

Next day.

When Stephen woke up, it was only around 6 a.m. He couldn't sleep well in such environment. He wasn't used to it. Without bed, mattress, blanket, pillow.

Not to mention it was pretty cold outside at night. The more so, his clothes did not offer special protection against the cold. The fire had long since died out, only the embers remained.

That's why Stephen was still very sleepy, although he did not plan to continue to sleep. This will be a good lesson for the future. Even if he didn't have much of choice in those circumstances.

Since he became participant in the 'Game of New Gods', Stephen decided to start his day with the morning workout. First was a light jog around the camp and a stretch. After, there were push-ups, situps, crunches and squats.

Ste[hen spent whole hour doing workout. He was pretty exhausted after all of those exercises. That's why Stephen dropped dead near the bonfire and rested for about 20 minutes, trying to catch his breath.

When he rested a little he began to prepare a breakfast. Once again it was a rabbit. It was as always so delicious.

After Stephen finished his breakfast, he began to plan his course of actions for today.

He decided that for the time being it's better not to kill rabbits anymore. It's better to scout whole area of the forest first. Stephen didn't wanted for a dangerous animals to appear until he scouted whole forest. It will create only unnecessary troubles and won't help in any way.

Stephen went to the place where he finished his scouting yesterday and continued to move south.

When he reached right-bottom part of the game area, Stephen found a cave. Because it was still pretty dark outside, he couldn't see what was inside that cave.

Feeling like he forgot something, Stephen moved carefully toward that cave.

When he was about 30 meters away from the cave, Stephen saw what was inside.

A pair of blood-red eyes stared at him. His mind went blank for a moment. He was scared shitless as he started running away from that place.

After about 200 meters away, Stephen finally stopped when he saw that no one was following him. Feeling that all his strength have disappeared, he dropped down on the ground.

"Haa Haa. The heck is THAT?!", heavily breathed Stephen.

"I thought I was dead!", shouted Stephen.

After he took a breath and calmed down, Stephen finally relaxed.

That was really scary. Horror movies are child's play if you were to compare. A strong, terrifying and bloodthirsty aura emitted from that beast.

Stephen even had some kind of illusion where his neck was torn to shreds by the beast's fangs. Really horrific creature.

Feeling trepidation and fear he decided to ask.

"Hey Nero. Was it the BOSS?", said Stephen with trembling voice.

[Ding! Yes, host. That was the BOSS of the forest – Bloodmane Lion.], replied Nero.

"And how the hell should I kill it?! Isn't it some kind of an empty dream?!"

"I will be torn to shreds as soon as I attack that MONSTER!", Stephen shouted with all his might.

He could already imagine how this will happen. The only outcome of this carnage, because he can't even call it a battle, will be his miserable death.

Stephen even wasn't sure that his bow will be able to deal any damage to the BOSS.

He was that terrifying.

Even if he didn't see the stats of the BOSS, only his presence already indicated that it was out of Stephen's league.

[Ding! Host shouldn't despair. There are no impossible quests in the 'Game of New Gods'. If you were given such opponent, that means that there is a way to defeat it. It's just that you haven't found it yet.]

[Not to mention, I have already told you that the BOSS won't attack you on own initiative.]

[So you are safe as long as you don't attack it or won't enter 10m area around the treasure chest.],

steadily explained Nero, trying to reassure its host.

Hearing this, Stephen sighed with relief.

"Yeah. Apparently, I was just too scared and forgot about it."

"That's a relief."

Next chapter