
Beast(2) END

Shisui wasn't really shocked when a messenger snake arrived at his bedroom window with a letter from Yomi. He opened it as the sky thundered and rain drops pitter pattered against the rooftop.

[Little Shisui,

When I come back let's have a picnic under the cherry blossoms ok?.....

.....If you're reading this then I should be dead....

.... "I have a favour to ask of you]


Kisame received the letter with excited eyes and quickly read it bouncing over to Kakazu.

"Kakazu!!!! Nee chan wants to meet us!"

Kakazu's eyes flashed with a foreign emotion before he turned away.


Shisui felt burning tears from his eyes as he felt the surge of power coming through his veins, "Yomi chan..."


Nagato opened it and as he read the first sentence his hands began to tremble.

[ Nagato kun, if you are reading this then I am already dead...]


Orochimaru wiped the blood off his face as he put back his kunai into his pouch after wiping it on his trouser, then he collected the letter from the snake.

["....Buy me lots of candy next time ok?"]

He read the letter and a distant emotion seemed to overcome him, regret.

Humans were fickle, easily wasted away, that's why, he looked up to the sky as rain began to fall.

Immortality was essential, and he was so close to getting it. he put his hands in his pocket and brought out what seemed like a vial filled blood with a label on it. He smirked, the least he could do was use what she had left behind for his research.


Kakazu read his letter.

[ The rest is in your hands. ]

He put his hand over his face, forcing down a burst of maddening laughter, this was the most entertainment he has had In a long time.


Yomi opened her eyes once more into the darkness, feeling something stirring within her, this was the monster locked into rin? He seemed gentle, it's chakra was cooling to her.

A deep dignified voice rose from within her.


This was isobu? Why did the tailed beast call her a creator? The ninjas that had taken her and were trying to use her as a weapon on the village of konoha.

Even in the last few hours of her life she still felt that humans were very funny creatures, highly entertaining to say the least.

It was a shame she couldn't be human for a little while longer.

"He's here." Her small dry voice came resounding, echoing in the cave as her smile widened.

The ninja looked at her. "She's awake? But how-"

"Tsuki Yomi!"

Kakashi's voice interrupted as a Chidori camel piercing through the poor shinobi's chest.

His ninken came in after him as he quickly took out the other ninja and came towards her.

He untied her and supported her as she found her legs weak.

"Quick, this way!"

One of the ninken said pointing at a small opening in the walls.

Kakashi nodded quickly dragging her out and leaving the ninken to close the opening.

"Let's go Yomi!" He said quickly allowing her to stand on her own and she nodded before following after him.

It was dark and they were being chased by the enemy shinobi. Yomi went ahead to tell Kakashi the problem.

"Kakashi, they did something to me."

His eyes widened as he assumed the worst.

"Did they..."

"No they didn't rape me, they sealed a tailed beast inside me."

Kisame's excitement swelled as he came closer to Yomi's scent, finally he could meet her again, he had so much to tell her.

About samehada, about growing up, about his first solo mission, so much.

Kakashi didn't know how to react, but before he could enemy shinobi arrived from in front and he stopped realising they were surrounded.

"Kakashi, kill me."

Yomi said firmly.

Kakashi looked at her like she was crazy. "You don't have to die! Sensei's master is a fuinjutsu master, he can help you!"

He was holding on to hope, she was Obito's family, his friend, their teammate!


She smiled sadly.

One of the shinobi after them attacked and Kakashi jumped out of the way and activated his chidori again.

And he launched it at the ninja.

With that Yomi vanished from her spot.

Kisame came to a halt, he could smell it, he could see it, blood, her blood, dripping from his hands, she held his arm that was ludged inside her chest.

A few drops of blood fell from her mouth.

She leaned closer, whispering.


He didn't care at this point, he attacked anything and everything that stood in his way.

Including Kakashi who was sent flying leaving the girl falling, kisame caught her holding on to her.

This couldn't be what was happening.

Tsuki Yomi was strong, she wouldn't let anything beat her, that's right she wasn't dying.

"Onee chan."

He called out quietly as his eyes burned and tears fell.

"Onee chan."

She opened her eyes to smile.


She coughed a mouthful of blood, "didn't I say that I was older than you?"

If kisame wasn't mentally broken by seeing her die he might have managed to realise that Kakazu had turned his back to them refusing to witness the scene.

"Onee chan..."

That seemed to be the only thing he could say, he couldn't move, couldn't breathe, everything seemed to fade, his life force, his sanity, everything.

"You'll carry on sōzō for me right?"

Her hand reached out to touch his head and a flood of memories from the original naruto came flooding into his head including why she formed sōzō and nothing else.

With that her hand fell and she was dragged into her subconsciousness.

Then she started to fade away, right before his eyes.

"Onee chan wait! You promised to stay with me!"

He tried to grab her but he couldn't, like she had become a ghost.

"Please come back onee chan!"

She had gone, but she had left it to him, to finish forming sōzō to counteract the akatsuki.


Kushina turned sharply towards the dark sky, an ominous feeling weighed down on her heart.

"Is anything wrong kushina?" Asked Minato from behind, she didn't look back, her eyes fixed at the storm clouds.


Sasori smirked in his lab as he remembered their last meeting.

As always, the kamikage's plans were always the best.


Zetsu watched a grieving Obito, "Obito..." he began.

"Yomi chan...."


Kurama couldn't help but laugh from where excitement, this was it!

The rebirth of a god!

Yomi found herself back facing the ball of light.

A wide smile appeared on her face.

Call it mad, she didn't care, all she cared was that right now she was winning this battle.

"I want to exchange this power for my eye site."

The ball was silence, before it began to laugh.

"Let me guess you want to request for another power?"

So it knew.

"Of course I know! I am a part of you after all."

It approached her.

"What power would you like to be reborn with?"

she love it when a plan comes together.

Next chapter