

In the wake of his three-day foray with Elaine and Alphine, Vahn decided to wrap things up by spending a bit of time with Rindo before checking in on Angri. Only a few hours had passed since the time he laid her to rest in Yoruichi's room, but that was more than enough to become better acquainted with the mischievous cat. As a result, Vahn entered the room to find Yoruichi teaching her young protege how to stretch her back and shoulders while raising her butt high in the air, a display reminiscent of a cat that would have been quite the sight to behold if not for the fact she also directed Angri to cover the more tantalizing bits with her tail...

Despite sensing Vahn's presence almost immediately, the two dark-skinned beauties made sure to take their sweet time before finally addressing him. This was a little harder for Angri, but, following Yoruichi's example, she managed to put on quite the show even as her scent filled the entire room with a potent yet captivating musk. This, however, was considered a failure by Yoruichi, who, with a teasing smile on her face, placed the petite redhead in a headlock as she said, "You're giving away the game. You should be the one riling him up. Going into heat just because you have an audience. What are you, an exhibitionist?"

With a ruddy complexion, labored breathing, and a thin layer of sweat covering her body, trying to refute Yoruichi's words wasn't exactly an option. Instead, Angri decided to simply ignore her, eyeing Vahn with a hungry expression as she half-whined, "Master..." while still in a headlock. This left both Vahn and Yoruichi feeling a little helpless, but, considering Angri had only recently come to life, they couldn't exactly blame her for lacking self-control.

Before Vahn could make a suggestion of her own, Yoruichi, perhaps in an effort to strengthen the hierarchal relationship between her and Angri, released the latter's head from her grasp. Then, in a series of swift movements, she surprised the redheaded Vanargandr quite a bit by picking her up from behind, hooking her hands behind her knees, and 'presenting' her steamy lower body for the world, or, more accurately, just Vahn to see.

Though Angri appeared considerably more youthful than Yoruichi, the two were, in fact, very similar in size. Yoruichi had always been on the shorter side, standing only 156cm in height, so, seeing her pick up and present Angri caused an atmosphere of licentious incongruity to pervade the room. In a way, it was almost like seeing an older sister offer up her younger sibling to a brute, but, rather than showing even a single sign of trepidation, Angri worked seamlessly with the former by using her paws to present the glistening and pulsating flesh hidden between her slightly swollen vulva...

Despite being at a genuine loss for words, that didn't prevent Vahn from taking a few steps forward to get a closer look. This caused Angri's breathing to become noticeably more labored, and, though she did her best to keep them retracted, her cat-like claws began to protrude. Fortunately, despite a few noteworthy differences between her and Fenrir, Angri possessed a comparable imperviousness to her own claws and fangs...

With the Vanargandr's excessively robust and potent pheromones filling his head and causing his brains to buzz, Vahn couldn't help but wonder if this was similar to the intoxication others felt when they got drunk. Either way, he found it strange that, despite being immune to virtually everything else, he was still susceptible to things like pheromones and aphrodisiacs. Sure, he could sober up almost instantaneously, but, so long as he offered no resistance, a fiery and desirous feeling would well up in his chest that made it difficult to resist succumbing to his baser instincts.

Fortunately, Vahn was in a position where such restraint was wholly unnecessary, so, after sampling Angri's youthful wellspring directly, he allowed his clothes to effectively dissolve away as he stood up and placed his glans at her welcoming entrance. This alone was enough to incite a remarkably powerful climax, but, despite the frantic trembling of her body, Angri managed to pry herself open without breaking eye contact.

Offering a smile in response to the impassioned beauty's expectant gaze, Vahn gently muttered, "I swear...the two of you are going to corrupt me..." before sinking himself slowly yet decisively into her compact furnace. This caused the trembling of her body to increase exponentially, but, rather than release a pleasured moan, Angri simply took a number of deeps breaths before whimpering, "Finally...Master is...a bully..." with her copper-tone eyes glistening with impassioned light.

Smiling wryly in response to the accusation, Vahn was about to half-heartedly defend himself when Angri licked a bit of wayward saliva from the corner of her mouth and smiling as she said, "I think I might like being bullied..."

Immediately following Angri's 'admission', Yoruichi, unable to contain herself, began to laugh in a rather boisterous manner as she said, "That's the spirit! With that kind of mentality, teaching you is going to be a blast~!"

Though she was far from what some 'cultured' individuals might consider a masochist, Yoruichi had developed a particular fondness for being 'bullied' and 'punished' by Vahn. She had expected Angri to have a similar disposition based on what she knew of Fenrir's character, so, hearing the youthful-looking redhead openly admit her preferences, she couldn't help feeling vindicated. This was going to make things significantly easier moving forward, as, compared to more prideful individuals, those who were honest with their desires were a lot easier to manage.

With this in mind, Yoruichi tightened her grip on Angri's legs as she leaned into Vahn. This put a bit of a strain on the redhead's body, but it also forced her against Vahn's intrusion. As a result, another potent shiver immediately ran through her body as a hot sigh escaped her throat. This also put her ankles near Vahn's shoulders, so, taking advantage of the opportunity, Vahn kissed the pink pad on the bottom of Angri's foot before snaking his hands around Yoruichi's waist to grab her shapely yet pliant posterior. This, in turn, provided him much greater leverage, and, as a result of their proximity to one another, it also allowed him to entangle his tongue with Yoruichi's as Angri writhed between them...


