
Ch. 6

The tavern was quite ordinary, medieval-fantasy. The wooden house, like all the houses in the village, has two floors, with an extension, a stable and a wide back yard. Inside was a poorly lit room with square, roughly processed wooden tables and three-legged stools of the same quality. One of the walls was a fireplace, now extinct, along the other was the bar with the owner and the door to the office space, and the third - a staircase to the second floor.

It was late afternoon, but a couple of people were already lying in a trip under the dirty tables, in the corner was sitting some kind of small girl in a raincoat and a wide hat (swine a magician, mind you!), And to the tables occupied by some companies with trays hurried two rassnochitsy not beautiful, but rather pleasant appearance.

Having assessed the situation as quite tolerable, I went to the innkeeper.

- Good afternoon, dear. Do you have rooms for the night?

- Yes, - he nodded, giving me a look of appreciation. - Silver for a simple, three - with the convenience. Food separately.

- And what amenities? - I became interested.

"A wash tub, hot water, bed with bedding and a chamber pot," the innkeeper sneered.

And then what awaits me in idle time? A pile of straw on the floor interspersed with splinters and saber-toothed bugs ?! Having imagined these joyfully rubbing paws of bugs, I shivered and resolutely slapped in front of the innkeeper three brilliant roundels.

- Come with comfort. Do you wear food to the rooms?

"Carry it," he nodded, raking up the coins. - Two iron for dinner.

"Come on," I agreed, laying out another silver coin. - Then I first have food, and then hot water in the vat.

"We'll do it," he nodded, laying a massive brass key with a light green on the table. - Second floor, the last door on the right.

Rising to the second floor, I thoughtfully examined the cloves on the key. They were already two! Finding the right door, rather massive by the way, I looked into the wide keyhole and easily saw the whole lock mechanism. Fuck, I'll open it with my finger! It will be necessary to come up with something in terms of security for the night, otherwise they will kill the sleepy, and I will not have time to utter a word.

Having turned the key in the lock, I entered the room and closed the door behind me. The room was not very spacious - a bed, a chest and a table with a bow-legged stool. Opening another door in the corner, I found a small room with a wooden bucket, apparently playing the role of a "night pot", and a wooden bandura, similar to a wide barrel with a removable lid. She was tall to me somewhere to the waist.

"Amenities fucking ..." I mumbled.

On closer examination, the bed was covered with something like a thin mattress, clearly stuffed with straw, and in the corner lay a prickly woolen blanket with suspicious yellowish spots. I hope this is not what I was thinking?

Especially my paranoia pleased the window - it was wide, tall, not glazed and shuttered on a simple hook. Moreover, the gap between the shutters was such that this hook from the outside could again be opened even with a finger.

No, I definitely didn't like the local security level! Not that I was directly expecting an attack on my precious carcass, but a hero or not? According to all the laws of the genre, at night a beautiful dark elf assassin should get into my window and after a short fight join my harem! By the way, harem, ay? Where are you?

Then I remembered what I had seen on the first floor of the "girl-sorceress" and immediately dismissed all unnecessary thoughts from my head. No, no, fuck loli! Fuck the harem! From them the rectum gets out of ass! I'll go better slut take off - no commitment and removal of the brain!

By the way, and who will bring me water there and dinner? Maybe one of those waiters? It will be necessary to probe them on the subject of "touch" ...

My fantasies did not have time to draw pictures of a funny night, as the door opened and the BABA fell. That is the case with the biggest letters. He is a head taller than me, with the figure of a professional wrestler and cans of wet fantasies of a schoolboy-giantman grown up on vulgar narrow-eyed cartoons! The face covered with stubble reminded me of a hachik from a nearby porch, and my hair, braided in two pretty blond braids, was just the apotheosis of the whole absurdity and injustice of the Creator's attitude to the human race in general and to me in particular.

I love pigtails. I LOVE KOSICHKI. And she was simply divine. But I love my life more. Like reason.

In one hand, this female King Kong carried a tray of food, and in the other hand, a healthy tub, steaming out.

- Ordered? - she said.

I just nodded silently. Baba left the tray on the table, after which she stomped into the "bathroom", where she poured hot water into the vat, filling it at once.

- Do not want anything else? She boomed, standing at the door. At the same time she SO looked at the bed, that my soul was locked in the heels and threatened to curse with eternal impotence, if I allowed even the edge of the thought of consent.

I quickly shook my head.

The woman scratched the stubble and walked out, closing the door behind me, which I immediately hastily locked with a key.

After eating, I finally took care of myself. The wounds received from the creature stopped bothering me even in the forest, but I couldn't see that there with them under a crust of dried blood. And now, gently steaming and tearing away all unnecessary, I was surprised to see only fresh scars.

Interestingly, is it all so, or only the characters? Or is it affected by increased vitality? Sorry to ask no one. What is the conclusion? It is necessary to urgently look for a source of information about the processes of this world.

Having washed off, I changed into clean clothes and stretched out on the bed. They promised to drain the vat and pick up the tray tomorrow morning, so today no one should disturb me.

Maybe go look for someone for the night? Nah ... lazy, and tired like a dog. It will be necessary tomorrow to search for work. And interestingly, is there something like a guild of adventurers?

Reflecting on any crap, I did not notice how I fell asleep ...

