

It was an unknown place , many scientists gathered across the hall .At the center there were five people who sat with black masks on their face. Two muscular guys ,one beautiful lady and 2 elderly people sat peacefully observing the audience.

In the eyes of the scientists who sat in the audience seats one can see doubts and mystery. Although no one knew their identity ,any idiot could tell that their identities were not common.

Everyone's gaze were clearly on the beautiful woman who was wearing black mask, one with the right mind could clearly tell she was other worldly beauty just by looking at her figure. Gathered scientists who looked professional outside were immersed in their own fantasy inside.

All of a sudden a scientist couldn't control his nerves and got up and asked nervously "Can anyone tell us the reason behind this gathering". Earlier they got letters telling them to gather at a particular location .

Scientists who were inherently curious creatures readily agreed and came to the location mentioned in the letter. To their surprise they were secretly transported to an unknown location which no one knew where.

A muscular guy on the center with the black mask stood up "Welcome to all our guests who came from different parts of the world. "He looked everyone in the hall who were more than 50 elite scientists from across the scientific fields like psychology, biology , anthropology etc .The scientist who stood earlier silently sat with a cold sweat . He couldn't match up to the muscular man's demeanor.

Muscular guy continued "Our human civilization has gone though many evolution s and presently we are stagnated and going through degeneration.

Its effects can be seen in global warming, climate change , terrorism , malnutrition, poverty , unemployment ,income inequality etc.. Our purpose of gathering you here is to invite you all for an unique experiment"

Everyone was listening attentively and started chattering among themselves 'what kind of experiment can it be that needed these many scientists ? why is there a need for secrecy'. Many scientists were beginning to have suspicions about the experiment.

Glancing at the chattering scientists ,the muscular guy waved his hand and continued " I understand what you are concerned about and I can assure you that it is not what you think .If I say we are creating next Albert Einstein would you believe it?"

Everyone became shocked hearing the last sentence . They were scientists not idiots and could easily infer many things from this sentence. One, this mysterious organization already done this experiment before . Two, this experiment is going to break ethical code of conduct .They thought it was about designer babies which were prohibited by many countries.

The Muscle man on the stage silently sat down and the beautiful women stood up. Everyone suddenly stopped their discussion as if its a tacit agreement. Their eyes concentrated towards her like a magnet .Her every action had a touch of elegance and whenever her eye came into contact with someone, he or she could feel the rising inferiority complex as if she was an angel looking down on normal humans.

Looking at the dazed scientists , she chuckled "You might have guessed by now that we have already done this experiment but I am sure you are unaware of the scale of this experiment.Before I tell you ,let me ask you a simple question .In the history of human civilization who were the key players?"

After a small pause without waiting for the audience response , she continued

"You are right, people like Albert Einstein in the beginning of 20th century , Napoleon Bonaparte in the beginning of 19th century, Adam smith in the beginning of 17th century are key figures that changed the course of human civilization .

For example Einstein came up with the theory of relativity which lead to space exploration and his famous formula e=mc2 lead to the beginning of nuclear age which played an important role in second world war and the cold war later.

Napoleon's rule is unique which helped spread ideals of French revolution across the world . After his rule came Vienna conference which subsequently which led to the creation of Germany and Italy and were key players in world wars.

Adam's smith was helped capitalism to rise which boasted trade in the 17th century . Wealthy capitalists started to look for new sea routes for trade expansion and it facilitated new inventions and discoveries to reduce the cost of travelling ."

Many scientists understood this more clearly than anyone else because, in their research they had gone through these characters for various reasons including for just an inspiration .By now many have realized the ambition of this organization which was too extravagant.

Lisa continued "Our organization since ancient times is creating such figures to change the civilization to next level .When I said creating ,I meant not the designer baby you are thinking but the natural way of selection and fostering .

We carefully select genes of the baby by examining the parents history and then we provide a training course suitable for them which would address on issues like how to raise the child, when to give reinforcements and when to give punishments etc

According to a research conducted by our organization ,we found that 90% of our behaviors is programmed by the time we reach 7 years old .When a baby is born it's brain is like a blank slate on which experiences write. Of course our gene is the limiting factor and environment stretches the potential to its limit.

After first 7 years of programming , children are left to their natural course of making choices but their major decisions will be monitored and regulated by our team till they become the key player in the world .To be on the safer side we are taking in 2 families ,one is a male child and the other is a female child and by the time ,these two children became adults we will know the results

If they doesn't live up to our expectations .We will simply couple them as parents so as to utilize their gene and continue experiment on their child."

Pin drop silence continued for a whole minutes after her speech. Many scientists couldn't appreciate the beauty anymore as they were busy discussing the implications of this experiment .Not all scientists were on the same page ,many thought that it was just rubbish as they couldn't accept the fact that history is being changed under their nose but they were ignorant.

Many grew excited thinking it as a historical experiment which comes once in their lifetime and some of them were skeptical about the results .Regardless of which side the argument went they have changed their of thinking . They were no longer sure whether famous personnel were brought up artificially or emerged naturally on their own choices.

They also understood one of the important point which no one dared to admit that this mysterious organization might have used this experiment to change leadership of a country or start a war on countries . This idea sent chills down their spine and scientists were not sure anymore

But what they were sure was that after hearing the secret they no longer have their freedom of choices .They have to accept the experiment or die without anyone knowing how they died. Now they realized why their phones were confiscated ,why they were wearing masks and was being secretive about the whole process.

THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN A DIFFERENT VERSION IN https://pothi.com/pothi/book/raghunandan-g-invisible-hand :



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