
Is it too much asking for a Normal life in Naruto

Author: Shaikh_Tohaa
Anime & Comics
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Life of a Shinobi is not easy

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Chapter 1who is sleeping

"... and that's how after subduing all the tailed beasts Lord First distributed them among other Great Villages. " explains Iruka with a smile on his face while looking at the students just to discover Kazuma holding his hand in the air making him ask " Yes Kazuma? "

Receiving permission for his teacher Kaza decided explan his confusion "Sensei why did Lord First distribute all the Chakra Beasts among other villages when he could just keep them for us and ...

"Kazuma , I know you are curious about this and all however you are still too young for this topic and I will explain about it some other time since we don't have much time left for this class. " before Kazuma can end his confusion Iruka decided to cut in his speech since the topic is going somewhere it should not be and soon after the bell rings indicate the end of today's lessons.


"Naruto if you do not want to spend the night in the school sleeping it's best you get up. " After everyone left the class and Kazuma also finishes reading a book about The Complete History of The Shinobi world he decided to hit Naruto on the head before asking with a smile.

"You fool I was not sleeping but only waiting for you to finish reading your book so you are not left alone . " says Naruto angrily while rubbing the back of his head while standing up from his spot.

" Are you sure you were not snooring just now? " asks Kazuma with annoyance as he decided to collect his notes and books before walking towards the gate.

After leaving the Shinobi Academy the duo started walking towards the Ichiraku Ramen shop for their dinner as Naruto started complaining "You know I just hate that guy and whenever I see that smug face of his it's like someone is telling me to hit him in the face. "

"Yeah good luck hitting Suske on the face with the way you are right now. " says Kazuma with a sigh while wondering if he should hit Suske and Complete his mission already but the mission records are upgrading with every refreshes he makes which is the only thing holding him back from taking down the topper of his class.

Listening to the sarcastic replay from his friend Naruto could not stop himself from yelling out loud "Come on stop acting ad if you can do better... "

"Waht do you think? " says Kazuma with a smile on his face as he enters the shop while Naruto only looks at him with surprise since Kazuma never tells a lie however he.

After they left Ichiraku Ramen Naruto finally decided to ask Kazuma why he never fights Suske who is thought to be above eberyone in the class.

"I am already the topper of the class Naruto. " reminded Kazuma with a smile making Naruto shake his head not understanding what that has to do with defeating Sasuke.


After leaving Naruto Kazuma soon arrives in his house and found Asuma drinking tea and looking at the cloid making him ask with a smile "When did you return elder brother? "

"I arrived this evening and it looks like i will have to depart for my next mission today , so i decided to say my goodbye before leaving. " explains Asuma with a smile as he turns to look at the youngest of the family.

"Surely Father won't send you on a long mission. " asks Kazuma with a curious face wondering if the relationship between the two is still the same.

"No this time I have decided to take it on my own and it will take a long time which is why I decided to see you before leaving. " explains Asuma with a sigh as he stands up before leaving Kazuma behind alone in the yeard.

Looking at the departing back of Asuma Kazuma let out another sigh and decided it's not his place to intervine between elders even if this is his 2nd life however this would of Shinobi is not something he can take lightly in only six years of his new life.



Age: 6 Y

Chakra: 1000

Agility: 40

Durability: 45


Chakra Control:Lv2 (able to control 100 chakra properly and recover 50 Chakra in each circulation)


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RaccoonLeague · Anime & Comics
391 Chs
Table of Contents
Volume 1