The awakening was sudden and very strange.

The room was dark as in an ass black man, in the tavern there was complete silence, somewhere outside the window barking dogs, from the forest came the distant howling of wolves ... In general, everything was quite quiet and peaceful.

Nothing like? So I immediately began to shit, groping with my hand the shield lying by the bed and a band with shuriks. Quickly pinning myself both, I froze in the dark, trying to understand where the danger was coming from.

The darkness of the room was cut only by a small pale ray - between the shutters the light of a bright moon penetrated. Here it was at some point and began to interrupt.

Come on?! No, are you serious ?! Well I was joking about the night attack of the elf! Although hell knows who exactly it decided to visit me.

I got to the window as quietly as possible and got ready. Something thin slid through the slit of the shutter and, rising up, it was easy to take off the hook. The window opened wide and a figure appeared against the moonlit aperture. Decided to follow the example of the most peaceful people, to bury with the world.

A direct left jab hit the throat and, judging by the crunch, something successfully broke there. Yes, and the sharp end of the shield allows you to speak with confidence at least about the trachea injury.

Jumping after the fallen unknown, I landed on my feet and rolled away to the side. After that, he cautiously stood in the shadow of the wall, trying to assess the situation. Everything was quiet, only the failed robber something there dying gurgled.

After waiting a moment, I cautiously approached and examined it in the scanty moonlight. A skinny male figure wrapped in black clothes. A small empty bag with a constricting neck and comfortable shoulder straps was found on the back, and a pair of slightly curved daggers with a blackened blade and double-edged sharpening was on the belt. I also found a pair of simple gold rings on my finger, but that's about it. Obviously a thief who went on business.

Bag, rings and daggers with scabbard, I, naturally, took myself. Just money and at least some weapons. The corpse rolled back slightly to the side so that it was not clear from which window it fell. The earth was hard, trampled down, so I was not afraid to leave traces. After that, I quietly climbed the wall and returned through the window to the room. I closed the shutters and calmly went to bed. The system, by the way, scribbled something about reaching the fifth level, a plus sign in a fatal blow and dexterity, but I just dismissed it - the body was too tired and required to sleep.

Waking up in the morning, I sweetly reached out and, opening the shutters, looked out the window. There was no corpse, as well as a commotion. Shrugging, I sat down to deal with the trophies.

Daggers were the most ordinary looking. A little dull, but to puncture someone neck sharpness enough. As I recall, military weapons are rarely perfectly sharp - quickly getting blunt about bones and armor. The bag and rings, too, turned out to be the most common, without any runes and cunningly twisted properties, such as weight reduction or the talent of absolute power ...

Even boring. Why was it impossible for me to issue a hundred-five hundred levels plus a bunch of epic items right after the transfer? I would go all bent over and make me fuck each other with a happy train! So no, they gave out some kind of incomprehensible persimmon, now suffer, swing ...

When I got dressed, I shoved the bag with the rings into my bag, and I hung the curlers on the belt at the back so that they would not bend down. After that, he finally paid attention to the icon that was annoyingly blinking in the corner of view.

- Status!

Crawled out two messages.

Dexterity value of 50 units has been reached! Choose a bun!

- "improved coordination" (usually)

- "improved flexibility" (ordinary)

Attention, the further growth rate of this characteristic is halved.

Reached level 5! Choose a bun!

- Ability

- Skill

- Bonus to harateristikam

"It's like, Mikhalych ..." I muttered. - So, the system still gives out perks for a certain level. It's a pity that they are not skill points ... Well, we'll choose flexibility in the first, since my coordination is OK, the message immediately flashed and only the second part remained. - But with a level award ... Mmm ... I'll raise the characteristics, there are no problems with skills, but abilities are useful and difficult to obtain. Give your way!

The inscription erased, but quickly began to appear another.

Ability generation ... Performance evaluation ... Skill evaluation ... Title evaluation ... Checking logs ... Choosing the optimal ability ... Done.

"Cat's eye" (rarely) - the ability to increase the sensitivity of the eye in the dark. The main thing is not to look at the bright light, otherwise you will remain without blinkers.

My eyes itch a little, but everything passed quickly. However, I did not notice much difference.

When I got up, I reached out and was about to go downstairs, as from somewhere on the side of the village gate there was a nasty ringing of a bell and a heart-rending cry.

- Attack !!!

"Fuck," my cheek nervously twitched.

Name: Andrey.



Seeing the legend (+5 to perception)

Desperate Jumper (+5 Agility)

Knowing the Horror (+5 to all characteristics)

Level: 5


Strength: 41

Dexterity: 50

Perception: 40

Vitality: 28

Power of Thought: 30

Loose points: 30


Ignoring common sense (unic)

Cat's eye (rare)

Improved flexibility (ordinary)

Acceleration of progress (legends, from the title of "hero")


Riding: 4 ur (learner)

Sword possession: 5 ur (student)

Shield Mastery: 4 ur (student)

Throwing: 4 ur (student)

Stealth: 5 ur (student)

Oboer swordsman: 5 lvl (apprentice)

Field Medicine: 1 ur (pupil)

Hazard Premonition: 10 lv (student)

Mortal Strike: 5ur (student)

Archery: 3 ur (student)

Silent step: 8ur (student)

9.38 gold

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