
Series of Unfortunate Events (7)

Leena tied up the two thieves and began to question them. "Who do you work for?" Both the woman and the chubby man remained quiet. They may have been siblings but the woman was dark more attractive than the man, may have been due to surgery but it was hard to tell.

"If we tell you, you must come with us. He has asked you to bring you to him." The chubby man was nervous. He expected someone completely different but this girl was a young adult and she was naturally beautiful. Not to mention she put a scythe to him and his sisters throat.

"I will consider it once you've answered all my questions." The woman wasn't convinced. The girl wasn't like anyone she had ever met before, no wonder the boss wanted us to bring her to him. Just a few hours ago, before they came to this place, they heard an underground rumor that a Fiena made her way into a noble wedding.

"Go ahead and ask then." The woman was annoyed, she didn't want to do this job to begin with but because of Clouse's gambling debt they were here.

"Who do you work for?"

"We work for a man named Boss, we don't know his name or face. He always just sends a man in a black cloak to send us specific instructions on what to do. Once we complete the task we contact the man in the black cloak and we get paid."

"If he has a mysterious man in a black cloak working for him then why would he hire you?" This made no obvious sense, they looked like regular people to her.

"We are much more mischievous that we look, don't you think?" The woman showed her hands up in the air. The rope that Leena had used was on the floor and the Chubby guys rope was on the floor as well. "We've heard about you. Fiena, right?"

So they were toying with her, they knew she would come out of her hiding spot if they just wondered around in her home. "So you used a simple mind trick. What is it your boss wants with me?"

"We don't know. We are just doing our job and getting it done. Now, will you please come with us?" The chubby man was hoping that she would come willingly since she realized how witty they could be.

"Very well. Let me just grab a few things." Leena wasn't suspicious of them hurting her once she turned her back. That wanted her alive and if they thought they were capable of killing her they wouldn't have played a mind game.

Leena grabbed her personal belonging along with a few clothes from Amira's closet before heading back into the house to meet up with the thieves. "Btw, I'm Clouse and this is Veque." The chubby man introduced them as soon as her saw Leena. She followed along with the conversation. "I'm Leena."

They had been traveling all night, Leena was expecting to feel some sort of exhaustion but she didn't. It wasn't until dawn that they stopped to rest. "We rest during the morning, we don't interact much with day people."

They each slept in their own sleeping bags, they had a spare for Leena. Honestly, she was completely surprised with how prepared they were. These people were definitely different than she had expected.

The following morning she awake to both Clouse and Veque gone, nothing was left behind except her and the sleeping bag. Even her weapons, armor, clothes were taken. Leena was disappointed, her magic would normally sensor these things but this time it failed her and in return she had her stuff stolen.

"Good.. you're awake." Leena made a full 180° head turn to find a man in a black cloak. His face was covered so she couldn't see his features but she wasn't afraid either.

"Follow me." And without hesitation, Leena rose to her feet and followed the man.

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