out of the truck and gazed at the tree. Lucas unequips his gloves and pull out his ax. "I'll do the work, you can sit back and relax."


Inside the dome, Coco pulls Viola on the front of the container and force her to open the hose. Viola can't do anything but do it, she opens the faucet and let coco drink the mana water.

Inside the lightning pot, behind the giant ginger, a tiny sprout hides itself and stealing nutrients silently from the pot without anyone noticing.

Thanks for support guys^∆^! I'll try to work harder and try to upload two chapters a day next time, only if I can, okay?! Also if you have any problems and dissatisfaction just put it in the review*0* It's a must for us writers^,~ we will improve it, but take note that I won't change the flow of the story>...< also if you want a type of planteros just suggest at the comment section! ex: Blood Orange Fox / Nightshade Grizzly Bear!!!

Planteros Magnum!

BurningDesirecreators' thoughts
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