

Liu Lanzhi didn't know how to react to his proposal. Normally, she'd happily cultivate with someone as strong and handsome as him, but she couldn't help but feel fearful of him, as he was just too profound and mysterious, causing her to have an inferiority complex when in his presence.

"Do you have any idea what you are talking about? I do not mean any offense, but how can a normal Cultivator like you teach me how to Cultivate?" she said to him in a doubtful tone.

"Hmm? Are you implying that I do not know how to dual Cultivate?" Su Yang said with a frown. "I will have you know that I have my fair share of experience!"

"Eh? You do?" Liu Lanzhi looked at him with a look of surprise, since he doesn't give the image of someone who would have experience in dual Cultivation. But that was to be expected of the Heavenly Emperor's appearance.

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