
Then Who Am I?

"Hue Houa!" Pao Hua called his name in a stern voice. Pao Hua doesn't say his nephew's name often unless he was dead serious.

Little Superglue shrieked when he heard his uncle called his name. He looked down and unwillingly complied.

Mua Kong felt bad that he was not around when his son was born and when his son finally appeared before him, his son was motherless. To make up for the loss of his significant other, he usually gave in and spoiled his son whenever he was home. This has caused Little Superglue to not listen to him most of the time. The only person stern with him was Uncle Pao Hua.

Pao Hua was stern with Little Superglue when Hli Ja was around before Mua Kong came into the picture. But Pao Hua played with him the most too, so even though Little Superglue doesn't listen to both his parents, he always listened to his uncle. 

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