
Stepping into Tyrant Realm

Guan Qianhui looked at her and said in a calm voice, "Chu Yuechan, now you will have to go with Ryusuke with Floating Cloud City. And also take Xia Qingyue with you, let her meet up with her family member while you are there. Ryusuke will explain your mission while you three are on your way." Chu Yuechan nodded to her orders.

Both of them went out of the room and started moving towards Qingyue, who was still cultivating in seclusion. He called out to Qingyue and said, "let's go Qingyue. We have to leave now to go to the Floating Cloud City." She opened her eyes and heard his words, after some moments she let out a nod.

Ryusuke carried Qingyue in his arms while flying besides Chu Yuechan as they started flying towards Floating Cloud City. After half a day, they finally reached the Floating Cloud City. He put Qingyue to the ground as he said to her, "Go and meet your father and brother. I am Little Fairy are going to go to do some work, alright." She nodded and went towards her home where her father lived while Ryusuke turned towards Chu Yuechan and said, "Let's go now. We have to go towards the East of the Floating Cloud City." She followed him quietly without any questions.

The area east of Floating Cloud City was a land of hills and mountains, he went on the hill and released his Profound Energy as he tried to sense the Purple Veined Divine Crystals, his Profound Energy was the strongest energy is the World. Soon enough, he managed to sense a full deposit of Purple Veined Divine Crystals mine. He called out to Chu Yuechan and said, "Little Fairy, beneath our feet. There is a mine with the Purple Veined Divine Crystal, our mission is to take out these crystals."

Chu Yuechan was surprised as she was thinking about how were they going to extract the Purple Veined Divine Crystals if it was down the hill. Ryusuke smiled as he held her hand and made a Full Body Susanoo and used the Sword of Totsuka to cut away the useless part of the mountain didn't have any Purple Veined Divine Crystals which reduced it to be reduced to one fourth of its size. He then used the Susanoo's strength to completely lift up the mountain part which was left and started to travel high in the sky. For safety sake, he used a Genjutsu around the Susanoo so that nobody could detect both of them or could feel the disturbance. From a glance, everything seemed like it was Normal but it looked like there was just some earthquake which caused everyone in the Floating Cloud City to be shaken pretty badly.

Ryusuke went and planted the Mountain part near the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range, near the late Scarlet Dragon's Cave and made some especially strong illusions around the place. So, that they wouldn't be detected by anyone else. He used his Sharingan almost blinded his eyes as he saw the Energy in the Purple Veined Divine Crystal. He deactivated his Sharingan and both him and Chu Yuechan started to use their Profound Energy to break apart all the rocks and stored away the crystals in their Spatial Rings. After doing this work for the Entire Day, both of them finally collected the full 50 Kilograms of the Purple Veined Divine Crystals.

He took out 21 Kilograms of the Purple Veined Divine Crystal and said to her, "We will give the rest 29 Kilograms to the sect. and I won't take no for an answer. You, me and Qingyue will each have the 7 Kilograms Purple Veined Divine Crystal and you won't give this to sect because I said so." He saw that she was still about to raise an objection and said, "If you think that I am being unfair, well you can think of it like that. But remember I could come here alone and take all these 50 Kilograms of Purple Veined Divine Crystals without giving the sect anything. I am pretty generous because of the two of you and giving it 29 Kilograms of Purple Veined Divine Crystals."

Chu Yuechan slowly nodded as she heard his words and knew that what he was saying was indeed the truth, if he wanted the sect wouldn't even be able to get a single crystal and here they were getting 29-kilogram crystal. She then heard him say, "Be my protector here for some hours while I absorb these 7 kilograms of the Purple Veined Divine Crystals."

He then sat cross-legged right there as he closed his eyes and held the crystals in his hands and started to absorb its energy. His cultivation base started to surge as he used his Primordial Chaos Divine Veins to their full potential and sucked the energy out of the Purple Veined Divine Crystals at a very fast speed. It took only 100 Crystals to reach the Peak of Sky Profound Realm.

He then used about 2 Kilogram Crystals to reach the Peak of Emperor Profound Realm from the Peak of Sky Profound Realm. After that, the remaining less than 5 Kilograms Purple Veined Divine Crystals were used to reach the Tyrant Profound Realm. The realm at which one would be the absolute ruler of heaven and earth, that none could ever defy. He had stopped at the 6th Stage of Tyrant Profound Realm.

Chu Yuechan, who was beside him had seen his cultivation and was greatly astonished at his cultivation speed. It took about 2-3 years for a very talented genius to reach the Tyrant Profound Realm if he got all the resources for him cultivation but here she just saw him cultivate from Sky Profound Realm to the Tyrant Profound Realm. How could one not be shocked at such a speed? This was the benefit of the Primordial Chaos Divine Veins, while cultivating he would never experience a bottleneck and his foundation will be extremely solid from the start.

His Profound energy was also the Strongest in the World and the most important thing, his speed of cultivating was extremely fast. Ryusuke used his Mangekyou Sharingan to detect if there was any change in the powers and sadly couldn't detect any. He could however detect that it looked like it wasn't the final form of his eyes and sent more energy into his eyes. The eyes started to transform into the Rinne-Sharingan, his Eye Ball had Red Colour and with Three Tomoe on each of its two innermost circles appeared in both of his Eyes.

He was really astonished as he didn't expect himself to have the Rinne-Sharingan. He instinctively learned about his Rinne-Sharingan. He unlocked two powers of the Rinnegan as he stepped into the Tyrant Profound Realm, he knew that his Rinne-Sharingan had the power of Almighty Push and Heavenly Attraction of all Things and the Power of Rebirth. And with the powers of his Mangekyou Sharingan, these powers were very terrifying. Just Imagine a Perfect Susanoo who could use Almighty Push. He wondered if he could have the Power of Creation.

Ryusuke was really excited at his new powers and looked at Chu Yuechan and said to her, "Let's go back to Qingyue and rest." She nodded and said, "Ryusuke, will you tell me? Why is your cultivation speed so fast? I have never heard about anything like this before." He smiled as he had expected her question and said, "I have the Primordial Chaos Divine Veins, they are able to make me absorb any energy and raise my cultivation base. Their Speed of cultivation is also very high and the Foundation is extremely solid because the Profound Energy inside my body is Extremely Pure and is Extremely Dense."

She understood as she thought 'So, its because of his Profound Veins not because of some treasure.' He saw her frowning face and knew what she might be thinking and said as he smirked at her, "Little Fairy, don't be sad, when you finish absorbing these Purple Veined Divine Crystal. You will reach a similar state to me and I don't think that its gonna that long before you break through to the Tyrant Profound Realm. I will also guide you on the powers of Heaven and Earth and you should be able to step into the Tyrant Profound Realm in 6 months, no perhaps less."

She believed his words but as she thought about her own speed in cultivation and compared it with his, she could only bitterly smile at her own low cultivation speed. Ryusuke saw her mood and decided then and there that he was going to get the Purest Bloodline of the Ice Phoenix for Chu Yuechan.

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