
The shattered blade.

The two guests walked into the club room, they were two young ladies.

They made contact with Issei the other day by chance and relayed their intentions on speaking to the acting devils in the area.

A soon as the two girls walked into the room, there was a tugging sensation on their blades.

The blue haried girl who's name was Xenovia, she kept hers in a pocket dimension.

The other girl, Irina, kept hers as a bracelet on her arm.

Both of the blades immediately sprang forth and shot towards Saber who had been sitting on the other side of the room.

Everyone looked on in confusion.

The blades stopped right In front of her and she adopted an angry expression.

"WHAT ARE THESE ABOMINATIONS?" She said, raising her voice

"What did you do to my Excalibur?" Irina said to the petite blonde.

"Mine too, it forcefully broke through its pocket dimension." Xenovia Added.

Saber ignored the two girls and continued to examine the blades.

"You poor things…" She quietly said towards the blades.

She could feel the pain and sorrow the Excalibur pieces experienced. They were broken long ago and forcefully forged into some cheap knock-offs.

"Don't ignore us you heathen" Irina said angrily.

Saber reached out to grab the handle of the blades.

Xenovia who saw this had a sneer on her face

"Like a devil could ever hope to wield my….." Her expression changed drastically.

Saber held both blades without any discomfort, in fact they blades welcomed her like they were returning to their mother.

"How dare anyone call these Excalibur" She said with anger in her force.

"Excalibur is more than just a name for a sword, it's a representation. It's the declaration to all who hear its name" Saber exclaimed.

"These are but cheap knock-offs, and the next time I hear you refer them to as Excalibur, I will shatter them" She finished as she willed the blades to go back to their wielders.

She wasn't heartless, she wasn't going to 'steal' the blades from these two girls. With the limited amount of power left in each fragment, they did choose these two particular exorcists to wield them.

Saber abruptly got up and walked out of the room, Shirou followed behind to give emotional support.

The room was silent, besides the two exorcists who were apparently ignorant on Saber's identity, they all knew her identity and the weight behind her words.

"Whats her problem?" Irina couldn't help but ask.

"How did she touch the holy blades, she should have been burned or repelled?" Xenovia added in.

"Did you two not watch the recent rating game?" Sona questioned the two exorcists.

"Why would we watch some devils fight each other?" Xenovia said arrogantly.

"Do you have a cell phone?" Rias asked.

"….yes?" Irina answered with confusion.

"Go outside and call your superior, tell them what just transpired between you and Miss Artoria" Sona said emotionlessly.

Xenovia and Irina looked at each other before stepping outside and calling up their mentor.

Certain muffled voices could be heard from outside the door. It sounded as if someone was screaming at them through the phone with Xenovia and Irina both gasping at certain information that had been revealed.

They hung up after the verbal onslaught they had just experienced.

They were still in the shock at the information they had received.

They called King Arthur a Heathen.

Kiba had been surprisingly calm during this whole encounter. He had one purpose that was driving him in his current life. He wanted to destroy all the Excaliburs. He was apart of an illegal experiment.

Him and some other children were to have their light element forcefully taken out to make an artificial holy sword wielder. It was thought that you needed to have a large amount of light element to wield a holy sword.

He was the only survivor of the experiment and he ran away. He learned it was created to make wielders for the Excaliburs so he swore vengeance on the blades. But after experiencing the true light of Excalibur from the rating game….his heart had doubts. He felt the emotions from his fallen comrades, he wondered if this is what they would want for him. He was confused so he just watched on for now.

The two exorcists walked back into the club room a few minutes later. They were still a bit shacken by recent revelations.

There was an awkward silence that was broken by Ichigo.

"What are you here?" He asked the girls.

They quickly calmed themselves and got down to business.

"Two Excali....Fragments were stolen from the church recently. We tracked them to this town." Irina said.

"Does the church want our help in recovering them?" Rias asked.

"No, we ask that you stay out of the way" Xenovia said.

"Let me get this straight…..two fragments get stolen, so they send two more fragments after the thiefs and in the hands of two exorcists with very little experience?" Ichigo asked, holding the bridge of his nose.

"Who are you calling inexperienced?!" Irina said with annoyance.

"The two girls who walk into territory of what is supposed to be their enemies without even doing basic information gathering" Ichigo retorted.

"I'm guessing the only qualification you two had, was the fact that you could also wield holy blades?" Ichigo asked.

There was an uneasy expression on both the exorcists faces.

"To add onto this, I'm guessing this is par for the course when capturing run away holy blades. So that means the thief's would most likely know you both would come after them and probably set a trap of sorts. And coming into such volatile territory would mean that the church couldn't swarm the area" Ichigo deduced.

"You bring up some good points" Sona said with praise.

"That is surprisingly well thought out for someone who parked a boat in the middle of their house" Rias said with a smirk.

Ichigo let out a sigh. He was never going to live this down.

"You are free to move around, but we can't guarantee we wont intervene" Rias finally said.

If it was an hour ago, these girls may have argued and prattled on about some nonsensical superiority complex. But right now, they were feeling a bit in over their heads.

They could only nod in agreement before abruptly leaving. There was too much information for them to process right then and there.

"What do we do now?" Xenovia asked her partner.

