

The broken-hearted participant stood up and left the group, "I'll go for a walk."

"Alright, but don't go too far. If you go straight eastward, you'll find an opening to a stream, and farther northward along it is a hot spring." Their guide told him. "Be back within an hour, or we'll start searching for you. Please bring your phone with you."

"Roger that." The broken-hearted participant acknowledged the instructions.

He followed the instructions of the guide. Soon after he found the stream. The sound of running water soothed his troubled heart. He walked northward slowly towards the hot spring.

Once in a while he glanced up at the stars above and at the huge full moon. The stars and moon shone brightly against the deep, dark night sky.

'It would have been a perfect night to share with a lovely lady.' He sighed.

There was an image of one particular lady that appeared in his mind.

'Xue Jinxu.' He sighed again.

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