
I still have the effect on her

Ye Tian watched DX and Kai Xin entered into the car from his private room in the Japanese restaurant.

He laughed gleefully when he remembered Kai Xin's face from this morning.

"I still have the effect on her."

After he realized that she had no intention of telling anyone about what they did to her, he decided to torture her a little.

He would purposely brushed against her whenever they walked past each other in school.

Sometimes he would convinced Luo Yin and Shangguan Xing to take a roundabout whenever they went to the cafeteria to get some snacks.

He knew that from where she was sitting in her class, she would be able to see everyone who walked passed the window.

It was not enough that they break her physical body.

He wanted her to completely break down.

It was easy to break his pets until they killed themselves but he often wondered if it would be equally easy to break a human.

When she remained unresponsive, he started stalking her outside of school.

Ye Tian would use anonymous numbers to call her phone and when she picked up, he would keep quiet.

She eventually stopped picking up any calls.

After about a month, Ye Tian got bored and decided to push her further.

One night, he decided to visit Kai Xin at the house with the pretense that he wanted to discuss something with Kai An.

When Kai Xin came back from tuition and saw Ye Tian sitting opposite her brother, her face paled out.

Kai An excitedly went over and hugged his younger sister as he greeted her, "Kai Xin! You are back! We have a guest today! Do you know him? He's -"

She nodded weakly, "Ye Tian..."

Kai An smiled brightly, "He said he likes what I was doing at the Student Council and he told his father about it."

"Apparently, Mr. Ye wanted to donate an entire set of musical instruments for our music club. The people from the music club have been complaining about the instruments, so this would be great for them."

Kai Xin smiled to entertain her brother.

She wanted to go back to her room but Ye Tian called out,

"Kai Xin, is it? Come and sit with us. It would be great to hear the opinions of an unrelated third party."

She hated hearing her name coming out of his mouth and wanted to leave, but when she saw her brother's face, she agreed to sit for a while.

Kai Xin sat there as Ye Tian and her brother discussed on the problems faced by the Student Council.

She wanted to forget about the incident but he would not let her. She wanted to hide but he would not let her.

She knew that he wanted to break her.

He wanted her to tell her brother about it but no matter what, she will not let him win.

She would not let him destroy her brother's life.

When her brother went to the kitchen to get some snacks, Ye Tian leaned forward and whispered, "I saw your mum before she left. She is kind of hot."

"Don't you dare!"

She bit into her lower lips angrily as she realized his threat to her mother's safety.

He laughed, "I have no interest in old woman. As long as you tell your brother, I would let you go and stop all this thing."

Ye Tian whipped out his phone and showed her some of the videos that he took that day.

Kai Xin's eyes went wide when she realized what he was showing her.

Her eyes soon welled up with tears as she watched herself being gang raped.

The sight of her own helplessness terrified her as she relived the memory over and over again.

As if she was back in that particular classroom, she unconsciously clenched her thighs tightly together when she felt the pain.

Her hands trembled as she watched them laughing at her pitiful self.

Ye Tian quickly kept his phone away when he heard footsteps walking towards them.

Kai An saw that his sister was about to cry and asked worriedly, "Xin, are you alright?"

She nodded and stood up, "I just realized that I have homework to do. I will talk to you later."

"What happened?" Kai An asked Ye Tian as he watched his sister walking back towards her room. Scratching his head, he mumbled, "She's been a little off lately."

Ye Tian shrugged, "Who knows what is in a girl's ridiculous mind? Thank God I don't have a sister. I doubt I can handle one."

Kai An smiled, "Even if they are being ridiculous, I still think that little sisters are the best gifts ever."


Downing the cup of sake that he poured himself, Ye Tian sighed as he thought how disappointed he was when he found out that Kai Xin transferred to an all-girls high school.

It was annoying because he can no longer play around with her.

Since she moved into the school's dormitory, it was impossible for him to stalk her there.

Furthermore, not long after she transferred, one of the girls Luo Yin and Shangguan Xing played with decided to off herself and the bitch had the nerve to leave a letter naming the three of them as her abusers.

As they were minors then, their names were never revealed.

With the Shangguan Re Dong's connections, it was as if there were never any reports or investigations.

Uncle Luo paid the family off heavily and told them to tell the world that their daughter had pined after the boys for their wealth and looks, and when the boys rejected her, she decided to kill herself to get them into trouble.

Despite it being solved, his father, Uncle Luo and Shangguan Re Dong decided to send all three of them overseas to avoid any further bad publicity.

It was election season and their parents were less forgiving of their shenanigans.

Ye Tian sighed as he downed another cup of sake.

He had visited Kai Xin secretly over the years, and it both delighted him and pissed him off when he saw that she was no longer as afraid of people as before.

As he laid down on the tatami, he lamented, "Little Kai Xin, do you want to continue to play with me?"

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