"I don't know….." Irina said with an exhausted expression.


Shirou had followed Saber outside after she got up and left. He could tell her mood was sour at finding the Excalibur of this world.

She was sitting on a bench in the now empty school.

He didn't say anything as he sat down and put his arm around her.

She leaned into him and closed her eyes, it was a bit emotional for her. Seeing a shattered Excalibur, even if it wasn't hers, it was depressing. It represented her whole legacy and in this world is was broken to pieces.

The broken Excalibur did confirm one thing though. It proved that this world's counterparts to noble phantasms were weaker than theirs. They hypothesized as much when they saw Caliburn and now they could almost say with certainty.

"Do you want to go shopping with me?" Shirou asked quietly to his lover.

She perked up at this, shopping with Shirou meant dinner ingredients.

He usually refused to take her as she would demand almost everything in the grocery store as they walked by.

"Lets go" Saber said excitedly, pulling Shirou along with her.

Saber and Shirou were walking through town, hand in hand. It was a lovely date for the both of them.

Shirou was secretly dreading the grocery shopping he was going to have to do. He wondered if the store had enough carts….

As he was lost in thought, he was suddenly tugged to a halt by saber. Saber abruptly stopped to stare through a store window.

Shirou saw what she was staring at and let out a long sigh. He brought his lover into the store and made a large purchase.

Shirou and Saber continued to walk down the street. Or alteast Saber tried to. She was carrying something rather large….a stuffed lion that was almost the size of her.

Saber had two weaknesses. The first one being food, she was a glutton. The second were lions/cats.

There was the one time Shirou took her to the Zoo….She jumped down into he Lion Enclosure and proceeded to tackle the closest lion. She refused to let the poor animal go, the king of the animal kingdom had submitted to the King of Knights.

They were not allowed back in afterwards.

He wouldn't mention that she could stuff it into her magic bag that she got in Azeroth. He couldn't help but admit she looked extremely cute trying to walk around while hugging it.

"As long as she's happy" Shirou thought to himself.

As they continued walking, they came up on a large crowd. They were watching two oddly dressed girls arguing with a vendor.

The vendor, clearly a scammer, was trying to sell a painting of Jesus to what appeared to be nuns.

Shirou and Saber recognized these "nuns" immediately.

Shirou looked over to his lover who gave him a look that said "not my problem". He sighed again before walking over to help.

"It's a fake" a voice was heard behind the two girls.

They both turned around to see who was speaking. They recognized the man as one of the devils in the peerage they had just met. He went after…..The king, after she angrily left.

It only took a moment before the seller grabbed his stuff and bolted, Shirou had ran into this man before and helped anyone who was about to be scammed.

"Thank you…." Xenovia said, with a bit of embarrassment.

"Not a problem, where are you two staying? I don't mind giving you directions so you don't run into anymore scammers" He said with a chuckle.

"Well….we were supposed to be staying at the church in town…." Irina said hesitantly.

They walked into the church initially…. apparently no one had cleaned it up since Shirou's little battle.

"Ah…..i'm sorry." Shirou apologized.

They looked at him in confusion.

"I was the only who did that…." He said awkwardly.

They stared at him for a moment, not quite sure what to say.

"I guess I can offer a place to stay until your business is gone…." He offered.

"You want us to stay with some devils?" Xenovia said with surprise.

"Will….Miss Artoria be there?" Irina interjected.

"Yes, she lives there as well" Shirou said with a smile as he looked over to the giant stuffed lion poking out above the crowd.

Saber pushed her way forward to join them. Irina and Xenovia both saw….the King of Knights hugging a giant stuffed lion like it was her most precious treasure.

Saber didn't say anything as the group walked back towards the mansion.

"If you don't mind me asking…what is the relationship between you two?" Irina politely asked.

"Girlfriend, Lover, fiancé….take your pick" Shirou answered bluntly. Saber was sporting a blush after she heard her lover announce their relationship.

"How did you two meet?" Xenovia asked with interest.

"It's a long story, basically I came into possession of something that belonged to her" Shirou answered.

They both had confused expressions at his vagueness.

"He got a hold of Avalon" Saber said bluntly.

Their eyes went wide at her revelation. He somehow got a hold of the legendary scabbard to Excalibur…..

"Wait…..Avalon doesn't exist…?" Xenovia said. It was common knowledge that the scabbard Avalon was a myth along with other facets of her legend.

Shirou signed as he pulled forth the scabbard form within himself.

It's light began to shine brightly, they were away from any humans so it wouldn't cause any commotion.

The two exorcists stared wide-eyed at the sheath in front of them. IT was…..breathtaking. The light was warm and welcoming. It was the purest thing they've ever seen.

After they got an eye-full, Shirou put the scabbard back into himself.

"If Avalon is real…does that mean you also have the spear Rhongomyniad?" Irvina asked.

Saber didn't confirm, only a smile formed on her lips.

Some more fun time as the plot gradually progresses. Its a bit difficult to not just jump straight into the climax of DxD Stolen blades plot. Also "hinted" at a future plot device centered around Saber, wink wink.

Anyways, next chapter should be tomorrow either in the morning or at night.

Coraultencreators' thoughts
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