
5 Women!

Ba'al lead Kevin, Tiido, Dal, and Simon to where he found the creature that looks the same as them. After crossing different valley it's not like you can tell the difference between them but yes they already cross a different valley. Upon reaching a certain valley and a cave can be seen from afar, the cave was huge and can fit almost 500 people in the entrance.

Outside the cave, a number of people can be seen, Kevin and the group is currently hiding behind a large rock. Tiido saw the two mountain part in the person's chest area and couldn't help but ask.

"What is that two small mountain in their chest area?"

Hearing him ask that question, Kevin, almost laugh out loud as this people really don't have an idea about genders.

"That person who has two small hills in their chest area are called women. Those women have an ability to give birth to someone like us or maybe even better. And we don't have that ability as we are men." Kevin answered.

"I don't get it! What you want to say is they are awesome right?" Ba'al idiotically answered.

"Yes, they are awesome," Kevin said, as he himself like women especially when he was having *** with them.

Kevin during his first life was not that fond of women as they were a distraction but after having his second chance as a magician he discovered that having women can relieve a lot of his stress. Right now, discovering a tribe of women in this barren land was like sending a coal in a cold winter which makes him really glad.

"We should make our weapon first and then try to talk to them after," Kevin said.

"Why should we talk to them later not now?" Simon on the side ask.

"If we are unsuccessful talking to them then we will surely be attacked and can't leave alive this place. But when we talk to them after we are done making our weapon we might have an insurance and if my thinking is correct, this women will follow the guys who are far stronger than them." Kevin judge even though he like women he will not idiotically charge at them and have a talk as he knew that in this time period the rule of survival of the fittest is the absolute law.

No one can change that and by becoming strong and have a strong army behind then surviving is not just a dream. Kevin also discovered another danger aside from the dinosaurs and other creatures, and that is the other humans. In his two previous worlds, humans are all the same all of them will take any chance to rob, to kill, to take vengeance to other humans.

Others might describe that the humans are the supreme beings who have a knowledge and all of them are all forgiving who love each other, but all of it is wrong if not wrong only minority close to none can fit that description! Kevin knew that as he himself is not a saint and he knew for himself that he also has an ugly side he doesn't want to show to others. But saying that in front of the others will do him no good as he knew that they will not understand it.

"Anyway, we should go back and create our weapons. Ba'al stays here and don't let them know your presence report to me if they create a strange movement. Got it?" Kevin ordered

"Got it!" Ba'al said. Having learned that this creature who have two mountain hills on their chest area was awesome he will not dare to be negligent on watching them.

Kevin nodded his head and leave with the group except for Ba'al who will watch the creature the same as them with two mountain hills on their chest. Kevin himself was laughing when he heard the group refer the women that way, but he didn't show it in his face.

Kevin and the others reached the cave and started making a weapon, Kevin first show them how to create the stone dagger. Creating a stone dagger was relatively easy as he knew the process how to do it. Having Kevin demonstrate it to them they also tried creating it, some successfully crafted the stone knife on their first try and some have to meet failure but they still continue crafting after continues failure, and finally succeeded.

They keep on creating weapon they didn't notice the time and it's already 3 months have passed. In those 3 months, Kevin has been practicing how to handle the stone dagger properly as he never really wield a dagger in his 2 live times, practicing dagger was relatively easy as he knew the concept of it.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Kevin was swinging his dagger as a form of warm exercise as he also needs his body to keep in touch and also to have his body never forget the sensation of handling the dagger.

"Kevin, when will we resume our scouting?" Tiido who has just finished creating his stone dagger ask. As he is curious why Kevin postponed their activity on scouting.

"Soon, we will resume scouting. But we need to wait for them first." Kevin mysteriously said.

"Them?" Tiido tilted his head as he didn't understand what Kevin said.

Kevin just smiled at him and didn't say anything as he was not hundred percent sure if they will notice it.

"The one who refers himself as Kevin! Come out if you don't want your subordinate to be killed!" A cold voice sounded from outside the cave.

All of the guys panic as they didn't know what to do, they didn't even know that there are others who can talk like them. However, Kevin's eyes lit up when he heard the voice as he knew that the one he was waiting for finally arrived.

Kevin and the others went out to see who was the daring fellow who will shout Kevin's name like that. But upon seeing the person they shocked even Kevin who was already expecting them to come was also shocked.

In front of them was a young woman around 18-20 years of age with long black hair, and she has fair skin you will not believe that she lived in a barren land as her skin was so smooth and you can't see any dark spot on it. Her eyes are pure black and one will lost upon looking at it, the figure of her body was slim like a model.

"Ah! The one who is the same as us but have two mountain on their chest area!" Dal said.

Kevin's mouth twitched upon hearing, if they said it before then he can still accept the description but when he said it now and upon witnessing this beautiful woman in front of him he really wants to hit Dal's head right now.

"Call her woman! Don't call them a strange name!" Kevin bellowed at him.

The women in front of them are holding a panicking Ba'al, he is not talking right now as he was afraid to be killed by those mountain hills.

"So, what do you want from me?" Kevin ask while looking at her.

"Are you the leader of this group?" She answers Kevin's question with a question.

"Well, you can say so. What's your name anyway? Referring you as 'you' is not suitable for me." Kevin said.

Hearing Kevin's question the beautiful woman just look at him with a strange expression, she looks behind her and ask what's the meaning of his question but no one understands it. Then she looks to Kevin with a cold expression.

"What's a name?"

Hearing the beautiful woman's question Kevin feel like he is going to faint because he suddenly has the feeling of deja vu that he can never forget even if he tries to.

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