Due to the redhead practically begging him to 'dye her in his colors', Angri, covered in a copious amount of bodily fluid, could be seen sleeping in a rather slovenly position as Vahn and Yoruichi cuddled nearby. The former had a characteristically wry smile on his face, but, as the person who had been inciting Angri throughout the seven-hour session, Yoruichi had an almost motherly smile on her face as she mused, "That girl has potential..."

Restraining the urge to issue a dry laugh, Vahn continued to lightly massage Yoruichi's smooth yet taut abdomen as he remarked, "I'm almost afraid to ask what you mean..."

Seemingly amused by this statement, a teasing smile immediately developed across Yoruichi's face as she turned to meet his gaze and explain, "I was trying to imply that she would work her tail off to become stronger. You just need to make sure you're rewarding us properly for our efforts...though, based on how things played out, I would argue that you were the one receiving an award. You have a bit of a sadistic side locked away behind that kind smile of yours..."

Though he wanted to point out that she and Angri were the ones riling him up, Vahn knew better than anyone how much his reservations towards such plays had waned with the passage of time. In the past, he always felt at least a little uncomfortable, but, after accruing a considerable amount of experience with Theo, Lakshmibai, Mash, Karin, Arusha, and even Yoruichi herself, it was now just as natural to him as traditional lovemaking. He even found himself enjoying it at times, as, compared to 'normal' girls, those with masochistic tendencies were extremely honest with their reactions and desires...

Taking note of Vahn's silence, Yoruichi's smile became even more noticeable as raised her head to pierce his ear with her rather prominent canines. This caused Vahn to wince slightly, but, rather than resist, he allowed her to lap up his blood and groom the side of his head with her cat-like tongue. It was only after her tongue became noticeably soft and slimy that he pulled his head away, asking, "Is this your way of telling me you want to go another round...?"

Chuckling in response to Vahn's words, Yoruichi pulled his head back towards her, declaring, "If I wanted you to fuck me, I would just tell you to do it..." before continuing to lick in and around his ear. This left Vahn feeling a little helpless, but, knowing she could be a little quirky at times, he just allowed Yoruichi to do as she pleased while casually fondling her breasts. This earned him another chuckle from the bronzed-skin beauty, who, rather than ceasing her actions, whispered, "Turn your head so I can get at your other ear..."

Despite rolling his eyes, Vahn ultimately complied with Yoruichi's request by allowing her to tilt his head rather forcibly to the side. This made it significantly more difficult to fiddle with her breasts, so, for the better part of ten minutes, he just enjoyed their softness against his cheek as Yoruichi awkwardly cleaned his ears. By the end of it, he was actually beginning to enjoy the slimy sensation, his expression relaxing until Yoruichi huskily whispered, "It seems your masochistic tendencies are also developing rather nicely as of late..."

Frowning in response to Yoruichi's words, Vahn was about to refute them when she added, "It's not a bad thing...it just shows how considerate you are of your partner. Even though you didn't like it in the beginning, you still let me do as I pleased without protest. Now, despite the passage of only a few minutes, you're even beginning to enjoy it...am I wrong?"

Exhaling a sigh, Vahn moved to a seated position before using a cloth to clean the saliva from his left ear as he asked, "So? What is it you're trying to teach me? That we all have a few masochistic tendencies within us?"

Giggling in response to Vahn's somewhat standoffish words, Yoruichi nestled a little closer to him, her breasts pressing against his chest as she turned her eyes up and said, "It's more important that you understand the only reason we behave like this is that you're our partner...rather than trying to categorize our behavior, you should just continue being yourself and doing as you please. Trust me, if you mess up, we'll be sure to let you know..."

With that said, Yoruichi pushed Vahn over before straddling his waist in a mounting position. Then, with one of the more seductive expressions he had ever seen on her face, she expertly maneuvered his glans to her entrance before asserting, "There are times when even I want to be on the top..." as her hips lowered to consume the full length of his rather sizeable 'dragon'. Then, as her hips began to sway in a rhythmic manner reminiscent of samba or belly dancing, she sent a playful wink to the side where Angri, for quite a while now, had been observing them through squinted eyelids...

Having noticed Angri's stirring long ago, Vahn was starting to understand what Yoruichi was up to. She was demonstrating to the inexperienced Vanargandr, that, despite placing herself in what many would consider a submissive position as his pet, she was there entirely by choice. Thus, rather than saying she was lowering herself, it was more accurate to say she was making herself vulnerable for the person she loved. It was an expression of trust, and, due to their mutual feelings, it was possible to reverse the dynamic between them under the right conditions. This was an important lesson as it not only demonstrated her superior position as Angri's incumbent mentor, but, most importantly, it illustrated that two of the most important aspects of developing a healthy relationship were mutual trust and a marginal amount of compromise...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'We're getting to lewdness levels that shouldn't even be possible...!','Everyone is a masochist under the right conditions xD...','The only thing missing from this scene is Yoruichi telling Vahn to call her sensei...')

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